
"Quick Book" Xie Na has double standards again? treated Qianxi politely, but called Zhang Yujian's name wrong and responded coldly


As the gold medal program of Mango Channel, "Happy Camp" has always been a source of happiness in the hearts of the audience. No, after a period of rest, the show is finally going to resume work, and the first episode of the show has already made a lot of waves among the audience. Mango TV has made a lot of money for this resumption of work, and began to carry out all-round publicity on major social platforms, TV commercials, and even LED screens on the street a week in advance, which can be described as overwhelming, and it is difficult for people to think about it.

First of all, they released a big news - masked guests. This idea is really amazing, both mysterious and full of anticipation, which makes people wonder, who are these masked guests? Is it a well-known celebrity or some hidden talent? The creation of this sense of mystery undoubtedly added a big attraction to the show, and the audience's curiosity was completely stimulated.

Moreover, Mango Station is also very good at playing, they not only released the silhouettes of some guests in the publicity, but also deliberately left some clues for the audience to guess. For example, if a microphone is placed next to the silhouette of a guest, does it imply that the guest is a singer? Or if there is a book next to the silhouette of a guest, does it mean that the guest is a writer or scholar? These small details allow the audience to guess and enjoy at the same time, adding to the sense of interactivity and participation.

"Quick Book" Xie Na has double standards again? treated Qianxi politely, but called Zhang Yujian's name wrong and responded coldly

Of course, in addition to the gimmick of masked guests, Mango Station has also prepared other surprises. For example, they revealed some of the show's game parts, and it is said that this time the game is designed to be more novel and interesting, with both teamwork challenges and individual talent shows, which is guaranteed to make the audience laugh and feel the wisdom and talent of the guests.

In addition, Mango Channel also emphasized the careful preparation of the show's production team during this time. They not only optimized the flow of the show, but also upgraded the stage effects and lighting and sound to bring a more shocking audio-visual experience to the audience. This kind of control of details and pursuit of quality is also an important reason why "Happy Camp" has always been loved by the audience.

In short, the first phase of the resumption of work of "Happy Camp" is full of novelty and surprises from publicity to content. The audience's expectations have been pulled to the highest point, and everyone is gearing up to catch a glimpse on the day the show airs. And this series of publicity strategies of Mango TV is undoubtedly very successful, which not only improves the popularity of the show, but also whetts the appetite of the audience. Let's wait and see what kind of joy and surprises this episode can bring us.

"Quick Book" Xie Na has double standards again? treated Qianxi politely, but called Zhang Yujian's name wrong and responded coldly

Yi Yang Qianxi, this name is well-known in the entertainment industry, and he is the focus wherever he goes. No, in the latest season of "Happy Camp", Yi Yang Qianxi, as a special guest, once again proved his transcendent status in the entertainment industry. In order to welcome this heavyweight guest, the program team can be said to have done enough homework, from the publicity of the program to the interaction on the spot, every detail reveals special attention to him.

As the senior host of the show, Xie Na's care for Yi Yang Qianxi is even more obvious. In the show, Xie Na frequently cued Yi Yang Qianxi, whether it was a game session or a topic discussion, she could always lead the topic to Yi Yang Qianxi at the first time, so that he would have more opportunities to show. This intimate arrangement not only allows Yi Yang Qianxi to have more shots, but also allows the audience to have a deeper understanding of this versatile idol.

What's even more impressive is that at the moment when Yi Yang Qianxi revealed her true face, Xie Na's intimacy and care were simply enviable. That kind of heartfelt liking and care is not a simple program effect, but a real emotional outpouring. Xie Na's special treatment of Yi Yang Qianxi undoubtedly added a lot to the show, and also made the audience feel a kind of warmth and sincerity.

"Quick Book" Xie Na has double standards again? treated Qianxi politely, but called Zhang Yujian's name wrong and responded coldly

Of course, Yi Yang Qianxi can get such special treatment, in addition to his own popularity and influence, it is inseparable from his talent and hard work. Since his debut, Yi Yang Qianxi has been constantly learning and improving, whether it is acting, singing or dancing, he has shown a high level of professionalism and professionalism. This persistent pursuit and unremitting efforts in art have won him the respect and recognition of the industry, and also made him a favorite of many programs.

In general, the special treatment that Yi Yang Qianxi received in "Happy Camp" is not only a recognition of his personal charm and influence, but also an affirmation of his talent and hard work. This kind of treatment is not only the honor he deserves, but also the motivation for him to keep moving forward. I believe that in the future, Yi Yang Qianxi will bring us more surprises and touches, let's wait and see!

In the entertainment industry, Xie Na is famous for her straightforwardness and enthusiasm, and on the stage of "Happy Camp", her preference for Yi Yang Qianxi makes the audience see it in their eyes and warm their hearts. Everyone knows that Xie Na's address to Yi Yang Qianxi in the show is always full of intimacy, blurting out "brother" one by one, making people feel like she is Yi Yang Qianxi's own sister and cares about him.

"Quick Book" Xie Na has double standards again? treated Qianxi politely, but called Zhang Yujian's name wrong and responded coldly

I remember that in one episode, Yi Yang Qianxi participated in a special link as a guest, and he needed to wear a bulky astronaut costume. When the show was about to take off her costume, Xie Na immediately stepped forward and carefully helped Yi Yang Qianxi pull down the zipper behind her back. This scene not only shows Xie Na's intimacy, but also shows her special care for Yi Yang Qianxi. Her movements were gentle, her eyes were concerned, as if she was treating her own family, which made people sigh that Xie Na's preference for Yi Yang Qianxi was really to the bone.

