
Plasma TVs are technologically advanced, why are they still eliminated? What are the advantages of LCD TVs?

author:Kaka said popular science


With the continuous development of technology, plasma technology has gradually matured, but why has this technology been eliminated in front of LCD TVs?

In recent years, LCD TV has become a major type of equipped TV in people's homes, so what are the shortcomings of TV substitution?

The reason why plasma TVs are obsolete.

Plasma TVs were born in Japan one after another,But due to the backwardness of large-size production technology,The technology at that time could not meet the production of this large-size plasma TV,But due to the promotion of plasma TV, a new display technology in the market,It also brought a vigorous fashion trend at that time。

And plasma TV also relies on its own skills,Gradually won a place in the market,The advantages of plasma TV are gradually emerging in the market。

The original plasma TV was produced with a display size of 30 inches,This TV was loved by many consumers as soon as it was listed,But the price of this TV is not cheap,It costs more than 100,000 yuan to buy it,It is almost an unaffordable price for ordinary families。

However, sales are still record-breaking and rising rapidly, and there are many consumers queuing up to buy, because at that time, Chinese generally only bought small-size TVs, and the prices of small-size TVs were generally between 5000-10000, and consumers chose it because of the advantages of plasma TVs.

Plasma TVs are technologically advanced, why are they still eliminated? What are the advantages of LCD TVs?

However, plasma TV is sought after by consumers, but it also brings many problems,This makes more people question,What are the advantages of plasma TV?

Why are plasma TVs being eliminated again?

At the time,The performance of plasma TV is actually very perfect,And with a sense of heavy pressure and three-dimensional effect,At the same time, there is a strong expressiveness,But these advantages are not the reason why it is obsolete。

Plasma TVs are technologically advanced, why are they still eliminated? What are the advantages of LCD TVs?

Plasma TVs were eventually eliminated because there is an important indicator in TVs,This is the problem of power consumption,The power consumption of plasma TVs in the process of use is too great,So plasma TVs were eliminated。

Therefore, even if plasma TV is good in terms of expressiveness and heavy pressure feeling, if it can't solve the problem of power consumption, it will eventually be gradually eliminated by the market.

Plasma TVs are technologically advanced, why are they still eliminated? What are the advantages of LCD TVs?

Why does plasma TV consume a lot of power?

In fact, plasma TV can achieve such high performance because of its choice of discharge principle, plasma TV is illuminated by a high-density discharge light source generated by a conductive plasma charge.

The discharge is induced by the point charge, and the force between the point charge and the electrostatic field is of magnitude, if it exceeds a certain electric field strength and the shielding effect of the electron cloud, then in this case the electron cloud will be torn into the electron, forming an ionic effect.

When this ionic effect is released, there will naturally be a discharge phenomenon of a gas tube, so that the plasma gas formed will have a certain discharge phenomenon, and then we can illuminate through this discharge phenomenon.

Therefore, plasma TV relies on the discharge of this plasma gas to produce a high-density light source, and then realize the lighting function.

Plasma TVs are technologically advanced, why are they still eliminated? What are the advantages of LCD TVs?

But the gas in the TV is a stable gas,It is not easy to make it form a discharge phenomenon,So in order to achieve this purpose,The control system of plasma TV is very large,This is why the power consumption of plasma TV is so large。

In addition, because the discharge phenomenon generated by plasma gas is very large, it also generates a certain amount of heat, and in order to make it not affected by heat or even burn out, it is necessary to have a large heat dissipation system.

Plasma TVs are technologically advanced, why are they still eliminated? What are the advantages of LCD TVs?

And this cooling system requires a lot of power and energy, so the power consumption when using plasma TV will also be very large.

In terms of these major power consumption,It is the reason why plasma TV was finally eliminated,And its comprehensive strength is very strong。

Its display effect is very good,Strong color reproduction ability,High brightness and high contrast,And wide viewing angles,Compared with LCD TV,The performance of plasma TV is much better。

Plasma TVs are technologically advanced, why are they still eliminated? What are the advantages of LCD TVs?

Advantages and disadvantages of LCD TVs and plasma TVs.

LCD TV and plasma TV are two kinds of TV that are currently hot,Both have their own characteristics in terms of performance,Plasma TV is gradually eliminated from the market,And LCD TV has gradually become the mainstream TV in people's homes。

So what are the advantages and disadvantages of LCD TVs and plasma TVs?

Let's compare the two and analyze their advantages and disadvantages.

First of all, from the perspective of plasma TV,Plasma TV was first born in the 20s,When plasma TV just came out,Its performance is still in a process of continuous improvement。

Plasma TVs are technologically advanced, why are they still eliminated? What are the advantages of LCD TVs?

At that time, people were full of curiosity and expectation for this new type of display screen,Plasma TV has a good three-dimensional expression,Can achieve a good three-dimensional effect,This is also one of the reasons why plasma TV was originally loved by people。

Moreover,The most obvious difference between plasma TV and LCD TV is,The display effect of plasma TV is much better than that of LCD TV。

Plasma TVs are technologically advanced, why are they still eliminated? What are the advantages of LCD TVs?

In the color gamut of plasma TV、Resolution、Color reproduction ability and sharpness and other indicators are far more than LCD TV。

Compared with plasma TV,The problem of LCD TV in terms of power consumption is much less than that of plasma TV,Although the power consumption problem of LCD TV in this regard is relatively less than that of plasma TV,But its power consumption is still less than that of plasma TV。

And plasma TV is often very perfect in the problem of display color,Because the display principle of each pixel behind the plasma TV screen is different,So white light is synthesized by dotting to pixels red、blue、Green and other colors activate red、blue、Green primary color。

And this means that plasma TV can give full play to the performance of each pixel,That is to say, the display color of each pixel of plasma TV can reach almost unlimited,This also means that plasma TV can display the color infinitely close to white light。

Plasma TVs are technologically advanced, why are they still eliminated? What are the advantages of LCD TVs?

However, the display principle of LCD TV pixels is controlled by the opening and closing of pixels, so its primary color is the red, blue, and green colors of the three primary colors, which means that there is a limit to the number of displayed colors in LCD TV, so LCD TV is much worse than plasma TV in terms of display color.

Plasma TVs are technologically advanced, why are they still eliminated? What are the advantages of LCD TVs?

Secondly, in LCD TV, because it is projected through the dot,So when displaying the color of the pixels,The backlight will be blackened first,Then control the depth of the color by changing its light transmittance,This will also make the expressiveness of the TV picture very poor,And plasma TV does not need to display the color by controlling the backlight,So it is more expressive。

Plasma TVs are technologically advanced, why are they still eliminated? What are the advantages of LCD TVs?


Therefore, in terms of display effect of plasma TV and LCD TV, it is obvious that plasma TV is better than LCD TV, but in terms of production cost and power consumption, these two indicators of plasma TV are far more than LCD TV.

When people buy TVs, they are very concerned about the power consumption of plasma TVs, so plasma TVs are gradually eliminated.

Plasma TVs are technologically advanced, why are they still eliminated? What are the advantages of LCD TVs?

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