
How bad are an actor's acting skills? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonates with thousands of people!

author:I have pigs

How bad are an actor's acting skills? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonates with thousands of people!

How bad are an actor's acting skills? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonates with thousands of people!

In today's film and TV drama industry, actors' acting skills are often one of the important criteria for judging the quality of a work. However, with the development of the entertainment industry, the performance level of some actors has been criticized by netizens for being incomplete, which has sparked widespread discussion and controversy. How bad can their acting skills be that the audience can endure and even doubt their true love for art? This article will explore this topic by collating the real sharing and comments of netizens.

Extreme performance of acting that was criticized

How bad are an actor's acting skills? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonates with thousands of people!

Some netizens commented that the performances of some actors in the work were simply unbearable. They mentioned that these actors may have serious deficiencies in emotional expression, character building, or processing of lines, and even affect the perception and evaluation of the whole work. For example, some people criticize an actor's performance in a historical drama for being stiff and unnatural, completely unconvincing to the character's inner world, and this kind of performance makes the audience not feel the authenticity and emotional resonance of the story, but instead causes embarrassment and discomfort.

Compare the evaluations of Hong Kong and domestic actors

How bad are an actor's acting skills? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonates with thousands of people!

The article mentions the comparison of the acting skills of Hong Kong showbiz and domestic traffic stars. Netizens generally believe that actors in the Hong Kong entertainment industry have generally undergone strict professional training, have relatively high acting skills, and can do a good job in character portrayal and emotional expression. In contrast, although some domestic traffic stars have advantages in popularity and influence, they are often regarded as "soap garbage" at the performance level, lacking depth and skill. This contrast makes the audience pay more attention to the real performance ability of the actors, rather than just the external packaging and publicity effect.

Outstanding performance in a specific work

How bad are an actor's acting skills? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonates with thousands of people!

Although the overall performance of some actors is not good in the eyes of the public, some netizens mentioned some exceptions. For example, in a certain action movie, the performance of a group of young actors was praised as "exceptionally good", and they won the audience's recognition through their real performances and professional acting skills. This situation shows that sometimes actors can still show unexpectedly good performances in the right roles and situations, which proves the diversity and potential of individual actors.

Reflections on artistic pursuits and respect

How bad are an actor's acting skills? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonates with thousands of people!

The article concludes with a profound reflection on acting and artistic pursuits. It raises the question: Are the boundaries of acting just the limits of skill? Perhaps, what is more important is the actor's sincere pursuit and respect for art. The article calls on every actor to cherish their own stage and perform every role with sincerity and love, rather than relying solely on makeup, editing or other external factors to make up for the lack of acting skills.

Through these real netizen comments and opinions, we can see the importance of actors' acting skills and the audience's high standards for artistic quality. Every actor should strive for authenticity and depth when creating characters and expressing emotions in order to earn the audience's recognition and respect. It is hoped that future film and TV series will increasingly show high-level performing arts, bringing more shock and emotion to the audience.

How bad are an actor's acting skills? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonates with thousands of people!