
Scarab and daughter compete for grandchildren, grandpa Wang Ning can't be ranked, and the baby is super cute!

author:Two-dimensional boy Kohiragi

It is said that the next generation is pro, and sure enough, Scarab loves his grandson very much, which is not to take care of his grandson personally, but to "grab" it with his daughter

On June 27, Scarab's daughter Wang Yichen shared a family fun video on her social media account, in which she and Scarab both wanted to take care of the baby, so they staged a "baby snatching war"

Scarab and daughter compete for grandchildren, grandpa Wang Ning can't be ranked, and the baby is super cute!

I want to take care of it

In the video, the scarab lay in front of the stroller, looked at the baby, with a pampered face, it can be seen that the scarab likes this little grandson very much, and it didn't take long for her daughter Wang Yichen to take care of the baby, but the scarab was reluctant to leave, and the two began to pull.

Seeing that her daughter was so determined, Scarab could only compromise, but it didn't take long for her to start pulling her daughter again, saying that when the time came, it was her turn to take care of it again.

Scarab and daughter compete for grandchildren, grandpa Wang Ning can't be ranked, and the baby is super cute!

This scene is very funny and very warm at the same time, I have to say that the baby in the family is the hope of the future, there is nothing more happy than watching the baby grow up strongly.

Scarab and daughter compete for grandchildren, grandpa Wang Ning can't be ranked, and the baby is super cute!

Hold a 100-day banquet

Scarab really loves his grandson, and he also held a 100-day banquet for the baby before, it is worth mentioning that there are many former host colleagues who came to participate, and these people in the photo have accompanied many people to grow up, and it is the childhood memories of many young people.

Scarab and daughter compete for grandchildren, grandpa Wang Ning can't be ranked, and the baby is super cute!

In a blink of an eye, such a long time has passed, and I have to sigh that the years are ruthless.

Children are the future

If there are children in the family, they will be pampered by adults as a baby, because children are the future of a family, so we must not ignore education, education is very important to the growth of children, a good education, so that children can develop good habits at a young age, is particularly important for his/her future life.

Finally, I wish all the children in the world can grow up happily and healthily!

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