
Facts have proved that Stephen Chow, who is 60 years old and unmarried and childless, has already gone to a "road of no return"

author:Strange birds talk about the past and the present
Facts have proved that Stephen Chow, who is 60 years old and unmarried and childless, has already gone to a "road of no return"
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Facts have proved that Stephen Chow, who is 60 years old and unmarried and childless, has already gone to a "road of no return"

In the Hong Kong entertainment industry, Stephen Chow's name is thunderous. He has conquered countless audiences with his unique nonsensical comedy style and has become a well-deserved "King of Comedy".

However, just as he was about to celebrate his 60th birthday, a surprising fact emerged: this once dominant film superstar is still alone.

What is the reason why Stephen Chow chose this lonely "point of no return"? The answer may be hidden in a short response from many years ago. "Neurotic!" ——These three seemingly random words not only changed the trajectory of his life, but also made him miss the love of his life.

This dramatic turn cast a touch of sadness on Stephen Chow's legendary life.

Facts have proved that Stephen Chow, who is 60 years old and unmarried and childless, has already gone to a "road of no return"

Stephen Chow's success was not achieved overnight, but after a long period of tempering. Born in Hong Kong, he experienced the hardships of life as a child. After his parents divorced, the young Stephen Chow had to face this cruel world alone.

However, it was this hardship that inspired his infinite love for acting.

With a vision for his acting career, the young Stephen Chow resolutely stepped into this highly competitive circle. However, what awaits him is not a smooth sailing star journey, but an eight-year career.

In these difficult years, Stephen Chow played countless unknown small roles.

Facts have proved that Stephen Chow, who is 60 years old and unmarried and childless, has already gone to a "road of no return"

In the high-profile TV series "Shanghai Tang", Stephen Chow is just one of the many extras, and he doesn't even have a single line. Even so, he still threw himself into every subtle expression and movement.

During the filming of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", he finally had the opportunity to say a few lines, for which he practiced repeatedly in no one's corner, just to present it perfectly in front of the camera.

However, this effort did not pay off immediately. Once, Stephen Chow made a small suggestion during filming, hoping to add a small action to the character, but was severely reprimanded by the director.

Such a blow did not erase his love for acting, but only strengthened his determination.

Facts have proved that Stephen Chow, who is 60 years old and unmarried and childless, has already gone to a "road of no return"

During this long wait, Stephen Chow doubted his choice countless times. He even had the idea of quitting and considered giving up his acting career. However, the god of fate finally favored this indomitable young man.

In 1988, when the opportunity came, he played a gangster in the movie "Thunderbolt Pioneer", and won the Best Supporting Actor Award in a Taiwanese film for his outstanding performance.

This breakthrough role became a turning point in Stephen Chow's acting career.

In the 90s, Stephen Chow rose rapidly like a dazzling new star and became the "king of the box office" of a new generation. Especially in 1992, the seven works he starred in achieved amazing box office results, totaling more than $70 million, occupying half of the top five box office lists that year.

Facts have proved that Stephen Chow, who is 60 years old and unmarried and childless, has already gone to a "road of no return"

He not only broke the box office record in Hong Kong with "The Judge of the Dead", but also won the honor of "Asia-Pacific Best Actor".

Stephen Chow's success is a great encouragement to all those who have dreams. His experience teaches us to hold on to our dreams even at a low point in life, because opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared.

From an obscure trick to a powerful movie star, Stephen Chow used his own experience to interpret what perseverance is and what success is.

In Stephen Chow's brilliant acting career, there is a little-known but touching love story. The heroine of this story is actress Luo Huijuan, who is also working hard in the entertainment industry.

Facts have proved that Stephen Chow, who is 60 years old and unmarried and childless, has already gone to a "road of no return"

The gears of fate quietly turned in 1989, and Stephen Chow and Luo Huijuan met because of their collaboration on the TV series "Heroes of the World". In the tense and busy filming process, the two got along day and night and gradually fell in love.

However, considering the environment of the entertainment industry at that time, they chose to deal with this relationship in a low-key manner and began a secret and sweet relationship.

