
Yanxi Raiders: He humiliated Sister Yingluo, but he got away with it, just because the other party's background was too strong!

author:Fortune Stream 8M9j

The TV series "Raiders of Yanxi Palace" is known for its intricate palace struggles and heroines

The TV series "Raiders of Yanxi Palace" has attracted the attention of countless audiences with its intricate palace struggles and the growth process of the heroine Wei Yingluo. In this drama, Wei Yingluo's road to revenge is full of twists and turns, especially when she faces two powerful opponents: Prince He Hongday and Concubine Yu.

Wei Yingluo, played by Wu Jinyan, was originally an ordinary palace maid, but because of her sister's mysterious death in the palace, she is determined to enter the Forbidden City and uncover the truth. Her ingenuity and tenacity have made her rise to prominence in the palace, but she has also attracted the attention of the powerful in the palace. Prince Hongday, as the younger brother of Emperor Qianlong, has a certain amount of power and influence, and his behavior is absurd and uninhibited, but he also hides unknown secrets. During the investigation, Wei Yingluo discovers that her sister's death is closely related to Hongyang, which makes her see Hongyang as the main target for revenge.

However, Wei Yingluo's path of revenge is not alone, and she has been appreciated and helped by Empress Fucha. Empress Fucha, played by Qin Lan, is a woman who is well versed in the ways of the court, and her wisdom and kindness make her extremely prestigious in the palace. The queen saw Wei Yingluo's potential and decided to train her, making her her her right-hand man by her side. Under the careful tutelage of the Empress, Wei Yingluo not only learned how to survive in the court, but also learned how to use wisdom and strategy to deal with various complex situations.

Concubine Yu, as another powerful figure in the palace, also posed a huge threat to Wei Yingluo's actions. Her methods are ruthless, her thoughts are deep, and she will not be soft on anyone who may threaten her position. Wei Yingluo's growth and actions in the palace undoubtedly touched the interests of Concubine Yu, making her another major obstacle on Wei Yingluo's path to revenge.

In this power struggle in the palace, Wei Yingluo not only has to face pressure from Hongtian and Concubine Yu, but also has to deal with the jealousy and calculation of other concubines in the palace. Every decision and action can trigger unpredictable consequences, and every choice can be the edge of life and death. Wei Yingluo's wisdom and courage are greatly tested in this struggle, she must learn to protect herself in a dangerous environment, and at the same time, she must also look for opportunities to get closer to the truth and seek justice for her sister.

Yanxi Raiders: He humiliated Sister Yingluo, but he got away with it, just because the other party's background was too strong!

With the in-depth development of the plot, Wei Yingluo gradually grew from a simple palace maid to a woman who can take charge of herself in the court. The relationship between her and Emperor Qianlong also gradually changed from initial misunderstanding and hostility to understanding and support. Wei Yingluo's integrity and strength, as well as her persistent pursuit of justice, eventually won the respect and trust of Emperor Qianlong. With the support of Emperor Qianlong, Wei Yingluo's revenge plan gradually became clear, and she began to be more active in searching for evidence to expose Hongday's crimes, while also establishing her own status and influence in the palace.

"Yanxi Raiders" shows the growth and transformation of a woman in the palace struggle through the story of Wei Yingluo. Her intelligence, courage and tenacity not only earned her respect, but also earned her a place in the court. The drama profoundly depicts the complexity and cruelty of court life, while also conveying the positive energy that justice and goodness will eventually triumph over evil. Although Wei's road to revenge is full of difficulties and challenges, her story inspires the audience that no matter how difficult it is, as long as there is a firm belief and unremitting efforts, they will be able to achieve their goals.

and Prince Hongday, as the fifth son of Emperor Yongzheng and the younger brother of Emperor Qianlong, his life is full of legends. In the court, Hongtian became a controversial figure with his unique personality and behavior. His personality is arrogant and domineering, and he does not take princes and ministers seriously, and the formation of this character is inseparable from his family background and upbringing.

