
She is the head of the Mongolian concubines of Qianlong, and she is like a sister to Concubine Ling, and has led the harem of the Qing Dynasty for 20 years

author:Fortune Stream 8M9j

Concubine Ying, the Bahrain clan, was an important figure in the harem of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty, and her story is full of legends. She was born on the 29th day of the first month of the ninth year of Yongzheng4, belonged to the Mongolian red flag, and was the daughter of the commander of the capital and the light car at that time. The Mongolian red flag occupied an important position in the eight banners of the Qing Dynasty at that time, and Naqin, as the commander of the capital and the captain of the light car, undoubtedly made Ying Guifei

Ying Guifei, a member of the Bahrain clan and a Mongolian ethnic group, was born in the prominent Mongolian Red Flag family, and her father accepted her relatives as the commander and captain of the light car, which laid a solid foundation for her future promotion in the palace. According to historical records, Balin was born in the seventh year of Yongzheng, and her first appearance in official historical records was in the thirteenth year of Qianlong, when she entered the palace as a permanent presence. At this time, the Balin clan was already 20 years old, and according to the court rules at that time, she may have entered the palace earlier, about ten years or so of Qianlong, which was similar to the time when Concubine Ling entered the palace later.

The initial title of the Balin clan was Changzai, a position that was a lower rank in the harem of the Qing Dynasty, but it was undoubtedly a good starting point for a woman who could later be promoted to the position of a noble concubine. In the thirteenth year of Qianlong, the Balin clan was promoted to the title of that nobleman, and this promotion marked a significant improvement in her status in the eyes of Emperor Qianlong. Emperor Qianlong's appreciation of the Balin clan can be seen from the title "Ying" she obtained, the word "Ying" in the Manchu text means "perfect, intelligent", which is enough to show Emperor Qianlong's appreciation for her intelligence and perfection.

She is the head of the Mongolian concubines of Qianlong, and she is like a sister to Concubine Ling, and has led the harem of the Qing Dynasty for 20 years

In the sixteenth year of Qianlong, Balin's court career once again ushered in an important turning point, and she was officially canonized as a concubine. This promotion is not only a recognition of her personal qualities, but also a reflection of her growing influence in the harem. Concubine Ying's canonization ceremony was held on the 8th day of June in the same year, and Emperor Qianlong even gave her a plate of coral pearls before the canonization ceremony, showing his special affection for her.

Baling's path to promotion didn't stop there. In the twenty-fourth year of Qianlong, she was promoted again and was named Concubine Ying, a position that made her officially enter the ranks of the upper leaders of Qianlong's harem. Concubine Ying's status was second only to the queen and the imperial concubine, and she became the head of the Mongolian concubines, which was an extremely rare honor in the harem at that time. Concubine Ying's promotion not only reflects her personal ability and charm, but also reflects Emperor Qianlong's deep trust and dependence on her.

During the promotion process of Ying Guifei, there were several key events worth noting. First of all, in the twenty-second year of Qianlong, Emperor Qianlong once took her on a southern tour, which was an extremely rare honor at that time, indicating her important position in Emperor Qianlong's heart. Secondly, in the thirty-first year of Qianlong, the imperial concubine gave birth to the seventeenth elder brother Yongxuan, and the Qianlong Emperor handed over Yongxuan to Concubine Ying to raise, this decision not only shows Emperor Qianlong's trust in Concubine Ying, but also reflects Concubine Ying's lofty status in the harem.

Although Concubine Ying enjoyed a very high status and favor in Emperor Qianlong's harem, she also had regrets in her life. In her life, she failed to give birth to a son and a half daughter for Emperor Qianlong, which is undoubtedly a huge regret for a harem concubine. However, this did not affect her status in the heart of Emperor Qianlong, and her influence and status in the harem were always solid.

She is the head of the Mongolian concubines of Qianlong, and she is like a sister to Concubine Ling, and has led the harem of the Qing Dynasty for 20 years

The story of Ying Guifei is a good story in the history of the harem of the Qing Dynasty. Her origin, her promotion, her regrets, and her status in Emperor Qianlong's heart all constitute different aspects of her legendary life. Her wisdom, her ability, and her beauty made her an indispensable part of Emperor Qianlong's harem. Although her life ended in fear, her story has forever remained in the long river of history.

Concubine Ying, the Balin clan, with her intelligence and prudence, gradually established herself in the harem of Emperor Qianlong. Her promotion path is not only a reflection of personal charm and wisdom, but also a sign of Emperor Qianlong's deep trust and dependence on her.

In the twenty-second year of Qianlong, Concubine Ying got the honor of accompanying Emperor Qianlong's southern tour, which was an extremely rare opportunity at that time, indicating that she had occupied a place in Emperor Qianlong's heart. This southern tour is not only an affirmation of her personal status, but also a reflection of her growing influence in the harem. During her southern tour, Ying had the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of Emperor Qianlong's preferences and habits, which undoubtedly deepened the emotional bond between her and Emperor Qianlong.

Two years later, that is, in the twenty-fourth year of Qianlong, Concubine Ying ushered in another important promotion in her career and was officially canonized as Concubine Ying. This promotion made her the head of the Mongol concubines in the harem, second only to the empress and imperial concubines. Concubine Ying's canonization is not only a recognition of her personal character and talents, but also an affirmation of the role she plays in the harem. Her wisdom and ability enabled her to navigate the complex court life with ease, and she won the respect of Emperor Qianlong and other harem concubines.

She is the head of the Mongolian concubines of Qianlong, and she is like a sister to Concubine Ling, and has led the harem of the Qing Dynasty for 20 years

In the forty years of Qianlong, the power structure in the harem changed. With the death of Imperial Concubine Ling, there was a vacancy in the leadership of the harem. With her seniority and influence in the harem, Concubine Ying gradually became the dominant figure in the harem. She not only has the right to speak in front of Emperor Qianlong that cannot be ignored, but also has an important influence on other concubines and affairs in the harem. Concubine Ying's power and status make her a non-negligible existence in Qianlong's harem.

Concubine Ying's status in the harem is also reflected in her raising of Emperor Qianlong's children. Emperor Qianlong handed over the seventeenth elder brother Yongxuan born to the imperial concubine to be raised by Concubine Ying, this decision was not only a trust in Concubine Ying, but also an affirmation of her status in the harem. Concubine Ying's upbringing of Yongxuan further consolidated her influence in the harem and also made her relationship with Emperor Qianlong closer.

Concubine Ying's harem status, although she has undergone a gradual promotion from Chang Zai to a noble concubine, she has always maintained a humble and cautious attitude. Her intelligence and ability allowed her to maintain her position in the complex relationships of the harem, while also earning the respect of Emperor Qianlong and other harem concubines. The story of Concubine Ying is a good story in the history of the harem of the Qing Dynasty, and her wisdom, ability, beauty and virtue make her an indispensable part of the harem of Emperor Qianlong. Although her life ended in fear, her story has forever remained in the long river of history. 2122

She is the head of the Mongolian concubines of Qianlong, and she is like a sister to Concubine Ling, and has led the harem of the Qing Dynasty for 20 years

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