
The article "The Director's Business Trip" is so exciting, funny and connotative, I laughed after reading it.

author:Kind leaves zzh

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The article "The Director's Business Trip" is so exciting, funny and connotative, I laughed after reading it.
The article "The Director's Business Trip" is so exciting, funny and connotative, I laughed after reading it.
The article "The Director's Business Trip" is so exciting, funny and connotative, I laughed after reading it.
The article "The Director's Business Trip" is so exciting, funny and connotative, I laughed after reading it.
The article "The Director's Business Trip" is so exciting, funny and connotative, I laughed after reading it.
The article "The Director's Business Trip" is so exciting, funny and connotative, I laughed after reading it.
The article "The Director's Business Trip" is so exciting, funny and connotative, I laughed after reading it.
The article "The Director's Business Trip" is so exciting, funny and connotative, I laughed after reading it.
The article "The Director's Business Trip" is so exciting, funny and connotative, I laughed after reading it.
The article "The Director's Business Trip" is so exciting, funny and connotative, I laughed after reading it.
The article "The Director's Business Trip" is so exciting, funny and connotative, I laughed after reading it.
The article "The Director's Business Trip" is so exciting, funny and connotative, I laughed after reading it.
The article "The Director's Business Trip" is so exciting, funny and connotative, I laughed after reading it.
The article "The Director's Business Trip" is so exciting, funny and connotative, I laughed after reading it.
The article "The Director's Business Trip" is so exciting, funny and connotative, I laughed after reading it.
The article "The Director's Business Trip" is so exciting, funny and connotative, I laughed after reading it.
The article "The Director's Business Trip" is so exciting, funny and connotative, I laughed after reading it.
The article "The Director's Business Trip" is so exciting, funny and connotative, I laughed after reading it.
The article "The Director's Business Trip" is so exciting, funny and connotative, I laughed after reading it.
The article "The Director's Business Trip" is so exciting, funny and connotative, I laughed after reading it.

Hey, hey, this director is back from a business trip, but it's a real thing. Why do you think he's so unlucky? When I was away on a business trip, I was thinking about my wife at home, but as a result, when I made a phone call, I heard not warm words, but "Go to bed early, I'm too tired today".

The director didn't have a taste in his heart, listening to the movement on the other end of the phone, and there were many doubts in his heart. The wife said that she was afraid and asked her best friend Yuqing to accompany her, but the director didn't feel good in his heart, but he couldn't show it, so he had to say, "I believe in you, go to bed early."

The article "The Director's Business Trip" is so exciting, funny and connotative, I laughed after reading it.

Putting down the phone, the director looked at the sleeping Yuqing beside him, and his heart was mixed. How can this be such a coincidence? The director didn't have a taste in his heart, but he couldn't blame anyone, so he had to smoke a cigarette all night. As a result, he fell ill. What does this tell us? Smoking is bad for your health!

Let's talk about this director again, do you think he is a little too suspicious? My wife said she was tired, why didn't he believe it? Is this what we often call "suspicion gives rise to dark ghosts"? Besides, isn't it normal for a wife to call her best friend to accompany her? Why is the director so worried? Is this what we often say "people's hearts are not enough to swallow elephants"?

The article "The Director's Business Trip" is so exciting, funny and connotative, I laughed after reading it.

Let's talk about this director, do you think he's a little too irrational? Does smoking solve the problem? Is this what we often say "borrowing wine to drown sorrow and sorrow"? The director's smoke all night not only did not solve the problem, but he fell ill. Is this what we often call "self-inflicted"?

Let's talk about the director's wife, do you think she is a little too inconsiderate? The director is away on a business trip, why doesn't she care much? Is this what we often call "home and everything is prosperous"? If the director's wife cared more about the director, wouldn't this happen?

The article "The Director's Business Trip" is so exciting, funny and connotative, I laughed after reading it.

Let's talk about the director's best friend Yuqing, do you think she is a little too ignorant? The director is on a business trip, why doesn't she know to avoid suspicion? Is this what we often call "melon fields and plums"? If Yuqing knew how to avoid suspicion, wouldn't there be such a thing?

Hey, that's really embarrassing. Do you think we should take this as a warning, care more about the people around us, and trust our family members more? Is this what we often call "home and everything is prosperous"? Do you think we should smoke less cigarettes and pay more attention to our health? Is this what we often say "the body is our capital"?

The article "The Director's Business Trip" is so exciting, funny and connotative, I laughed after reading it.

This tells us that trust and care are the cornerstones of family harmony, and health is the greatest wealth in life. Shouldn't we learn more from the wisdom of the ancients, listen more to the teachings of the ancients, and make our lives better? Is this what we often say, "the car in front of you is overturned, and the car behind is a lesson"? Hey, that's really thought-provoking.
