
Mai Jia: I broke up with my father for 20 years because of a slap, and my father has become demented when I look back

author:Marumaru Bungakusha
Mai Jia: I broke up with my father for 20 years because of a slap, and my father has become demented when I look back
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the next like,
Mai Jia: I broke up with my father for 20 years because of a slap, and my father has become demented when I look back

It's hard not to get rich

In the Chinese literary world, Mai Jia is an eye-catching name. This talented writer once separated from his loved ones for twenty years because of a seemingly ordinary family conflict.

It was an afternoon in his teenage years, and two slaps from his father were the last straw that broke him. With full of anger and grievances, the young Mai family chose to leave home and go alone.

Twenty years later, when he finally let go of his knot and decided to return home, fate dealt him a heavy blow. Pushing open the familiar and unfamiliar door, he found that his father was no longer what he remembered - Alzheimer's disease had robbed him of his memory and the possibility of their reconciliation.

Mai Jia: I broke up with my father for 20 years because of a slap, and my father has become demented when I look back

The story of the Mai family not only aroused people's deep thinking about the value of family affection, but also touched the heartstrings of countless people. Among them, the famous host Dong Qing was deeply moved and pushed off all the hosting work for the Mai family's new book launch.

This embarrassing story silently tells the preciousness of family affection and the impermanence of life.

The Mai family's childhood was not as good as it was depicted in the poem. He was born in an ordinary rural family, and his parents were busy making ends meet and had little time to accompany and care for him.

Such a growth environment, like an invisible carving knife, slowly carved out the introverted and withdrawn character of the Mai family. At school, he was always a loner, out of place with his peers, and often became the target of bullying.

Mai Jia: I broke up with my father for 20 years because of a slap, and my father has become demented when I look back

In the memories of the Mai family's youth, one day the sun was particularly dazzling. That day, he finally couldn't take it anymore and had a fierce conflict with three classmates who often bullied him.

It was at this time that his father appeared. The Mai family thought that his father would stand on his side and seek justice for himself. However, to his surprise, his father raised his hand and gave him two resounding slaps without saying a word.

This sudden punishment was like a thunderbolt struck the young heart of the Mai family. He couldn't understand why his father punished him without asking why, and grievances and anger rolled in his heart.

These two slaps became the last straw that broke the camel's back, and also became the fuse for the Mai family to break with the family.

Mai Jia: I broke up with my father for 20 years because of a slap, and my father has become demented when I look back

With full of unwillingness and resentment, the Mai family was admitted to the university of their choice with excellent results. Leaving his home where he felt suffocated, he chose to cut off contact with his family and embark on the journey of life alone.

For the next twenty years, the Mai family poured all their emotions into words. He uses the tip of the pen instead of the sound to record the ups and downs of life, creating one moving work after another.

With the passage of time, Mai Jia's talent was gradually recognized by the literary world, and his name began to appear frequently in major literary publications, becoming a high-profile emerging writer.

However, even with their remarkable achievements in their careers, the Mai family still can't completely erase the memory of breaking with their father deep down. Whenever he thinks back to that sunny afternoon, those two resounding slaps, his heart will still be filled with bitterness.

Mai Jia: I broke up with my father for 20 years because of a slap, and my father has become demented when I look back

Success and fame did not fill the hole in his heart, but made him more deeply aware of the preciousness of family affection.

The experience of the Mai family is like a mirror, reflecting the deep struggles and contradictions in the hearts of many people. His story teaches us that there will inevitably be misunderstandings and conflicts on the road to growing up, but we should not let momentary resentment blind us and miss out on the most precious family affection.

Twenty years have passed in the blink of an eye. The Mai family, a teenager who once left home in anger, has now grown into a mature and stable middle-aged man. The baptism of time not only took away his youth, but also slowly smoothed out the edges and corners of his heart.

Although the pain of those two slaps is still there, as they grow older, the Mai family begins to understand that their father's intentions may not be entirely inappropriate.

Mai Jia: I broke up with my father for 20 years because of a slap, and my father has become demented when I look back

The feeling of homesickness came to my heart again and again like a tide. The Mai family began to dream frequently of the scenes of their hometown and the figure of their father. He realized that it was time to let go of his past preconceptions and face the dusty memories again.

With apprehension and anticipation, the Mai family finally made up their minds to embark on the road back to their hometown.

However, fate always seems to like to play a joke on people. When the Mai family pushed open the familiar and unfamiliar door, the scene in front of him made him feel like falling into an ice cave. The once tall father was now sitting on a wicker chair, his eyes vacant, and he did not react to his sudden appearance.

It turned out that in these twenty years, my father had already suffered from Alzheimer's disease.

Mai Jia: I broke up with my father for 20 years because of a slap, and my father has become demented when I look back

Looking at his father's blank eyes, the Mai family's heart seemed to be tightly grasped by an invisible hand. He suddenly realizes that he has lost the opportunity to reconcile with his father forever.

The once strict father now can't remember who his son is. The words accumulated over the past twenty years have all turned into silent sighs at this moment.

The Mai family sat quietly beside their father, trying to regain those lost moments. He began to tell about his experiences over the years, even though he knew that his father might not have understood it.

In this process, the Mai family deeply experienced the pain of "the son wants to raise but does not wait".

