
124-49! Men's Basketball World Cup upset: The United States wins! China defeated France, and Germany lost 2 in a row

author:Watch the big game
124-49! Men's Basketball World Cup upset: The United States wins! China defeated France, and Germany lost 2 in a row

On June 30, Beijing time, the 2024 U17 Men's Basketball World Cup ushered in the second day of competition, and the teams competed fiercely on the world stage. Among them, the match between the United States team and Guinea and the matchup between the Chinese team and the French team became the focus.

In the match against Guinea, the U.S. team showed a strong dominance and a perfect combination of technique and tactics. As soon as the game began, the U.S. team showed that they were not to be underestimated. Their offense was like a flurry of points, and their defense was impregnable, making it difficult for Guinea to find a way out.

In the first quarter, the U.S. team quickly established a lead, and the situation on the court was almost firmly controlled by them. The Guinean team clearly looked powerless against such a formidable opponent. Netizens commented on the game in a variety of ways, some praised the skills of the American team, thinking that they deserve to be the representatives of the world's basketball powerhouses; There are also people who lament the plight of the Guinean team and hope that they can learn more from such a game.

As the game entered the second quarter, the U.S. continued to extend their lead. Their quick transition offense and accurate outside shooting left Guinea in the dust. By halftime, the U.S. had taken a staggering 59-23 lead. At this time, many netizens began to discuss the trend of the game, and some joked that the scoring speed of the American team was like a hanging, and it couldn't be stopped at all; There are also concerns about the situation of the Guinean team and hope that they can perform in the second half.

124-49! Men's Basketball World Cup upset: The United States wins! China defeated France, and Germany lost 2 in a row

In the second half of the game, the U.S. team still maintained an efficient offensive and tight defensive strategy. They controlled the tempo of the game, keeping Guinea unable to find a counter-attacking opportunity. In the face of such a ferocious opponent, the Guinean players seemed to be unable to do their best, and it was difficult to change the situation of the game despite their best efforts. Some netizens were amazed by the performance of the American team, believing that they were a real basketball power; Others lamented the disparity in scores in the game and felt that such a game lacked suspense.

In the end, the U.S. team defeated Guinea with a score of 124-49, demonstrating their dominance and all-round strength on the world basketball stage. This game is not only a contest of skills and tactics, but also a clear display of the difference in strength. Netizens also have different opinions on this, some people think that this is the essence of basketball competition, and the strong prevail; There have also been calls for FIBA to strengthen the balance between groups in international competitions to increase the fairness of competition.

China's match against France has become a major feature of the tournament schedule. The start of the match was very intense, with both China and France showing top-level basketball skills. At the beginning of the game, the Chinese team and the French team launched a fierce attack, with a tight rhythm on the field, alternating between attack and defense. The Chinese team relied on the efficient attack and tight defensive layout of the players to compete with the French team.

124-49! Men's Basketball World Cup upset: The United States wins! China defeated France, and Germany lost 2 in a row

However, as the game entered the second quarter, the French team gradually found the rhythm of the game. They were more aggressive in attack and began to adjust defensively, gradually overtaking the score. At the end of the first half, France led 42-32 and showed their consistency and resilience.

In the second half of the game, the Chinese team showed tenacious fighting spirit and team cohesion. They quickly chased the score at the start of the third quarter and quickly leveled the score at 48-48. At key moments in this section, the individual performances of players such as Zhang Boyuan and Shen Wudi became the key factors for the Chinese team to reverse and finally win. Their firm performance on the field and the tacit cooperation of the team made the Chinese team remain calm and efficient in the tense game.

In the final stage of the game, the Chinese team and the French team had a fierce competition. Every offense and defense on the pitch was extraordinarily crucial, with both teams doing everything they could to win. In the end, the Chinese team defeated the French team with a thrilling score of 73-70 to win an exhilarating victory. This victory not only showcased the strength of the Chinese team, but also added confidence and motivation to their upcoming matches.

In other matches, Australia showed their dominance in the game with a 74-60 win over Germany; Canada defeated Egypt to show their consistency and depth; The Philippines won a big win against Lebanon and earned themselves valuable points; Samoa, on the other hand, showed their willpower and fighting spirit with a 64-59 victory over Iran in a fierce matchup.

124-49! Men's Basketball World Cup upset: The United States wins! China defeated France, and Germany lost 2 in a row

Some people say that basketball in recent years is not basketball in the real sense, but more like a commercial game, a competition in the pursuit of fame and fortune. Now the men's basketball team has almost become part of the circle of celebrities, and it is hard to imagine that there are children with ordinary family backgrounds who can enter it. Since Yao Ming landed in the NBA, the attention and commercial value of basketball have increased by leaps and bounds, which has also made basketball more affected by commercialization and marketization.

On the Internet, the discussion about the commercialization of basketball has sparked the views and opinions of many netizens. Some people believe that basketball is no longer as simple as in the past, and is more about making money and showing themselves; Some people also feel that this is the development trend of the times, and it is not surprising that basketball, as a popular sport, will naturally be affected by commercial capital. Some fans are concerned about the growth path of young players, believing that the competition is too fierce now, and it is difficult for children from ordinary families to have the opportunity to stand out and enter the professional team.

124-49! Men's Basketball World Cup upset: The United States wins! China defeated France, and Germany lost 2 in a row

In real life, the commercialization of basketball has also triggered deep thinking and discussion in society. Some parents are beginning to worry about whether their children will be able to find their own opportunities in such a competitive environment; Some professionals have called for the sports industry to pay more attention to the cultivation and popularization of the grassroots level, rather than simply pursuing commercial interests. Some people are very emotional about this, feeling that basketball is no longer the pure sport of the past, but is swayed by market demand and commercial interests.

However, there are some optimistic voices. They believe that with the popularity and development of basketball, more people have the opportunity to contact and participate in the sport, which is undoubtedly a progress. Although the impact of commercialization is inevitable, basketball is still a sport that people love and aspire to, which can inspire the passion and fighting spirit of young people, and can also bring more opportunities and possibilities to them.

The match day showcased the potential and fighting spirit of the young players, especially the victory of the Chinese team against the French team, which not only showed their growth and strength, but also demonstrated the stability and courage of the team at critical moments. This victory is not only a technical and tactical victory, but also a manifestation of team spirit and indomitable will, adding a touch of bright color to the future blueprint of Chinese basketball.

124-49! Men's Basketball World Cup upset: The United States wins! China defeated France, and Germany lost 2 in a row

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