
The RMB is strong at 7.3 life and death, and the central bank is strong: 3.2 trillion foreign reserves are short on their heads

author:Love to drink Fanta.

The Asian currency market is changing, but there is one tough guy who can stand up, and that is our renminbi. At a time when the yen, the Indian rupee and the South Korean won are all falling and falling there, the yuan is like a needle in the sea, sitting there steadily.

The RMB is strong at 7.3 life and death, and the central bank is strong: 3.2 trillion foreign reserves are short on their heads

The big backer behind it is the $3.2 trillion foreign exchange reserves of the People's Bank of China, which is not a small amount! This is the central bank's hard response to the bears.

Let's talk about this renminbi first, how can it withstand the wind and rain like this? You know, the global foreign exchange market is now called a turbulent wave, especially in Asia, which can be described as turbulent. I remember that at the end of last year, my friends in Japan may be crying, and the exchange rate of the yen against the US dollar has "dived" from 128 all the way to 159, which is called a tragedy.

The RMB is strong at 7.3 life and death, and the central bank is strong: 3.2 trillion foreign reserves are short on their heads

At the same time, the entire Asian market is trembling. India's rupee and South Korea's won are all new lows, and they are singing the song of falling prices along with the yen. In this case, you say, which currency can sit still? But you see, the renminbi is the big tree that is steady, and the wind can't blow it down.

Some people may ask, why is the renminbi so hard? It all starts with our central bank. The central bank has not built a lot in recent years, and its foreign exchange reserves are as high as 3.2 trillion US dollars, which is one of the best in the world. With such a huge "moat", it is difficult to think about the unstable renminbi.

The RMB is strong at 7.3 life and death, and the central bank is strong: 3.2 trillion foreign reserves are short on their heads

Foreign exchange reserves alone are not enough, the key depends on how the central bank operates. The central bank's strategy is clear – to keep it steady. They don't just sit and count the money, but actively speak out, emphasizing the need to maintain the stability of the exchange rate and prevent excessive fluctuations. In the face of various speculations in the market and provocations from bears, the central bank said that we have the ability and determination to maintain the stability of the RMB exchange rate.

This is not only because money can make the devil grind, but more importantly, the central bank has just the right time to use these "bullets". They didn't spray bullets randomly, but they saw the timing and hit them with one hit.

The RMB is strong at 7.3 life and death, and the central bank is strong: 3.2 trillion foreign reserves are short on their heads

With this strategy, the effect is obvious. At a time when other currencies are worried about how to stop falling, the renminbi can maintain a "calm brother" demeanor. This solid performance has naturally become a safe haven for global investors. After all, in this volatile world, who wouldn't want to keep their money in a safe place?

For those bears who want to challenge the renminbi, they have really suffered a lot in recent years. Every time they thought they had found an opportunity to launch an attack on the renminbi, the central bank always intervened in time and gave them a resounding slap in the face. It's like saying, this is my home, and you want to go wild? There are no doors!

The RMB is strong at 7.3 life and death, and the central bank is strong: 3.2 trillion foreign reserves are short on their heads

This is the story behind the extraordinary resilience of the renminbi in Asian currency markets in recent years. Strong policy support, huge foreign exchange reserves, and the central bank's precise operation combine to build an impregnable defense system. This not only protects the renminbi from external turmoil, but also provides a strong guarantee for the stability of the entire Chinese economy.

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