
Monday Wai Minghan's "Condor Shooting" Yin and Yang script! The male protagonist became a male partner, and replied to netizens: Admit it!

author:Rui Luo looks at entertainment
Monday Wai Minghan's "Condor Shooting" Yin and Yang script! The male protagonist became a male partner, and replied to netizens: Admit it!

Recently, a remark on the Internet on Monday has sparked widespread discussion and repercussions. These remarks mainly revolved around his disappointment and criticism during the production of the TV series "Jin Yong's Martial Arts World".

Zhou Yiwei was at the Tencent conference at the time, and his eyebrows fluttered to talk about his interest in the chapter of "East Evil and West Poison". He bluntly said that this is a character and script that he has been looking forward to for a long time, and he thinks the script submitted by director Xu Bing is very interesting. This passage immediately aroused warm applause from the audience and the expectations of netizens. Many fans left messages on social media saying that they were looking forward to seeing Zhou Yiwei perform this role brilliantly.

The real problem came during the filming of the script. Monday began to feel some unusual changes. The roles and scenes he was looking forward to were unexpectedly adjusted during the actual shooting. There are reports that the scenes he originally expected were drastically revised in the later script adjustments, and more than once. This makes Zhou Zhouwei's expressions and emotions start to become a little complicated, and although he tries to stay professional, his dissatisfaction outside the camera has become difficult to hide.

Monday Wai Minghan's "Condor Shooting" Yin and Yang script! The male protagonist became a male partner, and replied to netizens: Admit it!

Netizens' reactions to this matter are also varied. Some loyal fans were disappointed, posting on social media, "This script has changed too much! We were expecting a return on the classic characters, but we saw a completely different change. Others try to understand from the perspective of the director and the production team, "It may be due to the needs of the plot, but such a drastic adjustment does surprise the audience." ”

In the face of these changes, Zhou Yiwei also posted on social media, bluntly expressing his dissatisfaction. When replying to fans in the comment area, he wrote, "I was also surprised by some scenes, I don't know why I changed it so much, I hope you can understand." This remark sparked more attention and discussion, and some netizens praised his candor as a responsible response to fans. But some people are worried that such a public statement may affect the audience's reputation and broadcast effect of the series.

Monday Wai Minghan's "Condor Shooting" Yin and Yang script! The male protagonist became a male partner, and replied to netizens: Admit it!

After Zhou Yiwei's criticism and disappointment of the TV series "Jin Yong's Martial Arts World" sparked heated discussions, netizens began to have a heated discussion about the quality and content of the series. There are a variety of opinions and opinions on social media, and the discussion of the characterization and plot changes in the show is particularly interesting.

Some netizens expressed their understanding of the changes to the series, thinking that the changes in the plot may be to attract more viewers or better present the main storyline. A netizen left a message on Weibo: "It may be that in order to adapt to the tastes and viewing habits of modern audiences, the script has made some adjustments, which is also understandable in terms of commercial considerations." "They believe that the producer of the series has the right to make the necessary adjustments to the script to ensure the overall quality and audience acceptance of the series.

Monday Wai Minghan's "Condor Shooting" Yin and Yang script! The male protagonist became a male partner, and replied to netizens: Admit it!

Other netizens expressed strong dissatisfaction with the changes to the series. A loyal fan posted on the forum and complained: "We were looking forward to the original Jin Yong world, but what we saw was a lot of adaptations and confusion of character positioning. This completely deprived me of the motivation to continue following the show. These views reflect the expectation of some viewers to remain faithful to the original work in the creation of the series, and want to see a more traditional and classic expression.

Zhou Yiwei did not hesitate to express his views and emotions in the face of the different views of netizens. He was outspoken in his criticism of the development direction of the series on social platforms, believing that the changes in certain characters and plots seriously affected the overall viewing experience. Replying to fans in the comments section, he wrote: "I'm a little disappointed with these changes, and I don't understand why they are being changed in this way. His frankness sparked more resonance and discussion among netizens, with some supporting his views as a legitimate expression of concern about the quality of the series.

Monday Wai Minghan's "Condor Shooting" Yin and Yang script! The male protagonist became a male partner, and replied to netizens: Admit it!

Zhou Yiwei's remarks not only caused the audience to discuss the quality and content of the series, but also may have a profound impact on the audience's viewing experience and the reputation of the series. His outspoken attitude and public statements not only put pressure on the producers of the series, but also reflected certain realities and problems within the entertainment industry.

On social media, netizens reacted strongly to Zhou Yiwei's remarks. Some proponents argue that actors should have the right to criticize and concern about the quality of the series, which can help promote healthy competition in the industry and continuous improvement of productions. One fan wrote on Weibo: "Zhou Yiwei's candor is admirable, he is not only an actor, but also a representative of the audience, expressing our expectations for the quality of the work." ”

There are also some netizens who have reservations about Zhou Yiwei's remarks. One commentator noted: "As a public figure, Zhou Wei's remarks can have a significant impact on the show's reputation and market performance, and he needs to be more careful about these issues." ”

Monday Wai Minghan's "Condor Shooting" Yin and Yang script! The male protagonist became a male partner, and replied to netizens: Admit it!

And Zhou Yiwei recently became the focus of public attention because of his criticism of the production process of the TV series "Jin Yong's Martial Arts World". His speech at a Tencent conference sparked widespread discussion, mainly about his dissatisfaction with the script changes and criticism of the character changes. The remarks immediately sparked an enthusiastic response on social media, with netizens expressing their views and opinions.

Some netizens support Zhou Yiwei's position, believing that actors should have the right to question and comment on the quality of their works. A netizen named Xiao Ming wrote on Weibo: "As viewers, we invest time and emotion in the hope of seeing wonderful works. If actors can't speak out about their dissatisfaction, how can the industry make progress? He believes that Zhou Zhouwei's public statement is a kind of supervision and promotion of the producers of the series.

There were also reservations about the criticism of Zhou Zhouwei. Netizen Xiaohong expressed her understanding of the actors' emotional investment in the work, but she also pointed out: "Both actors and producers have their own difficulties, and sometimes the adjustment of the script may be for the overall effect. I hope that both parties can communicate and compromise to present a better work to the audience. ”

Monday Wai Minghan's "Condor Shooting" Yin and Yang script! The male protagonist became a male partner, and replied to netizens: Admit it!

On social media platforms, discussions about the quality of the episodes of "Jin Yong's Martial Arts World" and Zhou Yiwei's remarks gradually heated up. Some netizens pointed out that the production of modern dramas is not only about artistic creation, but also about commercial considerations and audience needs. Netizen Xiaogang believes: "The quality of the work is the key, but we can't ignore the audience's reputation and market response." Actors and producers should take into account the audience's expectations while maintaining artistic originality. ”

On the other hand, Zhou Zhouwei's criticism also provoked deep reflection on the relationship between the actor and the producer. Some netizens commented on this matter: "The cooperation between the actor and the producer is a tacit understanding and trust relationship, and if there is a disagreement, it may affect the cooperation atmosphere of the entire team and the completion of the work." They believe that celebrities need to think carefully when expressing their opinions to avoid negative impact on the project as a whole.

Monday's attitude and reaction to the "Jin Yong Martial Arts World" incident not only aroused the attention of the media and the audience, but also put forward some deep thoughts on the production of the series and industry norms. These events may have important implications and implications for the entire entertainment industry.

Monday Wai Minghan's "Condor Shooting" Yin and Yang script! The male protagonist became a male partner, and replied to netizens: Admit it!

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