
Zhang Xuefeng was shocked when he saw the major, missile maintenance, netizens: one-time consumption of talents

author:Mature flower cat

Text: Mature flower cat

Edit: Mature Flower Cat

A few days ago, there was a video circulating on the Internet, in which a teacher was explaining to the students some things about filling in the volunteers, probably because the teacher himself did not know much about some majors, so when answering questions to the students, he also seemed a little suspicious and at a loss.

Zhang Xuefeng was shocked when he saw the major, missile maintenance, netizens: one-time consumption of talents

It is reported that this teacher is very familiar to everyone Zhang Xuefeng, he has always been a very popular teacher with students, and he is also very interesting, and sometimes the interaction with students in the classroom is also very material, which can always bring infinite joy to everyone.

Recently, it is time to fill in the annual volunteers, which is undoubtedly a very important thing for students who are about to take the college entrance examination, and it is also related to their future development and study direction, so they do need some guidance and suggestions for choosing a major.

Zhang Xuefeng was shocked when he saw the major, missile maintenance, netizens: one-time consumption of talents

At this time, a student also asked Mr. Zhang Xuefeng some questions, and he asked Mr. Zhang: "How is the missile maintenance major?" ”

After hearing this question, Mr. Zhang Xuefeng's expression suddenly became a little suspicious, as if he didn't know much about this major, and he couldn't help but ask: "The missile still needs to be repaired?" ”

Zhang Xuefeng was shocked when he saw the major, missile maintenance, netizens: one-time consumption of talents

Indeed, when he heard this question, he was a little unbelievable like other netizens, it turned out that there was such a major, and the name of this major sounded very lofty, which also made people feel a little unbelievable.

Teacher Zhang Xuefeng's suspicious expression was also photographed by the students, and it was soon uploaded to the Internet, which also aroused heated discussions among many netizens, and everyone left messages saying, "This major sounds very powerful, no wonder some people say that only by choosing this major can you do it once in a lifetime." ”

Zhang Xuefeng was shocked when he saw the major, missile maintenance, netizens: one-time consumption of talents

Some netizens joked, "I heard that the enrollment of this major is also very strict, only those who meet certain conditions can apply for the examination, and there may be some special tests, and only those with particularly good test scores have the opportunity to be admitted." ”

Zhang Xuefeng was shocked when he saw the major, missile maintenance, netizens: one-time consumption of talents

Of course, in this process, it also brings infinite joy and imagination to everyone, and people can't help but think, is it a one-time missile, or a person?

Zhang Xuefeng was shocked when he saw the major, missile maintenance, netizens: one-time consumption of talents

No matter what kind of major it is, in fact, everyone's choice is very brave, and I hope that everyone can choose a major that suits them according to their interests and hobbies, so that they can gain something in their future study career.

Zhang Xuefeng was shocked when he saw the major, missile maintenance, netizens: one-time consumption of talents
Zhang Xuefeng was shocked when he saw the major, missile maintenance, netizens: one-time consumption of talents

I also hope that everyone can take this kind of volunteer matter seriously, and you can consult the opinions of teachers and parents around you.

You can also choose a major that suits your own development according to your own interests and career planning, so that you can go more and more smoothly on the road in the future and achieve something.

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