
Why did Kangxi choose the fourth elder brother in the end? Why did the fourteenth elder brother lose? Look at the analysis of netizens and understand

author:Mt. Wandering

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Ventu / Stray Dog Kanshan

Editor/Stray Dog Kanshan

Why did Kangxi choose the fourth elder brother in the end? Why did the fourteenth elder brother lose? Look at the analysis of netizens and understand

Today's topic: In the long history of the Qing Dynasty, the succession of Emperor Kangxi has always been talked about. Why did Kangxi choose the fourth elder brother in the end, but the fourteenth elder brother lost?

During the Kangxi reign of the Qing Dynasty, the succession to the throne has always been the focus of attention inside and outside the court.

During the reign of Emperor Kangxi, there were a total of 24 sons, of which the fourth elder brother Yinzhen and the fourteenth elder brother Yinzhen were the most outstanding.

The fourth elder brother Yinzhen is calm and knowledgeable; And the fourteenth elder brother Yinzhen, with excellent martial arts, won the hearts of the people.

The two princes have their own merits, and the battle for the throne is about to break out.

In Kangxi's later years, the issue of succession to the throne became more and more prominent. With his steadiness and wisdom, the fourth elder brother Yinzhen gradually won the trust of Emperor Kangxi.

And the fourteenth elder brother Yinzhen, although he is outstanding in martial arts, is a little immature in political skills.

As Emperor Kangxi grew older, the issue of succession to the throne became more and more urgent.

Let's take a look at what netizens have to say

Why did Kangxi choose the fourth elder brother in the end? Why did the fourteenth elder brother lose? Look at the analysis of netizens and understand

I don't know why I saw this and thought of the prince and the emperor [covering his face]

Kangxi's eldest grandson is worthless. Nurhachi's eldest son, the descendants of Chuying, are still there.

Why did Kangxi choose the fourth elder brother in the end? Why did the fourteenth elder brother lose? Look at the analysis of netizens and understand

In fact, Kangxi's Kangxi thinking about his son is actually that the concubines are different from each other, and they are young and orderly. To put it simply, the eldest son picks it.

The Nine Dragons are too complicated, what you said is too simple, Aqina Seth Black is a historical fact, if there is no hurdle that cannot be passed, how can it be so.

Why did Kangxi choose the fourth elder brother in the end? Why did the fourteenth elder brother lose? Look at the analysis of netizens and understand

Finally someone understands that this is a historical mystery that is not worth discussing at all

It can be seen from the Manchu archives that Kangxi's tone of tone towards Fourteen is very different from that of others; Wherever Kangxi often stays, Yongzheng doesn't go, it seems that he has a weak heart. It is difficult to determine, and it seems that the usurpation of the throne is highly likely

Why did Kangxi choose the fourth elder brother in the end? Why did the fourteenth elder brother lose? Look at the analysis of netizens and understand

The most diligent Yongzheng, I really admire his work energy

Qianlong followed his father's reforms. The Qing Dynasty did not become so corrupt as quickly as it did in the later period.

Why did Kangxi choose the fourth elder brother in the end? Why did the fourteenth elder brother lose? Look at the analysis of netizens and understand

The arguments and arguments contradict each other, and Prince Yong began to have examples of princes succeeding to the throne.

I think the old 14 don't talk about the title, just looking at the portrait is not the choice of the monarch [covering his face] The whole is a martial artist~ Even if the old man likes him, in that case, thousands of miles away, just for the sake of stability, the old man can only choose the fourth~

Why did Kangxi choose the fourth elder brother in the end? Why did the fourteenth elder brother lose? Look at the analysis of netizens and understand

It should be to seize the throne, the usurper needs to have a clear heir, Kangxi did not have it during his lifetime in history, and everyone should be called seizing the throne if there is no owner

I think the fact is that Kangxi almost died suddenly, and he didn't leave anything before he died, but the personnel arrangements in his later years show that Yongzheng's accession to the throne is definitely within his plan. At the point of his death, Yongzheng was the most suitable. Perhaps he will live another ten years and pass it on to fourteen.

According to the analysis of historians, when Emperor Kangxi chose his heirs, he not only considered the personal abilities of the princes, but also considered their influence on the future development of the country.

The succession of the fourth elder brother Yinzhen is regarded as Emperor Kangxi's thoughtful consideration for the future stability and development of the country.

In the end, Emperor Kangxi chose the fourth elder brother Yinzhen, who later became Emperor Yongzheng, to inherit the throne.

This choice is not only a recognition of the fourth elder brother's personal ability, but also a consideration for the future stability and development of the Qing Dynasty.

This historical event tells us that the succession to the throne is not a simple power struggle, but a deliberate consideration of responsibility for the future of the country.

Nowadays, when we look back at this period of history, we can't help but sigh at the wisdom and foresight of Emperor Kangxi.

He not only chose a suitable successor for the Qing Dynasty, but also left valuable experience in governing the country for future generations.

Let us learn from history and draw wisdom from this history to provide inspiration for the development of today's society.

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Why did Kangxi choose the fourth elder brother in the end? Why did the fourteenth elder brother lose? Look at the analysis of netizens and understand
