
Than Yan? Japanese action movie goddess PK Korean R-rated star, Yang Ying messed in: I resist beating with my appearance


China, Japan and South Korea are closely linked geographically, have a long cultural history, and are inextricably linked with each other. Chinese culture originated in the Yellow River Basin, which is broad and profound, and has had a profound impact on East Asia. In ancient times, Japan absorbed a large amount of Chinese culture through the dispatch of envoys to the Tang Dynasty and other forms, forming a unique Japanese culture. South Korea, on the other hand, was also deeply influenced by Chinese culture, from the Three Kingdoms period to the Joseon Dynasty, there are obvious traces of Chinese culture.

Than Yan? Japanese action movie goddess PK Korean R-rated star, Yang Ying messed in: I resist beating with my appearance

However, China, Japan and South Korea do not blindly accept and imitate in cultural exchanges, but develop their own unique cultural characteristics through innovation and localization. China's Confucianism and calligraphy have had a profound impact on both Japan and Korea, but Japan has developed a unique culture such as waka and tea ceremony, while Korea has developed a unique hanbok and plagiarism culture based on Confucian culture. The export and import of this kind of culture is not only the embodiment of the cultural exchanges between the three countries, but also the mutual learning and reference of the three countries in culture.

Than Yan? Japanese action movie goddess PK Korean R-rated star, Yang Ying messed in: I resist beating with my appearance

There are also some similarities and subtle differences between the actresses of the three countries, the similarity is that they are all beautiful, the difference is that the Japanese actress is from the world, the Korean actress is from the Korean consortium, and the Chinese actress is ......

Than Yan? Japanese action movie goddess PK Korean R-rated star, Yang Ying messed in: I resist beating with my appearance

Kanna Hashimoto is a Japanese romantic action movie actress who has shone in Asia in recent years. Her physical features are striking, with a lovely appearance, smooth skin, and large eyes. These traits not only made her quickly popular in Japan, but also allowed her to gain a large number of fans all over the world. In China, Kanna Hashimoto's fan base is particularly large, and many young people are drawn to her sweet image.

Than Yan? Japanese action movie goddess PK Korean R-rated star, Yang Ying messed in: I resist beating with my appearance

Kanna Hashimoto is known as the "goddess of Asia", her popularity in China is surprising, and her romantic action films have caused quite a stir in the Chinese market. Many Chinese audiences have expressed that they were moved by her performances after watching her films. Through Kanna Hashimoto's film and television works, Chinese audiences can have a deeper understanding of Japanese film and television culture.

Than Yan? Japanese action movie goddess PK Korean R-rated star, Yang Ying messed in: I resist beating with my appearance

Cho Ru-jung has won the love of the audience with her unique charm and performance style in the Korean entertainment industry. Her performance in R-rated films is impressive, and she is known as "Korea's No. 1 star". The sexiness and romance she showed in these videos attracted a large number of fans.

Than Yan? Japanese action movie goddess PK Korean R-rated star, Yang Ying messed in: I resist beating with my appearance

Zhao Ruzhen's performance in the movie "Human Poisoning" is a classic. In the film, her rivalry with Song Seung-hun sparked heated discussions and became a classic scene that the audience talked about. Her delicate role performance in the film made the audience full of praise for her acting skills. Different from Kanna Hashimoto's direct in-depth, Zhao Ruzhen's performance has more depth and a sense of imagery.

Than Yan? Japanese action movie goddess PK Korean R-rated star, Yang Ying messed in: I resist beating with my appearance

In China, Zhao Ruzhen's fan base is also quite large. Many viewers spoke highly of her performance in the film, believing that she had outstanding appearance and excellent acting skills. Her popularity in China is also a testament to the influence of Korean culture in China. Compared with Kanna Hashimoto's popularity, Zhao Ruzhen's influence is more focused on the subtlety of the film and television works themselves, and is not as direct as Kanna Hashimoto.

Than Yan? Japanese action movie goddess PK Korean R-rated star, Yang Ying messed in: I resist beating with my appearance

Looking around, I really can't find anyone in China who can compete with the two teachers of Kanna Hashimoto and Zhao Ruzhen. Then send our big baby Yang Ying to fight, the big baby wants to have good looks, good acting skills, and good looks! This seems to be very abrupt, after all, the big baby's appearance is anti-beating, but it's not good to mess in. How can you compare with the previous two teachers?

Than Yan? Japanese action movie goddess PK Korean R-rated star, Yang Ying messed in: I resist beating with my appearance

But fortunately, Yang Ying's fan base is large and loyal. No matter what the outside world says, her fans always support her. They think that Yang Ying has an enviable appearance and a hard-working attitude. In their opinion, although Yang Ying's performance in film and television works is not as good as that of Kanna Hashimoto and Zhao Ruzhen, her efforts and persistence are worthy of recognition.


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