In those days, romances between artists often required a high degree of secrecy. Stephen Chow and Luo Huijuan are no exception, they carefully maintain this relationship, for fear of being discovered by the outside world.

In this way, they secretly fell in love with each other for three whole years, writing their own romantic chapter outside the spotlight.

Facts have proved that Stephen Chow, who is 60 years old and unmarried and childless, has already gone to a "road of no return"

As time passed, the relationship between the two grew stronger and they began to think about the longer-term future. Luo Huijuan, a gentle and strong woman, finally mustered up the courage and proposed the idea of marriage to Stephen Chow.

However, she never imagined that what awaited her would be an answer that would break her heart.

Faced with a sudden marriage proposal, Stephen Chow was in a dilemma. On the one hand, he loves Luo Huijuan deeply and cherishes this hard-won relationship; On the other hand, he is on the rise of his career and is worried that getting married will affect his acting career.

When he hesitated, he asked his friend for help, but received a response of "don't make such jokes".

Facts have proved that Stephen Chow, who is 60 years old and unmarried and childless, has already gone to a "road of no return"

This answer undoubtedly deepened Stephen Chow's hesitation. In the end, on the scales of career and love, he chose the former. Stephen Chow answered Luo Huijuan's marriage proposal with three words: "Neurotic! This short and hurtful answer, like a sharp blade, completely pierced Luo Huijuan's heart.

Luo Huijuan, who was heartbroken, chose to leave and ended this three-year relationship. With a heart full of disappointment and heartbreak, she turned away from Stephen Chow's life.

And Stephen Chow, although he continued to climb the peak in his career, he left irreparable regrets emotionally.

The end of this relationship has become the pain of Stephen Chow's life. Years later, when asked if he would still think of Luo Huijuan, he replied without hesitation: "Yes, I miss her from time to time."

Facts have proved that Stephen Chow, who is 60 years old and unmarried and childless, has already gone to a "road of no return"

This honest and painful answer expressed the regret and longing that could not be erased from the depths of his heart.

The story of Stephen Chow and Luo Huijuan seems to be a sad parting song. It tells us that we should think carefully when faced with the choice between love and career, because some choices once they are made, they can never be undone.

After breaking up with Luo Huijuan, Stephen Chow devoted all his energy to his career, as if he wanted to use his work to fill the emptiness in his heart. However, that deep regret has always lingered in his heart.

It wasn't until many years later that a bad news came, which completely shattered the last glimmer of hope in Stephen Chow's heart - Luo Huijuan unfortunately passed away due to cancer.

Facts have proved that Stephen Chow, who is 60 years old and unmarried and childless, has already gone to a "road of no return"

This news was like a bolt from the blue, which made Stephen Chow fall into deep self-blame and remorse. He once sighed: "I can accept that you are married to someone else, at least I can know that you are living happily."

But now, we are separated forever, and we will never see each other again. How much unspeakable pain is contained in this sentence, only Stephen Chow himself knows.

The pain of losing a loved one made Stephen Chow more aware of the preciousness of love. He couldn't help but sigh: "People always don't know how to cherish when they have it, and they don't regret it until they lose it."

This deep longing and regret has imperceptibly influenced Stephen Chow's creation, and in many of his works, you can see the nostalgia for Luo Huijuan.

Facts have proved that Stephen Chow, who is 60 years old and unmarried and childless, has already gone to a "road of no return"

In the popular movie "Journey to the West", Stephen Chow's Zixia Fairy is considered by many to be the incarnation of Luo Huijuan. The popular line "There was once a sincere love in front of me, but I didn't cherish it", seems to be his affectionate confession to Luo Huijuan, and it is also regret for his decision back then.

In "Journey to the West", the character of Miss Duan is believed to be based on Luo Huijuan. Miss Duan's desire to build a beautiful home with her lover is just like Luo Huijuan's expectations for Stephen Chow back then.

Through this role, Stephen Chow seems to be telling the unfulfilled good wish.

And in "The King of Comedy", there is a line that is even more straightforward: "Juan'er, I have experienced countless setbacks in my life, and I am physically and mentally exhausted, if you leave me too, I will not be able to bear this heavy blow."

