
The United States has turned off the GPS in the Middle East, why can the Houthi missiles still hit aircraft carriers?

author:Delightful lark K
The United States has turned off the GPS in the Middle East, why can the Houthi missiles still hit aircraft carriers?

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The Rashomon incident between the Houthis and the U.S. aircraft carrier has pushed the GPS navigation system to the forefront of public opinion

Yemen's Houthi rebels claimed to have successfully attacked the US aircraft carrier "Eisenhower", and for a time there was a global uproar, although the US Department of Defense quickly denied the news and said that the aircraft carrier had already sailed away from the Red Sea, but the Rashomon incident pushed the importance of navigation systems in modern warfare to the forefront of public opinion

The United States has turned off the GPS in the Middle East, why can the Houthi missiles still hit aircraft carriers?

The incident has raised concerns about the over-reliance on GPS navigation systems in modern warfare, and if the United States does shut down the global GPS system, will those highly GPS-guided missiles still be able to accurately hit their targets?

The multifaceted guidance system of modern missiles is not the only GPS option

In fact, the idea that modern missiles can only rely on GPS navigation is too one-sided, and today's missiles have long been rid of the dependence on a single navigation system, but have a diversified guidance system, each of which is like a "martial arts master" with unique skills, and can independently complete combat missions

The United States has turned off the GPS in the Middle East, why can the Houthi missiles still hit aircraft carriers?

For example, "homing guidance" is like an experienced hunter, able to lock on to the target tightly and adjust the direction of attack in real time according to the target's movement trajectory; "Remote control" is like manipulating a drone, and the missile is controlled in real time through the remote control center to ensure accurate hitting the target; "Inertial guidance" is more inscrutable, relying on the missile's own gyroscope and accelerometer and other equipment to sense changes in position and direction, without the need for external signals, it can independently plan the course, just like an experienced navigator, even in the vast sea can accurately find the target

In addition to the above common guidance methods, there is also a more advanced "terrain matching and scene matching guidance" system, which is like an "old horse" who knows the terrain well, and can accurately locate and strike targets according to the pre-stored terrain and geomorphological data and the image information captured by the missile in real time

The U.S. shutdown of some GPS systems in the Middle East has triggered autonomous thinking about navigation systems

After the escalation of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the United States made a shocking move: it turned off the GPS navigation system of most countries in the Middle East, which can be described as "killing 1,000 enemies and damaging 800 itself." Although it has had a certain impact on military operations in the Middle East, it has also exposed the excessive dependence of the United States on the GPS system

The United States has turned off the GPS in the Middle East, why can the Houthi missiles still hit aircraft carriers?

In this crisis of "GPS supply cut", Israel was able to stand alone, and its navigation system was not significantly affected, because Israel also invested a lot of resources in the development of its own navigation technology while relying on the United States GPS, and finally realized the autonomy and controllability of the navigation system

Israel's success is a wake-up call for other countries: over-reliance on external technology is tantamount to putting one's own destiny in the hands of others, and only by mastering autonomous and controllable technology can one remain uncontrolled at critical moments

China's Beidou and Russia's GLONASS global navigation system patterns are quietly changing

In the face of the hegemonic behavior of the United States in the field of navigation, China and Russia and other countries have accelerated the pace of construction of autonomous navigation systems, among them, China's Beidou satellite navigation system and Russia's GLONASS satellite navigation system have become the focus of global attention, and also indicate the quiet change of the global navigation system pattern

The United States has turned off the GPS in the Middle East, why can the Houthi missiles still hit aircraft carriers?

Since 1994, China started the construction of the Beidou system, has made remarkable achievements, today, the Beidou system has 48 satellites in orbit, forming a global navigation service network, not only to meet the needs of domestic military and civilian users, its positioning accuracy even surpasses the United States GPS, the completion of the Beidou system, breaking the monopoly of the United States in the field of global navigation, providing more choices for countries around the world

After years of technology accumulation and system improvement, GLONASS system has become one of the world's major navigation systems, which can provide all-weather and high-precision navigation services for global users

Technological progress has promoted changes in the international landscape, and Middle Eastern countries are actively developing independent technologies

Science and technology is the primary productive force, technological progress is often accompanied by profound changes in the international pattern, the Middle East, as a global geopolitical "shock belt", in recent years in the field of science and technology has also made great progress, among which Iran and the United Arab Emirates are particularly eye-catching

The United States has turned off the GPS in the Middle East, why can the Houthi missiles still hit aircraft carriers?

In the face of military pressure from the United States, Iran has continuously increased its investment in the research and development of missile technology, and its missile range, accuracy, and power have been significantly improved, which has become an important guarantee for safeguarding national security

In 2020, the UAE successfully launched the "Hope" Mars rover, becoming the first country in the Arab world to explore Mars, which marks that the UAE has reached the world's advanced level in the field of space technology

Independent innovation is the foundation of life, and sustainable development can win the future

The course of scientific and technological development in the Middle East countries has fully proved the truth that "if you are backward, you will be beaten"; only by persisting in independent innovation and mastering core technologies can we remain invincible in the fierce international competition, and relying on external technology will only be controlled by others in the end

The United States has turned off the GPS in the Middle East, why can the Houthi missiles still hit aircraft carriers?

The rise of countries such as China and Russia in the field of navigation has also provided valuable lessons for other countries: only by insisting on independent innovation can we get rid of technological dependence and grasp the initiative of development

Modern warfare has entered the era of informatization and intelligence, scientific and technological innovation has become the key factor in determining the outcome of the war, GPS is no longer the only means of navigation, and independent technological innovation is the fundamental guarantee for safeguarding national security

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