
Tea Association · Dynamic | Lianxi District Tea Association: exchange and investigation to expand ideas, learn from and promote improvement

author:Gan tea

From June 14th to 18th, under the leadership of Fu Zhenhua, deputy secretary of the party branch, and Kong Lingjian, president of the association, a group of 12 people from Jiujiang Lianxi District Tea Association went to Quanzhou City and Anxi County for investigation and study.

The first stop of the investigation and study was to participate in the 2024 Tea Packaging Industry Expo and the 8th Tea Packaging Cultural and Creative Fair hosted by Fujian Packaging Federation, Xiamen Tea Association, Xiamen Tea Society, Fujian Baolian Tea Packaging Special Committee, Xiamen Tea Association Tea Packaging Special Committee, and Xiamen Tea Camel Network Technology Co., Ltd. Tea packaging manufacturers, packaging distributors, brand tea enterprises, and industry elites from all over the country gathered together to participate in the tea packaging industry event.

The packaging exhibition brought together packaging manufacturers from Fujian, Zhejiang, Guangdong, Shanghai, Jiangxi, Sichuan, Henan, Shandong and other provinces and cities, bringing gift boxes, tea cans, packaging materials, machinery and equipment, cultural and creative tea ceremonies and other tea packaging products!

Tea Association · Dynamic | Lianxi District Tea Association: exchange and investigation to expand ideas, learn from and promote improvement

2024 Tea Packaging Industry Expo

Tea Association · Dynamic | Lianxi District Tea Association: exchange and investigation to expand ideas, learn from and promote improvement

The site of the exposition

Tea Association · Dynamic | Lianxi District Tea Association: exchange and investigation to expand ideas, learn from and promote improvement

Group photo at the Tea Packaging Expo

The second stop of the investigation and study is Dabaofeng Tea Farm in Anxi County, Dabaofeng Organic Tea Farm is a tea family with more than 3,000 acres, they inherit every cup of healthy tea in Dabaofeng with a rigorous and pragmatic attitude and the spirit of excellence.

Tea Association · Dynamic | Lianxi District Tea Association: exchange and investigation to expand ideas, learn from and promote improvement

Mr. Yang of Dabaofeng Organic Tea Farm introduced the management methods of tea gardens

Tea Association · Dynamic | Lianxi District Tea Association: exchange and investigation to expand ideas, learn from and promote improvement

Group photo

The third stop of the investigation and study: Eight Horse Tea Industry, Eight Horse Tea Industry originates from a century-old tea family, gathers good tea from China's origin, is a leading brand of Chinese tea chain, and a leading brand in the high-end tea market Wang Wenli, chairman of the company, is the representative inheritor of the national intangible cultural heritage project oolong tea making skills (Tieguanyin production skills), as of January 31, 2024, there are more than 3,400 stores nationwide. It has been selected as one of the "Top 500 Chinese Brands in Value" for 8 consecutive years, with a brand value of 27.009 billion yuan in 2023.

The aroma of tea is one of the highlights of the Bama tea industry, which offers a wide variety of high-quality teas with a rich and unique aroma that makes people feel refreshed. Whether you taste the elegant green tea or the fragrant black tea, the delicate taste experience can be intoxicating. Bama Tea Industry is not only a place for tea tasting, but also a place for exchange and learning. Professional tea can answer tea knowledge and let people have a deeper understanding of tea culture.

Eight Horse Tea conveys the love and dedication to tea culture, whether it is to relieve fatigue or seek inner peace, it is an ideal choice. Here, you can feel the tranquility and beauty of living in harmony with nature, which makes people feel happy and refreshed.

Tea Association · Dynamic | Lianxi District Tea Association: exchange and investigation to expand ideas, learn from and promote improvement

Visit the Eight Horse Tea Industry Park

Tea Association · Dynamic | Lianxi District Tea Association: exchange and investigation to expand ideas, learn from and promote improvement

Tasting the Eight Horses - Tieguanyin

Fu Zhenhua, Deputy Secretary of the Party Branch of Lianxi District Tea Association: Visiting the Bama Tea Industry is not only an opportunity to taste tea, but also a spiritual washing and cultural experience. It is an ideal place to get away from the dust, relax and feel the charm of tea culture.

