
Unrequited love with Stephen Chow for 13 years and ten years actually helped Stephen Chow earn 2 billion, and after breaking up, he sighed in court

author:Eddie Literary Society

In 1989, the Hong Kong film and television industry was in the limelight. On the set of filming "Heroes of the World", a little-known actor met his first love. He is Stephen Chow, and the girl who makes him excited is Luo Huijuan, who was already famous at that time.

The two soon fell in love, and Luo Huijuan's cheerful and lively personality just made up for Stephen Chow's lack of introversion and reticentness. Nourished by love, Stephen Chow's acting career has also begun to get on the right track.

Unrequited love with Stephen Chow for 13 years and ten years actually helped Stephen Chow earn 2 billion, and after breaking up, he sighed in court

In 1990, the movie "The Saint of Gambling" starring him became an instant hit, making him from an unknown actor to a hot star.

Standing at a new starting point of his career, Stephen Chow's heart was full of longing, and he said expectant words to director Liu Zhenwei at the Hung Hom Stadium: "I want to get married." Behind this sentence, it is full of his expectations for the future and his deep affection for Luo Huijuan.

However, success in the career has put a strain on love. In 1992, Stephen Chow's career reached its peak and was known as the "Year of Stephen Chow". He has shot more than a dozen films, seven of which are among the top 15 films of the year in Hong Kong, setting an unprecedented record.

Stephen Chow has become half of the Hong Kong film industry.

Unrequited love with Stephen Chow for 13 years and ten years actually helped Stephen Chow earn 2 billion, and after breaking up, he sighed in court

It's a pity that just when Stephen Chow's career was at its peak, his relationship with Luo Huijuan came to an end. In 1992, the two announced their breakup, ending their three-year relationship. While Stephen Chow's career has successfully reached its peak, his heart is full of confusion and loneliness.

The end of this relationship seems to indicate that Stephen Chow will have a bumpy love road in the future. Although he is in the ascendant of his career, in the world of feelings, he has never been able to find true love, and seems destined to become a lonely film superstar.

In 1992, after Stephen Chow broke up with Luo Huijuan, he met Zhu Yin on the set of "Truant Weilong 2". Zhu Yin had just graduated at the time and was a little-known star, but her big eyes, long legs, and plump figure attracted Stephen Chow's attention.

Unrequited love with Stephen Chow for 13 years and ten years actually helped Stephen Chow earn 2 billion, and after breaking up, he sighed in court

The two sparked on the set, and soon a scandal broke out.

However, in the Hong Kong entertainment industry at that time, if an artist was exposed to an emotional scandal, he would usually be banned by TVB. As a result, Stephen Chow and Zhu Yin remained silent tacitly and never responded to relevant news.

Despite this, Stephen Chow still secretly took care of Zhu Yin, and when "Journey to the West" was completed, he specially instructed the director to take more care of Zhu Yin's delicate mind in the future, which may be his unspeakable affection.

Unrequited love with Stephen Chow for 13 years and ten years actually helped Stephen Chow earn 2 billion, and after breaking up, he sighed in court

In 1995, in an interview, Zhu Yin revealed that Stephen Chow was "not mentally mature enough", so the two had broken up. This relationship ended silently, leaving deep regrets.

Subsequently, Karen Mok walked into Stephen Chow's life. The two met on the set of "Journey to the West", and soon began a rumored relationship. However, Stephen Chow has never been able to admit this relationship in public, even if he took his mother to see Karen Mok's concert at that time, he still insisted that he was single in the face of reporters' questions.

This relationship lasted for three years, and it was not until later when Mok Wenwei participated in the TV show that she admitted her relationship with Xing Ye under the questioning and reminder. This relationship, which has not been publicly admitted by Xing Ye, has become a regret in Mok Wenwei's heart.

Unrequited love with Stephen Chow for 13 years and ten years actually helped Stephen Chow earn 2 billion, and after breaking up, he sighed in court

However, many years later, when other celebrities drew a line with Stephen Chow, only Karen Mok resolutely stood up to help him speak: "Xing Ye is very good at taking care of people, no matter what the outside world says about him, I will always support Xing Ye."

This precious friendship makes people sigh that although love has faded, the old friendship can last forever.

In 1998, a photo revealed Stephen Chow's fourth girlfriend - Yu Wenfeng. She is nearly 10 years younger than Stephen Chow and is the youngest daughter of Yu Jingbo, the founder of Hong Kong Construction Group. At the beginning of this relationship, Stephen Chow took care of her in every way, which seemed to indicate that he had finally found true love.

Unrequited love with Stephen Chow for 13 years and ten years actually helped Stephen Chow earn 2 billion, and after breaking up, he sighed in court

However, fate played tricks on him again, and the relationship ended in a protracted lawsuit.

