
Yang Ying lowered her body to bring goods live, humbly pleasing Simba, Simba's words made her embarrassed

author:Passion fruit

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Edit: Passion Fruit

Yang Ying lowered her body to bring goods live, humbly pleasing Simba, Simba's words made her embarrassed


Hello everyone, what I want to talk to you about today is Yang Ying (Angelababy), who was once a smash hit. Do you remember when she appeared at the Crazy Horse striptease show last year? Since then, Yang Ying has been soft-sealed as if she had disappeared.

Yang Ying lowered her body to bring goods live, humbly pleasing Simba, Simba's words made her embarrassed

This situation allows her to only appear on a limited number of occasions, and there is no previous scenery at all. Think about a few years ago, she was a goddess standing at the top of the entertainment industry, but now she can only keep a low profile. Such a gap can't help but make people sigh.

Yang Ying lowered her body to bring goods live, humbly pleasing Simba, Simba's words made her embarrassed

Looking back at the glory of the past: the former queen

Do you remember what Yang Ying was like a few years ago? Her status is even higher than Huang Xiaoming, and her commercial value is also leveraged.

Yang Ying lowered her body to bring goods live, humbly pleasing Simba, Simba's words made her embarrassed

The products she endorses range from the luxury brand Tiffany & Co. to the high-end dairy product An Mouxi, and then to Audi, all of which are big names among big brands. At that time, Yang Ying was simply a star, and no one would have thought that she would fall to this point today.

Yang Ying lowered her body to bring goods live, humbly pleasing Simba, Simba's words made her embarrassed

At that time, she was radiant and could cause a commotion every time she appeared. Who would have thought that now she would work hard to bring goods in the live broadcast room?

Yang Ying lowered her body to bring goods live, humbly pleasing Simba, Simba's words made her embarrassed

Comparison of the current situation: humility and helplessness in the live broadcast room

Today's Yang Ying is no longer the star who is on top. She had to curry favor with Simba in the live broadcast room, and this scene was really embarrassing and uncomfortable.

Yang Ying lowered her body to bring goods live, humbly pleasing Simba, Simba's words made her embarrassed

On June 29, she appeared in the live broadcast room of a certain Internet celebrity under Simba. For that live broadcast, she made sufficient preparations, endorsed a certain brand, and cooperated with Simba to shout.

Yang Ying lowered her body to bring goods live, humbly pleasing Simba, Simba's words made her embarrassed

This kind of scene is really poignant. From being a high-end brand spokesperson to now selling goods in the live broadcast room, I am afraid only she knows best.

Yang Ying lowered her body to bring goods live, humbly pleasing Simba, Simba's words made her embarrassed

Analysis of specific events: The humble flattery of Simba's live broadcast room

In that live broadcast, Yang Ying behaved extremely humblely. She took a bite of "Mr. Xin" and flattered Simba. Simba introduced the live broadcast data to her, saying that there were nearly a million onlookers this night, and the sales of goods were as high as 790 million.

Yang Ying lowered her body to bring goods live, humbly pleasing Simba, Simba's words made her embarrassed

When Yang Ying heard these data, her eyes showed a look of envy, and she even joked that she wanted to come here to work. Although her words are ridiculous, anyone can see her yearning for the goods circle. However, no one picked up this sentence, and the atmosphere was so embarrassing that it could be deducted from the three-bedroom apartment. Her humility and flattery make people sweat for her.

Yang Ying lowered her body to bring goods live, humbly pleasing Simba, Simba's words made her embarrassed

Reactions and Repercussions: Simba's indifferent response

Simba seemed a little indifferent to Yang Ying's flattery. When Yang Ying took the lead in cheering for Simba, Simba's response was a "roll". This answer not only embarrassed Yang Ying, but also made the atmosphere in the live broadcast room cool down instantly.

Yang Ying lowered her body to bring goods live, humbly pleasing Simba, Simba's words made her embarrassed

Yang Ying had no choice but to test Simba in a coquettish tone, saying that he was shy, so she barely resolved the embarrassment. Such a scene is really sad. It is really unacceptable that the former first-line actress is now so low in the live broadcast room.

Yang Ying lowered her body to bring goods live, humbly pleasing Simba, Simba's words made her embarrassed

Netizen reactions and public opinion: fans' confusion and sighs

Yang Ying's performance in the live broadcast room caused heated discussions among netizens. Many people sigh at her current situation, especially her fans, who find it difficult to understand the changes in the situation of celebrities and Internet celebrities.

Yang Ying lowered her body to bring goods live, humbly pleasing Simba, Simba's words made her embarrassed

Some people think that Yang Ying's spirit of bending and stretching is worthy of recognition, but more people feel sorry for her downfall. After all, she used to be so brilliant, but now she has been reduced to the point of trying to please Simba in the live broadcast room. This contrast makes many people feel puzzled and confused.

Yang Ying lowered her body to bring goods live, humbly pleasing Simba, Simba's words made her embarrassed

Reason reflection: From Crazy Horse to today's downfall

Yang Ying's current situation is closely related to her watching Crazy Horse Show last year. As a public figure, she should be more restrained in her behavior and deeply aware of the impact of her actions on fans and the public.

Yang Ying lowered her body to bring goods live, humbly pleasing Simba, Simba's words made her embarrassed

After the Crazy Horse show incident, her work almost stopped, she lost her position as a resident guest on the variety show "Running Man", and lost many scripts.

Yang Ying lowered her body to bring goods live, humbly pleasing Simba, Simba's words made her embarrassed

She debuted as a young model, and she has no professional skills, in this case, she can only run on various red carpets and maintain her popularity by appearing. However, such a life was clearly not what she wanted.

Yang Ying lowered her body to bring goods live, humbly pleasing Simba, Simba's words made her embarrassed

Future outlook: Can Yang Ying make a comeback?

In the future, it is still unknown whether Yang Ying will be able to make a comeback. Her best way to make money at the moment is live streaming. With her fan base and influence, it is entirely possible for Yang Ying to become a top anchor in beauty in a short period of time.

Yang Ying lowered her body to bring goods live, humbly pleasing Simba, Simba's words made her embarrassed

However, it also means that she will say goodbye to her acting career. For Yang Ying, this is undoubtedly a huge challenge and choice. Whether she can find a new breakthrough in live broadcasting, or continue to struggle in the entertainment industry, we will wait and see.

Yang Ying lowered her body to bring goods live, humbly pleasing Simba, Simba's words made her embarrassed

The editor chattered

Looking back on Yang Ying's experience, it is not difficult to see that as a public figure, her every move has attracted much attention. From the Crazy Horse Show incident to the transformation of live streaming, Yang Ying's experience is not only regrettable, but also triggers deep thinking about the responsibility and responsibility of public figures.

Yang Ying lowered her body to bring goods live, humbly pleasing Simba, Simba's words made her embarrassed

Stars not only need to be glamorous in front of the camera, but also need to be strict with themselves in life and establish a good image. For Yang Ying, how to find a new breakthrough point in the trough of her career is the biggest challenge she faces.

Yang Ying lowered her body to bring goods live, humbly pleasing Simba, Simba's words made her embarrassed

After reading Yang Ying's story, what do you think? Do you think she can find a new breakthrough in live streaming? Or is there another way out? Feel free to share your views and opinions in the comment section. Let's talk about whether the former goddess can make a comeback and how her future will develop.

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