The fourth stop of investigation and study: visit Anxi Yongxi Tea Machinery Co., Ltd., Anxi Yongxing Tea Machinery Co., Ltd. was founded in 1992, is a collection of design, manufacturing, sales: tea processing machinery enterprises. Formed with independent intellectual property rights of 8 series, a variety of specifications and models of tea for the country's 20 tea-producing provinces (cities, districts) and Southeast Asia and other countries to provide high-quality tea processing equipment, strong equipment, advanced technology, product production, inspection and assembly process of each process experienced engineers responsible for supervision, to ensure that the products meet the standards.

Tea Association · Dynamic | Lianxi District Tea Association: exchange and investigation to expand ideas, learn from and promote improvement

Visit Anxi Yongxi Tea Machinery Co., Ltd

The last stop of the investigation and study: the first pass of the tea road of Wanli Tongmu Pass, we go all the way, must pass through the Huanggang Mountain Tea Field, Mr. Huang warmly received us, and invited us to taste the mountain wild tea, it can be said that the high mountain produces good tea, the fragrance floats thousands of miles.

Tea Association · Dynamic | Lianxi District Tea Association: exchange and investigation to expand ideas, learn from and promote improvement

Mr. Huang Gangshan Huang introduced sales methods and methods

At the end of the Ming Dynasty and the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, the tea of Wuyi Mountain, starting from Xiamei Village, along a magical business road, passing through Fujian, Jiangxi, Hunan, Hubei, Henan, Shanxi, Hebei, Inner Mongolia, from Erenhot into Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, arrived at the Sino-Russian border port of Yiketu, and then through Novosibirsk, Moscow, Petersburg and other cities, into Central Asia and other European countries, with a total length of more than 13,000 kilometers, known as the "Tea Road".

From Xiamei Village, through Wuyi Mountain Scenic Area, to the northwest, along Jiuqu River, through Xingcun, about 70 kilometers away, to reach the "first pass of the Wanli Tea Ceremony" Tongmu Pass. Zhou Zhenghua, a teacher from Wuyi Mountain Nature Reserve, introduced that this is the junction of Fujian and Jiangxi provinces, with an altitude of more than 1,100 meters, which is the fault pass of the Wuyi Mountain Range, and the Fujian-Jiangxi ancient road runs through it, which is an ancient traffic artery and a military important place.

Tea Association · Dynamic | Lianxi District Tea Association: exchange and investigation to expand ideas, learn from and promote improvement

The first pass of the Wanli Tea Ceremony - Tongmu Pass

Wanli Tea Ceremony begins in Wuyi Meixi, Tongmu Village is located in Tongmu Pass, belongs to Xingcun Town, Wuyishan City. In the mid-to-late Ming Dynasty, in 1568, an army passed by here, and the villagers were disturbed, and the tea picked that day was not made into tea in time. In the face of the fermented green tea, in order to recover the loss, the tea farmers urgently use masson pine firewood to heat and dry the green tea as soon as possible to make tea. This is a helpless work, but it is very popular with tea customers, and a new type of tea, black tea, was born.

The investigation and study of Fujian ended successfully, everyone was full of dry goods, and Kong Lingjian, the head of the Tea Association, said that the investigation and study covered many important links of the tea industry in Fujian. In terms of tea packaging, I was deeply impressed by the novel design concept, and in the process of inspecting the tea farm, I saw the unique planting or processing technology, the sale of tea, and learned about some innovative sales strategies or market trends.

Everyone has said: this is indeed a very good investigation and study, this strong tea culture atmosphere, novel tea packaging and effective tea tourism integration development model, for promoting the development of Lushan Yunwu tea industry has a good reference significance. We need to apply these successful experiences to practical work and help rural revitalization.

Text|Photo: Lianxi District Tea Association

Editor|Review: Gancha Rong Media

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