Stephen Chow's love life is full of regrets and twists and turns, and the four experiences have brought him constant inner struggle, and he has never been able to find the person who can let him find a home.

Yu Wenfeng, 27 years old in 1998, met 37-year-old Stephen Chow and began a 13-year emotional entanglement. Yu Wenfeng is the pearl of Yu Jingbo, the founder of Hong Kong Construction Group, who has emerged in the financial industry with her unique investment vision after returning from studying in the United States.

Unrequited love with Stephen Chow for 13 years and ten years actually helped Stephen Chow earn 2 billion, and after breaking up, he sighed in court

Stephen Chow and Yu Wenfeng are attracted to each other because of each other's unique wealthy temperament and talent, in the early days of their relationship, the two were extremely sweet, and Stephen Chow did not shoot any movies for a year and devoted himself to this relationship.

However, Stephen Chow's fear of marriage has always been a hurdle between the two. Yu Wenfeng knew that he would not step into the palace of marriage, but she chose to protect this relationship in another way.

In 2002, they signed a sharing agreement, agreeing that 10% of the investment income would be used as Yu Wenfeng's commission, and from then on, Yu Wenfeng devoted himself to Stephen Chow's career, managing the company and investing for him.

Unrequited love with Stephen Chow for 13 years and ten years actually helped Stephen Chow earn 2 billion, and after breaking up, he sighed in court

Under the careful operation of Yu Wenfeng, Stephen Chow's career is thriving. She helped Stephen Chow make a lot of money in the investment field, earning a total of more than 2 billion yuan, not counting the villa projects that have been later brought to court and various projects that have been developed but have not yet generated income.

If these projects are counted, Yu Wenfeng's investment income for Stephen Chow will exceed 2 billion.

Yu Wenfeng not only successfully promoted Stephen Chow's career to the next level, but also launched 4 movies during her tenure in charge of Stephen Chow's company, namely "The King of Comedy", "Kung Fu", "Yangtze River No. 7" and "Shaolin Football".

Unrequited love with Stephen Chow for 13 years and ten years actually helped Stephen Chow earn 2 billion, and after breaking up, he sighed in court

These 4 films not only won the annual box office championship in Hong Kong, but also achieved major success in the mainland, and were hailed as the pinnacle of Xingye's works.

With the help of Wenfeng, Xinghui Company was successfully listed, and Stephen Chow really became a "Star Master" from "Xingzai". It can be said that Yu Wenfeng has made up for the shortcomings of Xing Ye in all aspects. She comes from a noble background and is an expert in investment and financial management, which just fills the gap of Stephen Chow in this regard.

In 2010, Yu Wenfeng made a difficult decision - to end a 13-year relationship. This decision not only marked the end of a relationship, but also sparked a decade of legal trouble.

Unrequited love with Stephen Chow for 13 years and ten years actually helped Stephen Chow earn 2 billion, and after breaking up, he sighed in court

Although she tried her best to save the relationship, in the end it only ended up in a protracted lawsuit.

This relationship witnessed Stephen Chow's transformation from a movie superstar to a business wizard, and also witnessed Yu Wenfeng's growth from a wealthy daughter to a workplace elite. However, on the scales of love, one can never seem to find a balance.

In 2010, 43-year-old Yu Wenfeng made a difficult decision to end this 13-year relationship. Regrettably, she chose an extreme way to express her dissatisfaction.

Unrequited love with Stephen Chow for 13 years and ten years actually helped Stephen Chow earn 2 billion, and after breaking up, he sighed in court

At that time, Stephen Chow was developing in the mainland, and the long-term separation between the two places made this relationship encounter a huge test. Yu Wenfeng seems to be unable to stand Stephen Chow's eccentric personality any longer. Once, when Stephen Chow returned to his mansion in Hong Kong from the mainland, he found that the door lock at home had been changed.

This small act became the fuse for the complete breakdown of the relationship between the two, and the matter once reached the point of calling the police.

Subsequently, the media reported that the two confirmed their breakup, and Yu Wenfeng filed a lawsuit with the court, demanding that Stephen Chow pay 80 million yuan in dividends, which originated from the real estate project in which the two jointly invested in 1996.

Unrequited love with Stephen Chow for 13 years and ten years actually helped Stephen Chow earn 2 billion, and after breaking up, he sighed in court

Yu Wenfeng used his connections to allow Stephen Chow to successfully buy a vacant land in Pingdingshan, Hong Kong. And through Yu Wenfeng's relationship at home, he obtained a construction permit. In the end, they developed the land into four luxury villas, the largest of which was left for Stephen Chow to live in, and the remaining three were sold for nearly 1.5 billion yuan, making a profit of 800 million yuan from this investment alone.

