
was "deceived into marriage" by his wife when he was young, and "gnawed old" by his children in his later years, and continued filming at the age of 75

author:Strange birds talk about the past and the present
was "deceived into marriage" by his wife when he was young, and "gnawed old" by his children in his later years, and continued filming at the age of 75
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was "deceived into marriage" by his wife when he was young, and "gnawed old" by his children in his later years, and continued filming at the age of 75

In the Chinese entertainment industry, there is such a sad old actor. His name is Zhang Hongjie, he is 75 years old this year, and he should have teased his grandson and enjoyed his old age in peace, but he was still running between various crews.

While many of his peers were leisurely basking in the sun and playing chess, Zhang Hongjie had to continue to work for the sake of his family's livelihood.

His eyes were tired, but with the determination to persevere. Why is he still struggling with life at this age? What kind of family burden is on his shoulders? What kind of poignant story is hidden behind his seemingly glamorous acting career? Let's walk into Zhang Hongjie's life and uncover this artistic life full of twists and turns.

In the 1970s, the young and handsome Zhang Hongjie worked in the county review troupe, and his personable demeanor attracted the attention of many people of the opposite sex. Seeing that he was nearly 25 years old, his family asked his neighbors to match him up.

was "deceived into marriage" by his wife when he was young, and "gnawed old" by his children in his later years, and continued filming at the age of 75

This arrangement brought an unexpected turn in his life.

Soon after the marriage, Zhang Hongjie was surprised to find that his wife was just a temporary worker. This fact made him feel deceived and filled with anger and disappointment. He asked his wife why she was hiding the truth, and Wen Zhenrong responded in a humorous tone: "If I confessed my identity, I'm afraid you would have rejected me a long time ago."

This answer not only made Zhang Hongjie cry and laugh, but also made him fall into deep trouble.

However, as time passed, Wen Zhenrong slowly resolved her husband's resentment with her own actions. Not only did she do her best to take care of the family, but she also personally arranged the marriage of her two daughters.

was "deceived into marriage" by his wife when he was young, and "gnawed old" by his children in his later years, and continued filming at the age of 75

The birth of three children injected new vitality into the family, and also allowed Zhang Hongjie to devote all his energy to family life.

This marriage, which began with "cheating marriage", although the beginning was not happy, gradually sublimated in the grinding of life. It not only tested Zhang Hongjie's tolerance and understanding, but also showed Wen Zhenrong's tenacity and dedication.

This experience laid the groundwork for Zhang Hongjie's persistence in the face of family difficulties in the future, and it has also become an indelible memory in his life journey.

In 1994, 49-year-old Zhang Hongjie ushered in an important turning point in his career. He was transferred to work in the Quyi Troupe in Changchun City, which meant that the whole family had to move with him.

was "deceived into marriage" by his wife when he was young, and "gnawed old" by his children in his later years, and continued filming at the age of 75

With a vision for the future, Zhang Hongjie led the whole family on a new journey, looking forward to starting a new chapter of life in the city.

However, fate always likes to surprise people. Shortly after moving, 46-year-old Wen Zhenrong suddenly suffered a cerebral thrombosis. Although her life was saved by timely treatment, the disease left her with serious sequelae: slurred speech, distorted face, and worse, hemiplegia.

This sudden change caught Zhang Hongjie off guard. The longed-for good life was shattered in an instant, replaced by heavy family responsibilities. He had to take care of his sick wife while taking on the responsibility of the whole family.

Faced with such a predicament, Zhang Hongjie felt both heartache and helplessness.

was "deceived into marriage" by his wife when he was young, and "gnawed old" by his children in his later years, and continued filming at the age of 75

But as the head of the family, he knew he couldn't fall. Zhang Hongjie and his three children discussed together and decided to work together to tide over the difficulties. He took a break from work and devoted himself to his wife's rehabilitation.

He firmly believes that with enough effort and patience, his wife will get better one day.

Under the careful care of the whole family, Wen Zhenrong's condition gradually improved. Although his speech is still a little slurred, he can basically take care of himself. Seeing his wife getting better day by day, Zhang Hongjie's hanging heart finally let go a little.

However, the illness has placed a heavy financial burden on the family, which is not wealthy. Although the three adult children work separately, their income is limited, and it is difficult for them to provide much help to the family.

was "deceived into marriage" by his wife when he was young, and "gnawed old" by his children in his later years, and continued filming at the age of 75

Faced with increasing medical and living expenses, Zhang Hongjie felt pressured.

In order to maintain the balance of family income and expenditure, Zhang Hongjie had to reconsider his career plan. He decided to try cross-border development and devote himself to the film and television industry. With years of experience accumulated on the drama stage, he has participated in many works such as "Director of Men and Women", "Today is a Good Day", "Northeast People in the City and Outside the City" and so on.

This decision not only brought much-needed financial support to the family, but also opened a new chapter in Zhang Hongjie's life. His acting skills have been recognized by the audience, and he has also laid the groundwork for the future "old and popular".

This experience not only reflects Zhang Hongjie's sense of responsibility as the head of the family, but also shows the warmth of the family supporting each other in difficult situations. However, this is only the beginning of the challenges of their lives, and greater trials await them.

was "deceived into marriage" by his wife when he was young, and "gnawed old" by his children in his later years, and continued filming at the age of 75

Zhang Hongjie would not have thought that his efforts for his family would become a shackle that he could not get rid of in the future.

2009 was an unexpected turning point for 64-year-old Zhang Hongjie. He played the role of "Niu Quansheng" in the hit TV series "The War of Lao Niu's Family", and won a warm response from the audience with his vivid and vivid performance.

