
The man went home after acupuncture and found 7 needles on his head, and claimed 30,000 yuan from the hospital, and the fryer in the comment area


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The man went home after acupuncture and found 7 needles on his head, and claimed 30,000 yuan from the hospital, and the fryer in the comment area


Recently, after a Zhejiang man went home from acupuncture in the hospital, he found that there were still 7 needles on his head that had not been pulled out, which caused heated discussions among netizens for a while.

The man went home after acupuncture and found 7 needles on his head, and claimed 30,000 yuan from the hospital, and the fryer in the comment area

The event passed

A man in Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province, who suffered a stroke a few years ago, has been receiving acupuncture treatment at a local hospital recently. That day, as usual, after the treatment, the man returned home to rest as advised by the doctor.

The man went home after acupuncture and found 7 needles on his head, and claimed 30,000 yuan from the hospital, and the fryer in the comment area

Unexpectedly, during the meal, his wife suddenly found that there was a suspected acupuncture needle on the man's head that had not been pulled out. There is only one needle, there are 7 needles, and one of the needles has been obviously deformed, which makes the man feel very shocked and panicked.

The man went home after acupuncture and found 7 needles on his head, and claimed 30,000 yuan from the hospital, and the fryer in the comment area

Oh my God, what kind of mistake was made, the patient was sent home without the needles being removed, is there no need to check the number of needles after the treatment is over?

Contact the hospital

According to the man's description, in the face of such a situation, he also contacted the relevant staff of the hospital as soon as possible and told the other party about his situation, and the hospital also actively dealt with the matter after learning about it. The hospital said: Our skull is still relatively hard, and it is generally impossible to penetrate it.

The man went home after acupuncture and found 7 needles on his head, and claimed 30,000 yuan from the hospital, and the fryer in the comment area

It is understood that the hospital expressed a sincere apology for the incident, and the hospital said that it was willing to reduce the man's treatment fee and give him some transportation compensation.

The man went home after acupuncture and found 7 needles on his head, and claimed 30,000 yuan from the hospital, and the fryer in the comment area

The man disagreed with the hospital's handling of the situation, and when it came to the specific issue of compensation, the man put forward his own request, hoping that the hospital could give 30,000 yuan in financial compensation.

The man went home after acupuncture and found 7 needles on his head, and claimed 30,000 yuan from the hospital, and the fryer in the comment area

In the face of such a compensation claim, the hospital felt that it was a little tricky, and they believed that the compensation amount of 30,000 yuan was too high and did not quite meet the actual situation.

The needle left on the head, it will inevitably cause some harm to the patient, even if there is no physical injury, it is inevitable mentally, the hospital did not accept the man's compensation plan, and the man decided to take legal means to solve the matter.

The man went home after acupuncture and found 7 needles on his head, and claimed 30,000 yuan from the hospital, and the fryer in the comment area

Netizens' opinions

Faced with what happened to the man, netizens expressed their opinions. Some netizens think: Didn't you forget to pull out the needle? If you pull it out yourself, you will get it, and the compensation will be 30,000 yuan, and it will be a bit of a slander to say it.

The man went home after acupuncture and found 7 needles on his head, and claimed 30,000 yuan from the hospital, and the fryer in the comment area

Some netizens believe that the man's behavior is purely blackmail, and forgetting to pull out the needle is not a big deal, after all, there is no substantial harm.

The man went home after acupuncture and found 7 needles on his head, and claimed 30,000 yuan from the hospital, and the fryer in the comment area

Some netizens also think: The hospital said that the post-treatment will be reduced, but after such carelessness, will you dare to come to this hospital for treatment in the future? It is normal to ask for compensation for physical and mental damage.

The man went home after acupuncture and found 7 needles on his head, and claimed 30,000 yuan from the hospital, and the fryer in the comment area

If you meet an acupuncturist who is a master in the industry, then after such a trouble, it is possible to miss this noble person in health. It's understandable that you are busy at work and negligent for a while, but after all, if you are wrong, you are wrong, and you should make a little punishment and compensation appropriately to avoid recurrence. But if it doesn't cause serious medical accidents, 30,000 is obviously a bit much, and there is an act of extortion, which cannot be connived at.

The man went home after acupuncture and found 7 needles on his head, and claimed 30,000 yuan from the hospital, and the fryer in the comment area
The man went home after acupuncture and found 7 needles on his head, and claimed 30,000 yuan from the hospital, and the fryer in the comment area

Some netizens in the same industry said: I have been doing acupuncture for 20 years, and there are still a few cases one after another, and it is estimated that there are five or six cases of some patients who bring needles home, and no one bothers me. Am I lucky? -Don't be too greedy, some things have cause and effect.

The man went home after acupuncture and found 7 needles on his head, and claimed 30,000 yuan from the hospital, and the fryer in the comment area

Medical malpractice has always been the focus of social attention, and when dealing with medical malpractice, the interest dispute between the hospital and the patient has often become the focus of public opinion, and it is often difficult for the two parties to reach an agreement on the amount of compensation, which is easy to cause disputes. especially

The man went home after acupuncture and found 7 needles on his head, and claimed 30,000 yuan from the hospital, and the fryer in the comment area

In the case of similar medical malpractice, how should hospitals and patients deal with it in order to achieve fairness and justice?

The focus of the controversy

The man's claim for compensation has sparked some controversy, and many netizens have had a heated discussion on the matter, and they have put forward different views on the man's claim for compensation.

The man went home after acupuncture and found 7 needles on his head, and claimed 30,000 yuan from the hospital, and the fryer in the comment area

Some netizens said that as a patient, it is understandable to ask for certain financial compensation after suffering medical malpractice, after all, this involves their own legitimate rights and interests, and in the process of receiving treatment, the patient has indeed suffered a certain amount of injury and distress, and appropriate compensation can also play a certain role in comforting.

The man went home after acupuncture and found 7 needles on his head, and claimed 30,000 yuan from the hospital, and the fryer in the comment area

However, some netizens believe that the compensation amount of 30,000 yuan proposed by the man is indeed too high, although the hospital was negligent in the treatment process, but the final result still did not bring substantial harm to Mr. Li, and the hospital has also given corresponding treatment and compensation, when determining the amount of compensation, it is necessary to fully consider the actual situation of both parties, and cannot claim excessively.

The man went home after acupuncture and found 7 needles on his head, and claimed 30,000 yuan from the hospital, and the fryer in the comment area

What do you think about the man's claim for compensation from the hospital? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss.


The occurrence of medical malpractice often brings certain injuries and tests to both patients and hospitals, and when dealing with medical malpractice, communication and understanding between both parties are particularly important, and it is hoped that through the joint efforts of both parties, a fair and just solution can be found.

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