Not only that, but in the game part of the show, Xie Na always pays special attention to Yi Yang Qianxi's performance. Whenever Yi Yang Qianxi participates in a game or answers a question, Xie Na will give encouragement and support by her side, and even when Yi Yang Qianxi encounters a problem, she can't help but remind him, or use humorous words to solve the siege for him. This subtle care not only made Yi Yang Qianxi feel warm, but also made the audience feel Xie Na's deep feelings for this young artist.

"Quick Book" Xie Na has double standards again? treated Qianxi politely, but called Zhang Yujian's name wrong and responded coldly

Xie Na's preference, of course, is not for nothing. Yi Yang Qianxi's talent and hard work, as well as his outstanding performance on stage, made Xie Na praise him. Moreover, Yi Yang Qianxi's humble and polite personality also made Xie Na feel very kind. In this circle, to meet such a young artist who is both talented and knows how to respect others, Xie Na will naturally take more care of him.

In general, Xie Na's preference for Yi Yang Qianxi is not only out of recognition of his personal qualities, but also out of appreciation of his artistic talent. This preference not only made Yi Yang Qianxi more confident and relaxed on the stage of "Happy Camp", but also allowed the audience to see a more real and cordial Yi Yang Qianxi. In the days to come, we have reason to believe that this special emotion between Xie Na and Yi Yang Qianxi will continue to bloom with more warmth and brilliance on the stage.

On the big stage of the entertainment industry, popularity and attention often determine the treatment of artists in the show. This phenomenon is especially obvious in popular variety shows such as "Happy Camp". Yi Yang Qianxi, as a popular student, naturally became the focus of the show, and in comparison, the attention and treatment received by other guests such as Zhang Yujian were somewhat overshadowed.

"Quick Book" Xie Na has double standards again? treated Qianxi politely, but called Zhang Yujian's name wrong and responded coldly

In one episode of the program, Zhang Yujian participated in the recording of the program as a guest. However, in stark contrast to Yi Yang Qianxi, Zhang Yujian received significantly less attention and footage in the show. In the game session, although his performance was equally good, it didn't seem to attract much attention from the host and the program team. Even when taking off the mask, Xie Na's reaction was a little perfunctory, and she did not show too much enthusiasm and care like she did with Yi Yang Qianxi.

This difference may be related to Zhang Yujian's popularity and popularity. Although Zhang Yujian is also a talented actor, compared with Yi Yang Qianxi, there may still be a certain gap in his popularity and influence. In the entertainment industry, this phenomenon is not uncommon. Program groups and hosts tend to be more inclined to pay attention to artists who can bring more ratings and topicality.

However, this does not mean that Zhang Yujian's performance in the show is not good enough. In fact, his wit and humor in the game, as well as his confidence and poise on stage, impressed the audience. It's just that these highlights may not have received the attention and display they deserved.

"Quick Book" Xie Na has double standards again? treated Qianxi politely, but called Zhang Yujian's name wrong and responded coldly

This phenomenon has also provoked some viewers to think. In the entertainment industry, should every artist be given fair opportunities and attention? Should more attention be paid to the talent and hard work of the artist, rather than just their popularity and popularity? These questions are worth pondering for the program team and the entire industry.

In general, Zhang Yujian's relative neglect in "Happy Camp" reflects some practical problems in the entertainment industry. We hope that in future shows, every guest will be treated fairly and will be able to show their talent and charm on this stage, regardless of their popularity. After all, the entertainment industry should be a place full of opportunities and possibilities, not a show that just belongs to a few.

On the big stage of the entertainment industry, popularity and traffic are often important indicators to measure the popularity of an artist. And TV program groups and hosts seem to be difficult to avoid the impact of this traffic tendency when treating guests. This phenomenon is especially obvious in popular variety shows such as "Happy Camp". The program team and Xie Na do have a certain tendency when treating guests, they are more inclined to pay attention to and take care of those guests with high popularity and traffic, such as Yi Yang Qianxi, while they are relatively indifferent to other guests1.

"Quick Book" Xie Na has double standards again? treated Qianxi politely, but called Zhang Yujian's name wrong and responded coldly

As a hot young artist at the moment, Yi Yang Qianxi has shown extraordinary talent in acting, singing and dancing. With his versatility and unique personal charm, he has won the love of the audience and has become a well-deserved traffic leader. The program team and Xie Na's preference for him, to a certain extent, is also a recognition of his popularity and strength.

In the interactive part of the show, Xie Na often gives Yi Yang Qianxi more opportunities to perform, so that he has more shots and the right to speak. In the game session, she will also pay special attention to Yi Yang Qianxi's performance and give him encouragement and support. This preference not only made Yi Yang Qianxi more brilliant in the show, but also allowed the audience to see more of his shining points.

However, this traffic bias has also sparked some controversy. Some viewers believe that the program team and Xie Na's preference for Yi Yang Qianxi may make other guests feel ignored and left out. They believe that the show should give each guest a fair opportunity to show, and should not be treated differently because of the difference in traffic and popularity.

"Quick Book" Xie Na has double standards again? treated Qianxi politely, but called Zhang Yujian's name wrong and responded coldly

But we must also see that the traffic tendency of the program team and Xie Na is not completely unreasonable. In this highly competitive entertainment industry, traffic and popularity often mean higher attention and topicality. In order to increase the ratings and influence of the program, the program team will naturally be more inclined to pay attention to those guests who can bring more traffic.

In general, the traffic tendencies of the program team and Xie Na are not only a recognition of Yi Yang Qianxi's popularity and strength, but also a reflection of the current competition situation in the entertainment industry. We hope that in the future programs, the program team can balance the attention and care of different guests, so that each guest can show their talent and charm in the program. At the same time, we also hope that the audience can look at this phenomenon more rationally and give each guest a fair evaluation and support.

"Quick Book" Xie Na has double standards again? treated Qianxi politely, but called Zhang Yujian's name wrong and responded coldly

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