
U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup Final! Zhang Ziyu was blown up at halftime, and Australia taught the Chinese women's basketball team a lesson

author:Upward Race
U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup Final! Zhang Ziyu was blown up at halftime, and Australia taught the Chinese women's basketball team a lesson

In the recent U18 Women's Asian Cup final, the Chinese women's basketball team faced an unexpected challenge against the defending champions Australia. Ahead of the U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup final, netizens who discussed the match were generally optimistic that the Chinese team could easily beat the Australian team. On social media, many fans left messages: "After watching yesterday's match between Australia and Japan, I feel that they are in average condition, and the Chinese team is expected to win!" "Zhang Ziyu's height advantage is too obvious, how can Australia resist it!" "Expectations seem reasonable, given that China have performed well in previous matches, while Australia narrowly beat Japan without overwhelming advantage.

However, the start of the game came as a surprise to everyone. The Australian team came up with a different momentum, not only did they go all out to fight for the jump ball, but they also managed to win the part that is usually covered by Zhang Ziyu. This scene made fans sigh in the comment area of the live broadcast: "The Australian team is not joking, they dare to grab the jump ball with Zhang Ziyu!" "This start makes people feel that the game may not be so simple. ”

U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup Final! Zhang Ziyu was blown up at halftime, and Australia taught the Chinese women's basketball team a lesson

As the game progressed, the Australian team continued to attack around the inside, and they did not shy away from Zhang Ziyu's height advantage, but used their physical fitness and the flexible movement of the players to frequently create scoring opportunities on the inside. One netizen commented: "The Australian team played very well, they obviously targeted Zhang Ziyu's physical ability, and this strategy seems to be quite effective. "When the outside shooting percentage is not high, they continue to pose a threat to the Chinese team by grabbing rebounds and inside breakthroughs, causing the Chinese team to fall into passivity on the defensive end.

At the end of the first half, the Chinese women's basketball team lost a significant advantage in rebounding, which became a big challenge for them on the defensive and offensive ends. Halfway through the game, the audience was talking in front of the TV: "The Chinese team's rebounding performance is indeed not as good as expected, which has affected their overall rhythm." "The intensity of the Australian team on the inside caught us off guard, and we need to organize our rebounding defense better. ”

U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup Final! Zhang Ziyu was blown up at halftime, and Australia taught the Chinese women's basketball team a lesson

On the field, the players of the Chinese team also felt the strong pressure from their opponents. Zhang Ziyu constantly adjusted his position and rhythm on the court, trying to find a breakthrough. "The interior of the Australian team is really very threatening, and I have to focus more on the rebounding and defensive roles and not let them score easily," she thought to herself. At the same time, teammates work well with each other on the court, trying to counteract the opponent's advantage with quick counterattacks and outside shots.

At the end of the game, when the score was 42-49 at the end of the first half, the Chinese team temporarily trailed Australia. At this time, the coaching staff continued to coach the players on the sidelines: "We have to work more on the rebounds, and we can't let them get a second chance to attack easily." The players were nervously discussing off the court: "We need to be tighter on the perimeter and we can't give them a chance to shoot." ”

U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup Final! Zhang Ziyu was blown up at halftime, and Australia taught the Chinese women's basketball team a lesson

The reflection after the game has become an important topic for the Chinese team's future preparation. The coaching staff sat with the players to analyse the footage of the game and discuss the tactical and technical characteristics of the Australian team in depth. "They're really strong inside, and we need to improve our rebounding defense and fast-break ability in a targeted way." The head coach said. Zhang Ziyu also expressed his opinion: "I have to be more flexible to deal with the opponent's bag and interior attack, and at the same time look for better opportunities on the offensive end. ”

Previously, People's Information had commented on her: She grew to the height of Yao Ming at the age of 14, and Zhang Ziyu's height still has room to continue to grow. With the unique advantage of height, Zhang Ziyu is also regarded as the hope star of the Chinese women's basketball team.

U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup Final! Zhang Ziyu was blown up at halftime, and Australia taught the Chinese women's basketball team a lesson

The news quickly spread on social media, sparking widespread discussion and attention. Netizens left their opinions in the comment area: "Zhang Ziyu's height is really a natural advantage, he is already taller than Yao Ming at the age of 14, and there is room for continued growth in the future, which is incredible!" "I hope she can play well in the future games and win glory for the Chinese women's basketball team!" These comments reflect high expectations and optimism about Zhang's potential.

Zhang Ziyu himself also maintained humility and expectation for these evaluations: "Height is a talent, and I will try to play to my strengths and fight for the honor of the national team." In an interview, she revealed her ambitions for the future: "I hope to achieve better results in the international arena and contribute to Chinese basketball." ”

However, over time, Zhang's growth and development has also given rise to some new discussions. Some netizens began to pay attention to whether her skills and comprehensive ability can match her height: "Zhang Ziyu's height advantage is obvious, but basketball skills and game experience are equally important. Hopefully she will be able to develop herself well in training. This view reflects the realistic consideration and constructive opinions on Zhang Ziyu's future development.

U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup Final! Zhang Ziyu was blown up at halftime, and Australia taught the Chinese women's basketball team a lesson

Zhang Ziyu's environment is also actively supporting and nurturing her growth. In the domestic league, she often faced a variety of challenges and opponents, which not only honed her skills, but also enhanced her game experience. "In every game, I'm learning and improving, and hopefully I'll get better and better." Zhang Ziyu said after a team training.

In addition to her performances in domestic competitions, Zhang Ziyu is also active in international competitions and training camps, which provides her with the opportunity to compete against the best players in the world. "Every time I can communicate with international players, I can get new inspiration and improvement." Her speech showed her relentless pursuit and attitude towards improving her own level.

Regarding her future, fans are also discussing how to better use her height advantage. "Zhang's dominance on the inside is indisputable, but whether she can cope with the changeable tactics from her opponents is a challenge." This discussion shows the expectation and concern for the development of her comprehensive ability.

U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup Final! Zhang Ziyu was blown up at halftime, and Australia taught the Chinese women's basketball team a lesson

The team decided to learn from this game, especially against a more physically fit international team. Strengthen interior defense and rebounding in training, while improving overall teamwork and communication skills.

All in all, this final is not only the result of a game, but also a valuable experience for the Chinese women's basketball team on the international stage. The team will take this opportunity to further improve its tactical layout and teamwork, and be fully prepared for facing top opponents such as Spain and the United States in the future. They believe that through such growth and accumulation, the Chinese women's basketball team will show a stronger competitive state and team strength in future games.

U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup Final! Zhang Ziyu was blown up at halftime, and Australia taught the Chinese women's basketball team a lesson

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