
On Stephen Chow's 62nd birthday, Lin Yun sent a message of blessings and photos, and a well-known Japanese dance company celebrated his birthday

author:Fog and rain review room

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On Stephen Chow's 62nd birthday, Lin Yun sent a message of blessings and photos, and a well-known Japanese dance company celebrated his birthday

In childhood memories, Stephen Chow's movies will always occupy an important place, and it is only when I grow up that I understand those movies that are superficially comedy but actually tell the taste of life. Many years have passed, and we have grown up when we were young, but Stephen Chow has slowly grown old.

Over the years, Stephen Chow has long ceased to appear in movies as before, and he has shot a lot fewer movies, as if he has gradually faded out of the eyes of the audience. But recently, when Stephen Chow celebrated his 62nd birthday, many celebrities offered their blessings.

The name of "Star Master" is still there, and his status is still the same as it was at the beginning. Lin Yun, who has been promoted by him, has been blessed for many years, and Huang Yishan, who accompanied him in many movies back then, is no exception, all in all, "Star Master" is still the "Star Master".

On Stephen Chow's 62nd birthday, Lin Yun sent a message of blessings and photos, and a well-known Japanese dance company celebrated his birthday

【Blessings of the Stars】

The relationship between Lin Yun and Stephen Chow began in 2015. At that time, Lin Yun was just a little-known graphic model, and she was very young, just turning 18 years old, but she was selected by Stephen Chow to play the heroine of the new movie, which made people sigh about her luck.

It is said that at that time, the screening of the heroine of "Mermaid" was very heavy, and it was necessary to conduct online screening first, and then perform live. The reason why Lin Yun was able to be selected was because her on-site performance at that time was very outstanding.

In just a short video, Lin Yun showed all kinds of character personalities, and switched freely. Perhaps it is for this reason that Stephen Chow chose Lin Yun to be the heroine of this fantasy movie.

On Stephen Chow's 62nd birthday, Lin Yun sent a message of blessings and photos, and a well-known Japanese dance company celebrated his birthday

After starring in this movie, Lin Yun opened his own way to the entertainment industry, and successively starred in many film and television works and endorsed many brands. There is no doubt that Stephen Chow has the grace of knowing Lin Yun, and the blessing from Lin Yun on time every year also confirms this.

In addition to Lin Yun, Huang Yishan also expressed his blessings in the video. Speaking of Huang Yishan, we can think of his cooperation with Stephen Chow in movies such as "Tang Bohu Dots Autumn Fragrance" and "Truant Dragon", and the two have gone all the way, and decades have passed.

Stephen Chow's comedy movies can be described as classics, bringing a lot of laughter to people. He and Huang Yishan basically have no cooperation now, but the friendship between the two is still there, and the mutual support in the past in film shooting is the most unforgettable.

On Stephen Chow's 62nd birthday, Lin Yun sent a message of blessings and photos, and a well-known Japanese dance company celebrated his birthday

It can be said that although Stephen Chow has retired a little in recent years, his influence has not diminished at all. His birthday scene was also very lively, and a Japanese girl group came to perform for him, and it can be seen from Stephen Chow's reaction that he is very happy.

【The Pursuit of Performance】

Stephen Chow's comedic talent and film achievements are undoubted, and from his films, we see not only the joys, sorrows and sorrows on the surface, but also the deep human emotions. Over the years, there have been many studies on Stephen Chow's films.

From the narrative style of the film to the comedy core, to the changes in the characters and the changes in the film genre, Stephen Chow's series of movies has attracted people's attention with its nonsensical style and strong spiritual core.

On Stephen Chow's 62nd birthday, Lin Yun sent a message of blessings and photos, and a well-known Japanese dance company celebrated his birthday

There is no doubt that Stephen Chow was successful, but once he and his performance were almost drowned in the crowd.

Stephen Chow's dedication to acting is engraved in his bones. He does not have a superior family background, nor does he have the funds to support him to achieve his dreams, and there is always a gap between dreams and reality.

Since middle school, Stephen Chow has longed for himself to one day stand on stage and star in a movie, but this is not easy to achieve. At that time, life was full of too many helplessness, and it was already difficult to support myself and my family, so how could I seize the opportunity to realize my dreams.

On Stephen Chow's 62nd birthday, Lin Yun sent a message of blessings and photos, and a well-known Japanese dance company celebrated his birthday

But Stephen Chow can't forget the dream in his heart. He tried hard to apply for actors, but the chances of being seen were too small. Stephen Chow, who waited for a long time and put in a lot of effort, only got two or three lines.

Stephen Chow, who has been frustrated countless times, feels a little disheartened, he no longer insists on acting in movies, but goes to become a children's program host, and uses his comedy talent to get along with children.

Such a fun way quickly won the love of children, but some people said that Stephen Chow's tricks are only suitable for teaching children. This made Stephen Chow feel extremely sad and frustrated, and at the same time he threw himself into the performance like a chicken.

On Stephen Chow's 62nd birthday, Lin Yun sent a message of blessings and photos, and a well-known Japanese dance company celebrated his birthday

Hard work will always pay off, Stephen Chow got more opportunities, and he got more opportunities under continuous attempts, and also played more important roles, so that the director saw his talent and hard work, and also saw the potential of the little people in him.

Since then, Stephen Chow has begun to appear in more comedy movies, and once became the highest-paid actor in Hong Kong at that time. However, Stephen Chow never forgot the time when he struggled at the bottom, and he engraved the thousand tastes of the little people in his heart.


Perhaps it is precisely because of his experience and struggle that Stephen Chow's portrayal and grasp of the characters in the movie will be so accurate, so that the audience can also see their own life when watching the movie, which is the reason why Stephen Chow's movies can be loved by the audience.

On Stephen Chow's 62nd birthday, Lin Yun sent a message of blessings and photos, and a well-known Japanese dance company celebrated his birthday

Although the "King of Comedy" is old, his films have never aged, and people cannot forget the touch and emotion that he and his films bring us. Although the 62-year-old Stephen Chow looks gray-haired, he will always be the king of comedy in our hearts.


"Humility is the First Lesson of Life", Life Sixteen and Seventeen, 2019

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