Hongday has been deeply loved by his father Yongzheng since he was a child, and at the age of 21, he was named Prince He, which is enough to prove his status in his father's heart. After Yongzheng's death, his elder brother Hongli ascended the throne, the Qianlong Emperor. During Qianlong's reign, he made special use of Hongday, successively appointed him as the commander of the white flag and the yellow flag, and asked him to handle the affairs of the Lama Palace, help the Qianlong Emperor deal with political affairs, and make suggestions and suggestions for the development of the Qing Dynasty. This special preferential treatment undoubtedly deepened Hongday's arrogance and self-confidence.

However, Hongday's bad behavior in life made the people at that time call him "the absurd prince". He liked to hold large funerals, and had a unique love for sacrifices, holding large funeral banquets at home, listening to funeral music, and often placing the coffin on the main hall, this deviant behavior was particularly prominent in the social background of the time. Despite this, in terms of state affairs, Hongday still did his best to share government affairs for Emperor Qianlong, and made a strong contribution to opening up the prosperous era of Kangqian.

Hongday's arrogance is not only reflected in his life, but also in his dealings with the ministers of the DPRK and China. He relied on his brother's power, arrogant and willful, and reckless. According to historical records, Hongyang once had a dispute with the Minister of Military Aircraft in the court, and even beat the relatives in front of the Manchu civil and military forces, Qianlong witnessed the whole thing, neither blamed nor stopped it. Seeing this, no one dared to provoke Hongday. This incident undoubtedly deepened his special status in the DPRK and also reflected Qianlong's special preferential treatment for him.

Although Hongtian is constantly in small things, he is never confused in big things. He knew that although his behavior was connived at by Qianlong, if he really touched the core of imperial power, the consequences would be unimaginable. Therefore, while enjoying his privileges, he also carefully maintained the relationship with Qianlong to avoid really intensifying the contradictions. This indulgence in small things and prudence in big things constitute the other side of Hongday's complex personality.

Yanxi Raiders: He humiliated Sister Yingluo, but he got away with it, just because the other party's background was too strong!

Hongday's personality not only gave him a very high status in the court, but also made him a controversial figure. His life was a life of glory and absurdity, power and controversy. His story has become an indelible mark in the history of the Qing Dynasty, and also provides a vivid case for future generations to study the character and behavior of the Qing Dynasty royal family.

Emperor Qianlong's special favor for Prince He Hongday is a well-known topic in the history of the Qing Dynasty. As the younger brother of Emperor Qianlong, Hongday not only received strong support from his brother politically, but also received deep care from Emperor Qianlong emotionally personally.

Politically, Emperor Qianlong's preferential treatment of Hongday was manifested in many aspects. After Emperor Qianlong ascended the throne, he gave his father's old residence and property of Prince Yong to Hongday, which was undoubtedly a great trust and favor for him. Emperor Qianlong also appointed Hongli to important positions on several occasions, such as the commander of the Zhengbai Banner and the Yellow Banner, as well as the administrator of the affairs of the Lama Palace, all of which were extremely powerful and influential. Hongday's performance in these positions also proves that he is not just an absurd prince, he still does his best in state affairs and contributes to the development of the Qing Dynasty.

In addition to political preferential treatment, Emperor Qianlong also cared about Hongday's personal life. Emperor Qianlong adopted his eldest daughter as his adopted daughter and named her Princess Heshuo and Wan, an act that was extremely rare at the time, as only the emperor's daughter could usually be crowned a princess. The adoption of his younger brother's daughter as an adopted daughter and the title of princess not only showed Emperor Qianlong's special favor for Hongday, but also improved his family's honor.

The adoption of Princess Hewan is not only an honor for Hongday, but also a kind of protection and care for Emperor Qianlong's younger brother's family. In the feudal society at that time, the status of women was relatively low, but Princess Hewan, as the adopted daughter of Emperor Qianlong, naturally had a different status. Not only does she enjoy all the privileges of a princess, but she also has a special status in the court, which undoubtedly brings more glory and respect to the Hongyang family.