According to Yu Wenfeng, considering the previously signed agreement, she should enjoy a dividend of 80 million yuan. However, Stephen Chow believes that Yu Wenfeng only relies on family relationships to conduct business, which does not meet the legal definition of an investor.

At the same time, Stephen Chow has paid Yu Wenfeng 10 million yuan in return.

Unrequited love with Stephen Chow for 13 years and ten years actually helped Stephen Chow earn 2 billion, and after breaking up, he sighed in court

The former lovers walked into the court to confront each other, and this 8-year lawsuit not only consumed a lot of time and energy of both parties, but also made them feel that the good memories of the past became bitter.

In the end, the court ruled that Yu Wenfeng lost the lawsuit, not only did not get 80 million yuan in dividends, but also needed to pay 18 million yuan in litigation costs. This result is undoubtedly worse and makes the relationship end completely.

There is no winner in this lawsuit. Stephen Chow lost a woman who loved him deeply, and Yu Wenfeng lost her youth and that unforgettable relationship. In fact, money is not the core of the problem, what Yu Wenfeng really cares about is the relationship that failed to achieve positive results.

Unrequited love with Stephen Chow for 13 years and ten years actually helped Stephen Chow earn 2 billion, and after breaking up, he sighed in court

We must admit that 80 million is not a problem for Yu Wenfeng, her main concern is more than ten years of affection but it ended without a problem. There is no doubt that her love for Stephen Chow is deep in the bone marrow, otherwise she would not be able to disregard her dignity so much after the breakup, stalking and fighting, even if she is abused, she will have to go to court with her.

Yu Wenfeng announced the end of his single life after the incident and walked into the palace of marriage hand in hand with the wealthy Liao Yaocheng. And star master Stephen Chow is still single, and it seems that he can no longer open his heart to accept new feelings.

This protracted lawsuit not only wiped out the feelings between the two parties, but also caused all kinds of speculation and sighs about the former love from the outside world. This experience has become the most complicated and regrettable stroke in Stephen Chow's love life, and it has also become a legendary love story in the entertainment industry.

Unrequited love with Stephen Chow for 13 years and ten years actually helped Stephen Chow earn 2 billion, and after breaking up, he sighed in court

Stephen Chow became more silent after the lawsuit ended and rarely showed up. However, in 2016, the movie "Mermaid" starring him was warmly welcomed by the audience, especially one of the songs, "Always Hello in the World", which sang his heart.

Loneliness at the top of the mountain keeps coming, who can understand my loneliness at this moment? Invincible, it's so lonely, it's so lonely, it's so empty. Can she, hiding in the distance, hear me?

These lyrics seem to reveal Stephen Chow's deep loneliness and longing. At the peak of his career, he never found a true home, like wandering alone on a lonely planet.

Unrequited love with Stephen Chow for 13 years and ten years actually helped Stephen Chow earn 2 billion, and after breaking up, he sighed in court

Stephen Chow once lamented in an interview: "I don't have a chance now." Does this sentence imply remorse for past feelings? Are you missing your first love Luo Huijuan, but now she has been separated forever? Or is it reminiscing about the brief intersection with Zhu Yin, the Zixia Fairy who left a tear in "Journey to the West"? .

Stephen Chow explains his understanding of love in his films, he believes that the world is complex and love is simple. But in real life, he has never been able to cross that hurdle and give a woman a lifetime commitment.

Perhaps, as he said in the movie: "Others laugh at me for being too crazy, and I laugh at others for not being able to see through it." "Stephen Chow's emotional world is complex and elusive, perhaps even more so than his films. Despite all the attention, deep down he always longed for a sincere feeling.

Unrequited love with Stephen Chow for 13 years and ten years actually helped Stephen Chow earn 2 billion, and after breaking up, he sighed in court

Stephen Chow's emotional experience, like his movies, is thrilling. From Luo Huijuan to Yu Wenfeng, every relationship has left deep regrets and reflections. A sentence he said in "Journey to the West" may truly reflect his feelings: "There was once a sincere love in front of me, but I didn't pay the respect I deserved, and I regretted it until I lost it."

In this world of "how lonely is invincible", Stephen Chow conveys his understanding and pursuit of love through movies. His life experience tells us that career success cannot fill the hole in our hearts, and we should perhaps learn to cherish the people in front of us and grasp the happiness of the moment.

Unrequited love with Stephen Chow for 13 years and ten years actually helped Stephen Chow earn 2 billion, and after breaking up, he sighed in court

I hope Stephen Chow can let go of the past, live a good life, and bring us more wonderful film and television works. At the same time, I also wish him to find inner peace and gain sincere feelings in the second half of his life.

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