This work made him famous in one fell swoop and became a typical "old red" artist. Soon, the nickname "Lao Niu" was widely spread among the audience, and Zhang Hongjie finally ushered in the peak moment of his acting career.

However, after becoming famous, Zhang Hongjie did not usher in an easy life. On the contrary, the burden on his shoulders became heavier. Two daughters entered the marriage hall one after another, and as a father, he had to spend all his money to buy a marriage house for them.

was "deceived into marriage" by his wife when he was young, and "gnawed old" by his children in his later years, and continued filming at the age of 75

Every time he sees the happy smiles of his daughters, Zhang Hongjie is both relieved and sad, because he knows how much he has paid for it.

The son's marriage is also in the works, which means that another considerable expense is coming. Although he received a lot of salary, Zhang Hongjie still felt powerless in the face of the ensuing family expenses.

He began to wonder if his life was all about living for his wife and children. In the dead of night, this question would always hover in his mind, and sometimes it would even wake him up, and tears would unconsciously soak the pillow towel.

Fame brings not only financial pressure, but also the rhythm of work that cannot be stopped. In order to maintain his family expenses, he had to continue to take on the show, and even if he was physically exhausted, he did not dare to rest easily.

was "deceived into marriage" by his wife when he was young, and "gnawed old" by his children in his later years, and continued filming at the age of 75

Sometimes, he would bring his sick wife with him, and although this special arrangement was understood by the crew, it also increased the difficulty of his work.

Zhang Hongjie's "old and popular" is not only the pinnacle of his acting career, but also a new starting point for his family responsibilities. This experience showcased his difficult balance between career success and family responsibilities.

He enjoys the sense of accomplishment that comes with being an actor, but he is also deeply mired in the burden of his family. This contradictory situation laid the groundwork for the dilemma of "gnawing at the old" he faced in the future, and also let us see the little-known bitterness behind the "old man".

As he grew older, Zhang Hongjie should have started to enjoy retirement, but the reality was far from that. After retiring, he made a poignant decision: to hand over his retirement salary card to his children.

was "deceived into marriage" by his wife when he was young, and "gnawed old" by his children in his later years, and continued filming at the age of 75

It's not just a simple safekeeping, but allows them to withdraw a certain amount each year. What's even more incredible is that since then, he doesn't even know how much balance he has left in the card.

In this case, Zhang Hongjie had to continue to run around in the entertainment industry to maintain the huge expenses of the family. However, the dilemma does not end there. In 2012, his eldest daughter was hospitalized due to illness, and all medical expenses were borne by Zhang Hongjie.

After her daughter was discharged from the hospital, she lost her job opportunity due to long-term hospitalization, and her son-in-law also coincided with a career bottleneck, and both of them fell into unemployment. Faced with this situation, Zhang Hongjie stepped forward again and took on the burden of life for his eldest daughter's family.

Immediately afterwards, the second daughter and son also said that they had suffered investment failure or lost their jobs, and needed financial assistance from their father. Even the education expenses of his grandson fell on Zhang Hongjie's shoulders.

was "deceived into marriage" by his wife when he was young, and "gnawed old" by his children in his later years, and continued filming at the age of 75

In the face of his children's "gnawing at the old", he felt distressed and helpless. As a well-known actor, he had to continue working to meet the needs of his family.

Although he is over the age of old, Zhang Hongjie is still active in the entertainment industry, and he does not dare to relax in order to maintain the livelihood of the whole family. Every time he received an invitation to a new play, he agreed without thinking, because he clearly knew that there were still so many people in his family who were relying on him.

Watching his peers enjoy a leisurely old age, but he has to run around for his family, and the gap in his heart makes him feel lonely and bitter.

Sometimes, during breaks on the set, Zhang Hongjie would look into the distance in a daze. He recalled his life: he was "cheated on marriage" when he was young, he worked hard for his sick wife in middle age, and now he has to run for the lives of his children in his later years.

was "deceived into marriage" by his wife when he was young, and "gnawed old" by his children in his later years, and continued filming at the age of 75

This series of events shows Zhang Hongjie's selfless dedication as a father, but it also reflects the great pressure and inner contradictions he faces. His experience is not only a personal joys and sorrows, but also reflects the common plight faced by the elderly in contemporary society, triggering people's deep thinking about the phenomenon of "gnawing at the elderly" and paying attention to the quality of life of the elderly in their later years.

Faced with the increasingly heavy burden on his family, 75-year-old Zhang Hongjie began to think deeply about the meaning of his life. In Sanya, he bought a small house to take care of his wife, who suffered from high blood pressure.

However, this act of kindness unexpectedly sparked a new round of family strife. When the children learned of the existence of this property, they immediately launched a fierce battle for its ownership, which made Zhang Hongjie feel deeply disappointed and helpless.

This incident became the last straw that broke the camel's back, and Zhang Hongjie had to face a cruel question: Is his life just for his wife and children? He was torn between the needs of his family and the happiness of his personal old age.

was "deceived into marriage" by his wife when he was young, and "gnawed old" by his children in his later years, and continued filming at the age of 75

Zhang Hongjie knows that he can't support the whole family forever, but it is difficult to say "no" to his loved ones. This contradiction kept him awake at night, often waking up in his dreams, and his pillow towel was soaked with tears.

Zhang Hongjie's experience is not only a person's life trajectory, but also reflects the common difficulties faced by many elderly people in contemporary society. It provokes us to think deeply about family relationships, intergenerational responsibilities, and personal well-being.

How should we find a balance between the traditional virtues of respecting the old and loving the young, and the happiness of the individual in old age? This issue may need to be discussed and resolved by the whole society.

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