Emperor Qianlong's special favor for Hongday is also reflected in his care for his children. According to historical records, Emperor Qianlong also took good care of Hongday's children, not only giving rich rewards materially, but also investing a lot of effort in education and training. Emperor Qianlong hoped that Hongday's children could become useful talents and contribute to the country, which also reflected Emperor Qianlong's expectations and care for his younger brother's family.

Yanxi Raiders: He humiliated Sister Yingluo, but he got away with it, just because the other party's background was too strong!

In addition, Emperor Qianlong's favor for Hongday is also reflected in the tolerance of his personality. Although Hongtian sometimes behaved absurdly, and even acted aggressively in the court, Emperor Qianlong did not blame him for this, but showed tolerance and understanding for him many times. This kind of tolerance is not only out of brotherly love, but also a recognition of Hongday's personal ability.

In general, Emperor Qianlong's special favor for Hongday is not only reflected in the political reuse and trust, but also in the care and protection of his family. This kind of favor not only deepened the relationship between the brothers, but also brought glory and respect to the Hongyang family. Emperor Qianlong's favor is undoubtedly an affirmation of Hongday's personal value and an improvement of his family status.

In the TV series "Yanxi Raiders", the intersection between Wei Yingluo and Prince He Hongday builds the tension and conflict of the plot, presenting the audience with a story of ups and downs of the palace fight. However, when we turn our attention from the screen to history, we will find that in fact, there is no such intersection between Concubine Ling and Hongday in history, and there is a significant difference between the plot and historical facts.

First of all, from a historical point of view, Concubine Ling, that is, Empress Wei Jiashi of Xiaoyichun22, entered the palace in the tenth year of Qianlong, and Hongday, as the fifth son of Emperor Yongzheng and the younger brother of Emperor Qianlong, did not overlap with the time when Concubine Ling entered the palace. According to historical records, Hongyang died in the 35th year of Qianlong28, and at this time, Concubine Ling was still in full bloom, and her son Yongyan had just been born. Therefore, judging from the timeline, there is no direct intersection between the two in history.

Secondly, in the plot, Wei Yingluo clashed with Hongyang in order to avenge her sister, but in historical records, there is no record of Hongday's involvement in such incidents. Hongday's image in history is a son who was deeply loved by Emperor Yongzheng, and after Emperor Qianlong ascended the throne, he was given important positions, such as the white flag and the yellow flag. Although he has some absurd behaviors, he does his best in state affairs and makes suggestions for the development of the Qing Dynasty, which is different from the negative image depicted in the plot.

Moreover, Wei Yingluo's road to revenge in the plot is full of personal grievances and hatreds, while Concubine Ling in history is an important figure who gradually rose through the ranks in the court, eventually became the imperial concubine, and gave birth to the future Emperor Jiaqing. The trajectory of her life is fundamentally different from what is depicted in the plot. In history, Concubine Ling's promotion and favor were based more on her performance in the court and the importance of the children she had, rather than on revenge and strife in the plot.

In addition, Wei Yingluo in the plot has a distinct personality, wit and bravery, and although the specific personality traits of Concubine Ling in history are unknown, judging from the fact that she was able to win the favor of Emperor Qianlong and was finally posthumously crowned queen, she must have a certain amount of wisdom and skill. However, these personal traits are often dramatized and exaggerated in the plot to suit the narrative needs of the TV series.

Yanxi Raiders: He humiliated Sister Yingluo, but he got away with it, just because the other party's background was too strong!

To sum up, although the story of Wei Yingluo and Hongday in "Raiders of Yanxi Palace" is fascinating, there are many differences compared with historical facts. The creation of plots often requires dramatic conflicts and emotional tensions, which are different from the objectivity and factual nature of historical records. While appreciating the plot, the audience should also maintain a respectful and rational understanding of historical facts.

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