
Magnolia's most disappointed 4 actors, all of whom had explosive acting skills, but they didn't win the award, which is a pity

author:All the way to film and entertainment
Magnolia's most disappointed 4 actors, all of whom had explosive acting skills, but they didn't win the award, which is a pity

Shanghai, on the evening of June 28, the 29th Magnolia Awards ceremony came to an end in a starry day. It was a star-studded event where stars from all walks of life came together to witness the best actors win awards.

At the Magnolia Award ceremony, the focus of the film and television industry was inevitably focused on Hu Ge and Zhou Xun. Hu Ge won the Best Actor Award for his outstanding acting skills, and his acting skills were widely recognized, making countless fans cheer. And Zhou Xun won the Best Actress Award for her superb performance in the film, which also made her acting skills highly praised inside and outside the industry again.

Magnolia's most disappointed 4 actors, all of whom had explosive acting skills, but they didn't win the award, which is a pity

However, like every grand awards ceremony, in addition to joy and celebration, it is also accompanied by a lot of regrets. Four actors, despite their outstanding performances, failed to win the Academy trophy, which became a big topic of conversation that night.

Ni Hongjie's acting skills in the TV series "Apocalypse" can be described as a must, and she shows the complexity and depth of Liu Meiling, the queen of Versailles. However, the final Best Supporting Actress award was won by Jiang Yan, which made many netizens feel regretful and puzzled. On the Internet, someone commented: "Ni Hongjie's performance this time is really exciting, she perfectly interprets Liu Meiling's character, it's really a pity." Another person added: "It's really distressing that she has such good acting skills, but she always passes by the trophy." ”

Magnolia's most disappointed 4 actors, all of whom had explosive acting skills, but they didn't win the award, which is a pity

Dong Yong, the veteran actor who moved from the Peking Opera stage to the film and television industry, won the love of the audience with his touching performance in the TV series "Flowers". The role he played in the play was soulful and vivid, but unfortunately, the Best Supporting Actor award did not belong to him. On social media, many fans expressed their support and regret for him: "Dong Yong's brother's performance is really touching, and he can empathize with him every time." Another netizen also wrote: "His acting skills are really good, but it's a pity that he didn't win the award this time, I hope he can have a better performance next time." ”

Tang Yan, a former idol actress, successfully transformed into a powerful actor through the TV series "Flowers", and her role in the play, Miss Wang, is also loved by the audience. However, despite receiving a lot of praise for her performance, she failed to win the Best Actress crown. Some netizens wrote on social platforms: "Tang Yan has really made great progress in recent years, and her transformation has been very successful. Another said: "Although she didn't win Best Actress, her performance is really good, and I look forward to her continuing to shine in future works." ”

Magnolia's most disappointed 4 actors, all of whom had explosive acting skills, but they didn't win the award, which is a pity

Fan Wei has attracted widespread attention with his outstanding performance in the TV series "The Long Season", and his character Wang Xiang is deeply loved by the audience. Although his acting skills were highly recognized, he lost to Hu Ge in the end. Some fans said on the Internet: "Brother Fan Wei's acting skills really don't have to be said, every time he performs, he can bring people different feelings." Another commented: "Although he didn't win Best Actor, we all see his strength." ”

At this Magnolia Awards ceremony, full of light and shadow, glory and regret coexist, and each actor is using his performance to interpret his love and dedication to his acting career. Their story is not only a competition for an award ceremony, but also a sincere portrayal of life, which deserves our respect and attention. In the future, let's look forward to these actors continuing to shine in their next works and creating more wonderful acting achievements.

Magnolia's most disappointed 4 actors, all of whom had explosive acting skills, but they didn't win the award, which is a pity

However, as with every awards ceremony, there are many regrets in addition to joy. Ni Hongjie, Dong Yong, Tang Yan and Fan Wei failed to win the Academy trophy despite their outstanding performances, which also became the focus of attention of many viewers and netizens.

On social media, some netizens expressed their views and comments on the results of this award. A netizen wrote: "The 4 winners, their acting skills are indeed well deserved, and not winning the award does not necessarily mean that the acting skills are not good, but it can only be said that there are more monks and less porridge, and I hope to further improve my acting skills." These words have been liked and forwarded by many people, and those who agree with it have left messages expressing their approval, believing that acting skills are not the only determining factor, and fierce competition is also a major influencing factor.

