
Oriental Selection: Leaving Dong Yuhui, it can be said that the mountain rain is about to come, and the black clouds are pressing the city

author:Spiritual and physical practice to understand the true meaning

It seems that Dong Yuhui is really the "lucky star" of Dongfang Selection, when he was there, Dongfang Selection did smoothly and had a good reputation for popularity, and once he left Dong Yuhui, Dongfang Selection was like losing his "soul" in an instant.



To be honest, people's brain circuits are sometimes very strange, and you may not even understand why you blurted out those four words in the first place.

Oriental Selection: Leaving Dong Yuhui, it can be said that the mountain rain is about to come, and the black clouds are pressing the city

Because it's a live broadcast, it's a great test of on-the-spot reaction, and sometimes there are some mistakes, which should be said to be inevitable, but this time this slip of the tongue is indeed a bit outrageous.

If there is such a serious mistake, what needs to be done is to apologize as soon as possible and sincerely, and then it is to "stand up and be beaten", and how to do it?

Oriental Selection: Leaving Dong Yuhui, it can be said that the mountain rain is about to come, and the black clouds are pressing the city

First of all, it is to respond after the past week, at this time, it can barely be regarded as better than nothing, better later than never, and the reason given is that it takes time to digest, is it that complicated?

In addition, he also posted such a "huge work", saying that it is not a quibble, no one believes it, that if it is wrong, it is wrong, just apologize sincerely, and don't engage in so many "twists and turns".


不得不说,“不是一家人不进一家门”,东方甄选主播YOYO,在‬直播‬时‬,公开‬爆料‬,“房间里有一只巨大的蜘蛛,甚至比我的腿还要长。 ”

Even after the broadcast, she also tweeted a similar opinion through social media, it seems that this incident really touched her, and she didn't realize the seriousness of the problem at all, and she still used it as a fun "meme", enjoying it and repeating it.

Oriental Selection: Leaving Dong Yuhui, it can be said that the mountain rain is about to come, and the black clouds are pressing the city

Not only that, she also complained about the weather in Guizhou "unbearable high temperature", I really don't know how it was suddenly inspired, even if you want to complain, you have to seek truth from facts, local netizens feedback shows that the local climate is 25 degrees, which is completely incompatible with "unbearable high temperature".

Oriental Selection: Leaving Dong Yuhui, it can be said that the mountain rain is about to come, and the black clouds are pressing the city

Are these people here to promote Guizhou's cultural tourism, or to "smash the field", one will "the mountains and rivers will be broken", one will be "unbearable heat", and one will have a big spider longer than legs...... It is no wonder that the official Guizhou Cultural Tourism deleted all videos related to Oriental Selection.

Oriental Selection: Leaving Dong Yuhui, it can be said that the mountain rain is about to come, and the black clouds are pressing the city



"Many years later, you have forgotten some of the things you did and some of the things you said, but it may cause a lot of pain to the person in question, to some of the people you have slandered."

"I would like to suggest to you that if you really don't know the truth, you can wait, and if you think you have the truth, then you can take a look at the video that you have for a few minutes? If you're receiving money or some other situation, don't mind, because people who pretend not to understand, pretend not to understand, and pretend to be asleep will never understand. ”

Oriental Selection: Leaving Dong Yuhui, it can be said that the mountain rain is about to come, and the black clouds are pressing the city

The incident has already cooled down, and now you are taking the initiative to provoke these incidents, aren't you "lifting a stone to shoot yourself in the foot"? The key is that how many of you can really listen to your preaching and chicken soup and change the true view in your heart?



During the live broadcast, the anchor directly expressed his disappointment with the company's management, saying that he didn't know what things could be done and what things could not be done, and the company did not discuss many things with the anchor.

Such a simple and crude complaint, it seems that it has also accumulated a stomach of resentment, from another point of view, there may be more serious problems in the company's management.


Dongfang selection has made mistakes one after another, and it seems that the employees cannot be completely blamed, whether there are indeed problems in the company's management, and whether the company is so "informal" and "not tight"?


"Dongfang Selection is doing a mess now, and he doesn't have any ability to make suggestions to you."

Oriental Selection: Leaving Dong Yuhui, it can be said that the mountain rain is about to come, and the black clouds are pressing the city

As soon as such words came out, it also caused an uproar in public opinion, and everyone also felt caught off guard and unbelievable.

‬董宇辉似乎才离开没多久,东方甄选就变得如此漏洞百出、槽点连连,人气和口碑也是急转直下,一个人的作用真的那么大吗? Could it really be the "Dinghai God Needle"?

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