Facts have proved that Stephen Chow, who is 60 years old and unmarried and childless, has already gone to a "road of no return"

This sentence seems to be Stephen Chow's confiding in his deceased lover, expressing the pain in his heart after losing her.

Through these works, Stephen Chow seems to be continuing the dialogue with Luo Huijuan in his own way, expressing the unspeakable thoughts and guilt in his heart. He skillfully integrated the unrealizable love into his film creation, allowing the audience to feel the softness and regret in his heart in laughter.

Stephen Chow's story tells us that love needs to be grasped in time. When the opportunity comes, we should be brave enough to express our feelings and cherish the person in front of us.

Because life is impermanent, we never know what will happen in the next moment. So, please cherish the present moment and don't let regrets become a footnote in life.

Facts have proved that Stephen Chow, who is 60 years old and unmarried and childless, has already gone to a "road of no return"

Stephen Chow's life is like a movie with ups and downs, with a stark and embarrassing contrast between the brilliance of his career and the shortcomings of love. In 1992, during his relationship with Luo Huijuan, Stephen Chow ushered in the highlight moment of his career.

This year, the seven works he starred in achieved amazing results at the box office, with a total income of more than $70 million, occupying half of the top five box office lists that year.

However, just when his career was in full swing, Stephen Chow faced a difficult choice. When Luo Huijuan asked for marriage with hope, he chose his career and rejected love with the words "neurotic".

Although this decision allowed Stephen Chow to continue to climb the peak in his career, it also made him lose the love of his life.

Facts have proved that Stephen Chow, who is 60 years old and unmarried and childless, has already gone to a "road of no return"

In the years that followed, Stephen Chow achieved greater success in his acting career. He is not only an excellent actor, but also successfully transformed into a talented director.

In 2016, he directed the film "The Mermaid" once again set a box office record in Chinese film history, further cementing his position in the film industry.

However, the brilliance of the career did not fill the emptiness in the heart. The decision to give up love for the sake of his career has become the regret of Stephen Chow's life. This may explain why, while his career is booming, 60-year-old Stephen Chow still chooses to be celibate.

Stephen Chow's story makes us wonder: between career and love, is there really only one or the other? His experience teaches us that success should not be measured by career alone.

Facts have proved that Stephen Chow, who is 60 years old and unmarried and childless, has already gone to a "road of no return"

The real winner in life should be someone who can find balance and happiness in both career and love life. Stephen Chow's choice may be a warning to all of us: don't let the success of your career become a victim of your love life.

Stephen Chow's legendary life has left us with a profound inspiration. His success has taught us to keep chasing our dreams even when we are at a low point in life. Just as he never gave up in his eight-year career, he finally waited for the dawn of success.

This kind of perseverance is worth learning from everyone with dreams.

However, Stephen Chow's emotional regrets also remind us not to neglect other important things in life, especially love, for the sake of career. He once sighed: "When we have it, we often don't know how to cherish it, and when we lose it, we regret it."

Facts have proved that Stephen Chow, who is 60 years old and unmarried and childless, has already gone to a "road of no return"

This sentence speaks to the hearts of many and reveals an important truth in life.

Stephen Chow's story tells us to cherish the present moment and have the courage to express love. Don't wait until you lose it to regret it. At the same time, we must also learn to find a balance between career and relationship, and not completely sacrifice one for the sake of the other.

In addition, Stephen Chow's experience has also made us rethink the definition of success. Although he has achieved great success in his career, he has left regrets in his love life.

This reminds us that true success should be a bountiful harvest in both career and life, not just a one-sided achievement.

Facts have proved that Stephen Chow, who is 60 years old and unmarried and childless, has already gone to a "road of no return"

Overall, Stephen Chow's life story is both inspiring and thought-provoking. It tells us to be brave and pursue our dreams, but at the same time, not to lose sight of other important things in life.

Only by finding a balance between career and personal life can we live a truly fulfilling life.

Stephen Chow's experience also reminds us to learn to make the right choices at the right time. Because some opportunities, once missed, may never be recovered.

Finally, his story teaches us to learn to reflect on ourselves at different stages of life and adjust our direction in time to avoid lifelong regrets.

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