
Biden was defeated, and in less than 24 hours, Zelensky announced that the war would end as soon as possible, and China needed to prepare

author:Hello comrade

I thought that the TV debate of the U.S. election would be a war of words and a wonderful showdown, but I didn't expect it to be a live broadcast of two old men carrying out "personal attacks" on each other, and it was in this situation that Biden, who was obviously not as good as Trump, was "beaten" and retreated. Now not only the Americans are dumbfounded, but the allies of the United States are also worried, once Trump takes office, everything will be reversed, especially Ukraine, which is now close to the United States, reacted as soon as possible: end the war as soon as possible!

Biden was defeated, and in less than 24 hours, Zelensky announced that the war would end as soon as possible, and China needed to prepare

Concerns of the "driver".

Why is Ukraine panicking in the US election?

First of all, during the Biden administration, Ukraine can be said to have received "full support" from the United States, which not only assisted Ukraine with a large number of artillery shells and weapons, but also instigated the NATO bloc to continuously increase military investment in Ukraine.

This assistance has been key to sustaining Ukraine to where it is today.

Despite the fact that this military aid is at the expense of Ukraine's state property, Zelensky clearly does not care about this, for him there is an artillery shell to fight for a day.

Biden was defeated, and in less than 24 hours, Zelensky announced that the war would end as soon as possible, and China needed to prepare

But Trump clearly does not support Ukraine.

Trump has said publicly more than once that Ukraine will not be able to win the war and will face the dilemma of running out of manpower.

For a shrewd businessman, knowing that it will end up being a loss-making transaction, there is naturally no need to continue to increase investment.

Therefore, once Trump takes office, he is likely to cut off aid to Ukraine at a very fast speed, and the rest of the NATO brothers will naturally no longer help, so what Ukraine will face can be imagined.

Moreover, now Belarus has also increased the deployment of troops on the border, and there is a momentum to start if there is a disagreement.

Biden was defeated, and in less than 24 hours, Zelensky announced that the war would end as soon as possible, and China needed to prepare

Therefore, after the first round of the televised debate of the US presidential election on the evening of June 27, Zelensky quickly held a press conference, saying that he did not want the conflict to continue for a long time, and that a just peace must be achieved as soon as possible.

But he was a bit of a self-talker, saying that he had prepared a peace plan that was "supported by the majority of the world" and that he expected to hold a peace conference and invite Russia to participate. I don't know if this is true or not.

However, it can be seen that Zelensky is not confident in Biden's re-election, so who will the US president end up with?

Biden was defeated, and in less than 24 hours, Zelensky announced that the war would end as soon as possible, and China needed to prepare

Understand the duel between King and Sleepy Joe

I won't go into the past achievements and policies of Trump and Biden here, after all, there are a thousand Hamlets in the eyes of a thousand people, and the fact that they can go to the final showdown shows that in a sense, they are indeed evenly divided, but if you look at the TV debate between the two in recent days, Trump is undoubtedly the overwhelming winner.

Throughout the debate, Trump was very clear in his thinking, especially in his mind.

Biden was defeated, and in less than 24 hours, Zelensky announced that the war would end as soon as possible, and China needed to prepare

Biden, on the other hand, talked for a long time that the United States is the greatest and that the American economy is strong.

Compared to Trump, Biden is saying something very hollow.

Despite the fact that both men are quite old, Trump is 78 and Biden is 81. But Trump's arguments are clearly laid out, not as aggressive as before, and there is still vitality.

On the other hand, Biden's speech, as well as his body language, is like an elderly man talking in his sleep.

You don't need to know English at all, just listen to him speak weakly, and you don't know what he wants to say.

Biden was defeated, and in less than 24 hours, Zelensky announced that the war would end as soon as possible, and China needed to prepare

Trump also displayed the "aggressiveness" that Americans like in the debate.

For example, when talking about the Ukraine issue, Trump directly told Biden that if I were in power back then, Russia would not dare to attack Ukraine at all, and the Russian-Ukrainian war would not have happened.

The war has brought so much damage to Ukraine because Putin is not afraid of Biden.

And Biden is powerless to fight back against these attacks.

Biden was defeated, and in less than 24 hours, Zelensky announced that the war would end as soon as possible, and China needed to prepare

China should be prepared

In fact, whether it is Trump taking office or Biden being re-elected, China should be prepared in advance.

China's industrial upgrading has seriously threatened the hegemony of the United States, and the two parties in the United States have the same goal of containing China, but they have different opinions on the way.

The Republican Party has adopted a more radical approach, regarding China as the biggest threat, advocating "uniting Russia with China" and giving up some European interests in exchange for Russia's support, so that Russia can cooperate with the anti-China policy of the United States and complete the "O-shaped encirclement" against China.

Biden was defeated, and in less than 24 hours, Zelensky announced that the war would end as soon as possible, and China needed to prepare

The Democrats, on the other hand, believe that Europe is more important. Abandoning Europe's fundamentals is likely to lead to Europe getting out of control and shaking the foundation of US hegemony.

Therefore, the Democratic Party believes that it is necessary to continue to aid Ukraine, weaken Russia, and at the same time further tie up Europe, suck blood, hollow out European industry, and move European industry to the United States to realize the reindustrialization of the United States.

China's own development and growth is the most important, to complete industrial upgrading, scientific and technological progress as soon as possible, to seize the high-end manufacturing industry.

Biden was defeated, and in less than 24 hours, Zelensky announced that the war would end as soon as possible, and China needed to prepare

China is good at taoguang and obscurity

Fortunately, after the ups and downs of modern times, we are especially good at taoguang and obscurity.

After China's accession to the WTO, it took only 20 years to complete the primitive accumulation of capital and industrial upgrading.

By keeping a low profile, China has avoided excessive attention and interference by external forces in recent years, and has reduced the negative impact of external factors on domestic politics and economy.

This strategy reduces external pressure and intervention, helps the state to concentrate on the development of internal economic and social affairs, and improves the overall stability and security of the country.

Biden was defeated, and in less than 24 hours, Zelensky announced that the war would end as soon as possible, and China needed to prepare

In international relations, powerful countries are often subject to vigilance and competition from other countries, and if countries are too assertive of power or adopt aggressive policies, they may lead to confrontation and conflict.

On the contrary, by keeping the light and cultivating obscurity, the country can temporarily hide its true strength and intentions, wait for the opportunity, effectively avoid conflicts and wars, and strive for more opportunities and space for future development.

By maintaining a low-key and prudent foreign policy, China has established a rational and responsible image, and strengthened the trust and respect of the international community for China.

Biden was defeated, and in less than 24 hours, Zelensky announced that the war would end as soon as possible, and China needed to prepare

This trust and respect helps countries exert greater influence in international affairs and promote cooperation and exchanges with other countries.

All in all, China's diplomacy and strategic tactics today are of great positive significance for the country's development and security.

It not only helps to maintain the stability and security of the country, but also buys more space and time for the country to develop, maintains diplomatic flexibility and strategy, and enhances the country's international image and status.

Biden was defeated, and in less than 24 hours, Zelensky announced that the war would end as soon as possible, and China needed to prepare

No matter who wins the U.S. election, it will not be able to stop the great pace of China's rejuvenation.

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