Magnolia's most disappointed 4 actors, all of whom had explosive acting skills, but they didn't win the award, which is a pity

Another netizen commented: "Ni Hongjie's "Apocalypse" is really too exciting, she perfectly portrayed the role of Liu Meiling, and deserves more recognition." This passage sparked a resonance among many fans, who expressed their appreciation for Ni Hongjie's acting skills and regret that she failed to win the award.

At the same time, in response to Dong Yong's performance, a netizen expressed this opinion: "Dong Yong's brother's acting skills are really moving, and his performance in "Flowers" is impressive, especially the song "Annie". This comment has been liked and forwarded by many netizens, and everyone has expressed a high degree of recognition and love for Dong Yong's performance.

Magnolia's most disappointed 4 actors, all of whom had explosive acting skills, but they didn't win the award, which is a pity

Regarding Tang Yan's failure to win the award, a netizen left a message in the comment area: "Tang Yan's acting skills have really improved a lot, and her transformation from an idol to a powerful faction is very successful, and I look forward to more wonderful performances from her in the future." This passage has been supported and endorsed by many people, and they all hope that Tang Yan can continue to play her potential and strength in the future.

Finally, in response to Fan Wei's performance, some netizens left a message saying: "Fan Wei's performance in "The Long Season" is really good, and his role is interpreted very deeply in the hearts of the people. These words also resonated with many people, who believed that Fan Wei's performance level was very high, and they were full of expectations for his future development.

Magnolia's most disappointed 4 actors, all of whom had explosive acting skills, but they didn't win the award, which is a pity

At the 29th Magnolia Awards ceremony, Fan Wei attracted widespread attention with his affectionate performance in the TV series "The Long Season". His character "Wang Xiang" deeply touched the audience and critics with his complex inner world and delicate emotional expression. However, despite the praise for his performance, the final Best Actor award was awarded to Hu Ge, which made Fan Wei helpless and slightly regretful.

Fan Wei, a typical example of the transition from comedy to drama actor, his career has not been smooth sailing. In his early years, he collaborated with comedy artists such as Zhao Benshan, and established a certain reputation through sketches and comedies. However, he was not satisfied with this and was eager to challenge the limits of his acting skills with more complex roles.

Magnolia's most disappointed 4 actors, all of whom had explosive acting skills, but they didn't win the award, which is a pity

"The Long Season" became a milestone in Fan Wei's career. In the play, he plays Wang Xiang, a character with a rich heart and full of vicissitudes, and his father's delicate emotions in the face of the dual pressures of family and career are moving. Through his deep understanding of the character and superb performance, Fan Wei successfully portrayed the character to life, which was deeply loved and appreciated by the audience.

However, despite his acclaimed performance in The Long Season, Hu Ge eventually won the Best Actor award. This result was undoubtedly a pity for Fan Wei, but he was not discouraged or stagnant. Instead, he saw the loss of this award provide him with more opportunities to learn and grow. In his heart, although there are some regrets, it is more about the expectation and hard work for the future.

Magnolia's most disappointed 4 actors, all of whom had explosive acting skills, but they didn't win the award, which is a pity

Fan Wei is not a newcomer to the entertainment industry, he has accumulated rich stage experience and performance skills. He has experienced many difficulties and challenges in the transition from comedy to drama, but every setback has become a part of his path forward. He knows that the improvement of acting skills and the breakthrough of roles require continuous efforts and accumulation, and there is no overnight road to success.

At every stage of his career, Fan Wei has pursued a higher artistic realm and a deeper interpretation of his role. The success of "The Long Season" not only allowed him to gain more recognition from the audience, but also won him more space to explore his acting skills. He knows that behind each character there is a story and emotions behind it, and these are the source of his constant exploration and performance as an actor.

Magnolia's most disappointed 4 actors, all of whom had explosive acting skills, but they didn't win the award, which is a pity

On the Internet, Fan Wei's performance has also sparked discussions and praise from many fans and viewers. Some netizens commented: "Brother Fan Wei's acting skills in "The Long Season" are fantastic, and every look and expression touches me deeply. This sincere compliment is not only a recognition of his acting skills, but also an affirmation of his long-term perseverance and dedication.

The Magnolia Award ceremony is not only a stage for the actors' honors, but also an important node on their acting path. The dedication and efforts of every actor deserve our respect and affirmation. Looking forward to the future, they will continue to chase their dreams and repay the audience's support and expectations with more outstanding performances.

Magnolia's most disappointed 4 actors, all of whom had explosive acting skills, but they didn't win the award, which is a pity

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