
Xiao S denied that the show was restarted and missed the old days

author:Peng Yuyan's Quanzhou feast

I heard that there was a news recently, someone broke the news that "Avenue of Stars" was about to restart, but the host of the show, Xiao S, denied this, saying that there was no plan to restart. I have to say that this news has aroused heated discussions and nostalgia among many audiences.

Xiao S denied that the show was restarted and missed the old days

recalled that "Avenue of Stars" was all the rage as a reality show music show, pushing countless young talents onto the stage. It has left a deep imprint in the hearts of many viewers, as if it has become a precious memory of youth.

Xiao S denied that the show was restarted and missed the old days

Many people are looking forward to the restart of the show, hoping to feel the soul-stirring music again and see the birth of a new generation of stars. However, the denial of this news has left people with some disappointment and confusion.

Xiao S denied that the show was restarted and missed the old days

While Xiao S denied it, some people began to doubt the authenticity of the revelations. Perhaps some people deliberately created rumors to attract public attention in order to attract attention. Such an approach is undoubtedly irresponsible and disrespectful to the audience.

Xiao S denied that the show was restarted and missed the old days

But whether it is restarted or not, we can't deny the significance of the show "Avenue of Stars" to those contestants and audiences back then. For the contestants, this stage is an opportunity for them to realize their musical dreams and a stage for them to exercise their talents. For the audience, this show brings them endless fun and emotion, and also allows them to see the power of music.

Xiao S denied that the show was restarted and missed the old days

At the same time, "Avenue of Fame" has also sparked some controversy. Some people believe that a show that focuses too much on showmanship and performance can lead to the neglect of real musical talent. Moreover, some contestants frequently stage personal tragicomedies, which makes people begin to doubt the moral bottom line of the show's producers.

Xiao S denied that the show was restarted and missed the old days

Regarding these controversies, public opinion from all walks of life is mixed. Some people believe that "Avenue of Stars" represents the dreams and pursuits of young people at that time, and is a force of positive energy. Others believe that the Walk of Fame is just a commercial form of entertainment that doesn't help much for true music education and artistic pursuits.

Either way, everyone has their own opinions and aesthetic standards. For those who love music, whether it is the reboot of "Walk of Fame" or another similar music show, it will become their long-awaited feast. And for people who don't pay much attention to music, this is just a touch of the scenery in the entertainment industry.

Regardless of the position, we should respect the choices and preferences of others. Music is a common language that connects different people and emotions. Whether it's on the stage of "Walk of Fame" or anywhere else, as long as the music is still there, we can find our own Walk of Fame.

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