Mai Jia: I broke up with my father for 20 years because of a slap, and my father has become demented when I look back

This reunion after a long absence, there is no imaginary quarrel, no expected reconciliation, only deep regret and self-blame. The Mai family understands that he has paid a heavy price for the stubbornness of his youth.

Those days that could have been spent together, those words that could have been spoken, have now become regrets that can never be remedied.

During the days of accompanying his father, the Mai family began to re-examine their lives. He realized that the preciousness of family affection far outweighed the stubbornness and prejudice of those youths.

This missed reconciliation became the most profound lesson in the Mai family's life, and also became an important source of his later creations.

Mai Jia: I broke up with my father for 20 years because of a slap, and my father has become demented when I look back

Losing the opportunity to reconcile with his father was a heavy blow to the Mai family. After his father's death, his heart was filled with endless remorse and self-blame. In order to relieve these complex emotions, the Mai family fully devoted themselves to literary creation.

For him, writing is not only a profession, but also a way to heal his soul.

Day after day, year after year, Mai Jia depicts the inner turmoil with the tip of his pen and builds a bridge of emotions with words. In the process, he constantly looked back on his life and reflected on his relationship with his father.

Those memories that were once blinded by resentment have gradually revealed different colors under the washing of time.

Mai Jia: I broke up with my father for 20 years because of a slap, and my father has become demented when I look back

Finally, in the eighth year after his father's death, the Mai family's painstaking work "The Sea of Life" came out. There is no flowery rhetoric in this work, no deliberate embellishment, and some are just the real life experience and inner feelings of the Mai family over the years.

In the simple and unpretentious words, he profoundly conveys his cherishing of family affection and his feelings about the impermanence of life.

"The Sea of Life" is not a fictional novel, but a story about family, understanding and forgiveness based on the Mai family's own personal experience.

In the book, he unabashedly shows the contradictions, separations, longings and regrets between himself and his father. The two slaps, the twenty-year parting, and the father's dementia when they reunited were all vividly portrayed by the Mai family with delicate brushstrokes.

Mai Jia: I broke up with my father for 20 years because of a slap, and my father has become demented when I look back

This book is not only a review and reflection of Mai Jia's own life, but also a sincere confession to all his readers. Through his own story, he hopes to arouse people's attention to family affection, so that more people can cherish the relatives in front of them, and not wait until they are lost.

In the process of creation, the Mai family seems to have re-experienced a dialogue with his father. The words that could not be said in person, the apologies that were too late to express, were presented through words.

For the Mai family, "The Sea of Life" is not only a literary work, but also a belated confession letter to his father.

After the publication of "The Sea of Life", it caused a strong response in the literary world. Many readers were moved by the heartfelt emotions in the book, and they saw their own shadows in the story of the Mai family, and as a result, they began to re-examine their relationship with their families.

Mai Jia: I broke up with my father for 20 years because of a slap, and my father has become demented when I look back

The book has not only received widespread critical acclaim, but has also won several literary awards.

For the Mai family, the success of "The Sea of Life" is not only reflected in sales and awards. More importantly, through this book, he finally told the world about his remorse and longing, and also completed the reconciliation with his father to some extent.

Writing became a good medicine for the Mai family to heal his inner pain, and it also allowed him to find a new direction in life.

The story of the Mai family not only touched the general reader, but also caused a strong response in the media world. In the popular TV show "The Reader", the experience of the Mak family becomes an unforgettable chapter.

Mai Jia: I broke up with my father for 20 years because of a slap, and my father has become demented when I look back

When the Mai family read aloud a letter he wrote to his father in the show, the audience was all moved. However, the most touching is the host of the show, Dong Qing.

As an experienced host, Dong Qing has experienced countless touching stories, but the experience of the Mai family has made her rarely lose her professional calmness.

As the voice of the Mai family slowly said the words that could not be said to his father in person, Dong Qing's eyes gradually filled with tears. The deep nostalgia for family affection, as well as the deep affection for his father and the remorse in his heart, revealed by the Mai family in the letter, deeply moved Dong Qing.

When the Mai family read "How I wish I could talk to you again", Dong Qing could no longer control his emotions, and tears came out of his eyes.

Mai Jia: I broke up with my father for 20 years because of a slap, and my father has become demented when I look back

Dong Qing at this moment is no longer the glamorous host, but an ordinary person who is touched by sincere emotions. Her response not only reflects the resonance of the story of the Mai family, but also shows a deep understanding of the eternal theme of family affection.

Dong Qing's moving did not stop at the show. Two years later, when the Mai family held a book launch, Dong Qing made a surprising decision. She resolutely pushed away all the hosting work and personally came to cheer for the Mai family.

This move not only reflects Dong Qing's support for the Mai family, but also shows her recognition of the family values conveyed by the Mai family.

To some extent, Dong Qing's reaction represents the response of the whole society to the story of the Mai family. It shows that in this fast-paced society, people still crave sincere emotions and still value the value of family and affection.

Mai Jia: I broke up with my father for 20 years because of a slap, and my father has become demented when I look back

The story of the Mai family, through Dong Qing's tears, touched the heartstrings of more people and triggered people's in-depth thinking about family affection.

The story of the Mai family is like a mirror, reflecting the most precious but easily overlooked part of each of our lives - family affection. It reminds us that in the long course of life, we will inevitably have misunderstandings and conflicts with our loved ones.

However, these obstacles are not insurmountable chasms, and the key is whether we are willing to take the initiative to take a step towards reconciliation.

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