
Comment falls! The audit revealed that many places misappropriated subsidies for nutritious meals for rural students! Netizens were heartbroken

author:The post-00s have become old aunts


According to Poster News, the audit of the special fund for the nutrition improvement plan for rural compulsory education students focused on auditing 23.137 billion yuan of subsidy funds in 159 counties in 13 provinces. The audit department found that the special funds were misappropriated, crowded, colluded and arbitraged!

Many media have reported the news one after another, which has aroused great attention and heated discussions among netizens.

Comment falls! The audit revealed that many places misappropriated subsidies for nutritious meals for rural students! Netizens were heartbroken

Some netizens suggested: Don't implement nutritious meals! Most students don't eat it, and the waste is serious! The point is to raise a large number of moths from top to bottom!

The audit results show that 66 counties will use 1.9 billion yuan to repay government debts, grassroots "three guarantees" and other expenditures, 41 counties and 1,533 schools by lowering the standard of feeding, fictitious procurement business and other disguised interception and squeeze 270 million yuan, 5 county education departments and the winning supplier conspired to obtain 42.16 million yuan through supplier dividends, donations, etc., for the distribution of welfare.

In addition, 25 counties identified 52 suppliers to provide meals to 2,605 schools by directly designating them in violation of regulations and setting unreasonable terms. 78 enterprises or individuals won the bid for 101 nutritious meal projects in 35 counties through illegal borrowing of qualifications, falsification of materials, bid-rigging and collusion.

Judging from the results, there are major problems in the implementation of the nutritious meal subsidy program, and the proposal to abolish the nutritious meal subsidy and replace it with a direct subsidy is worthy of attention.

Comment falls! The audit revealed that many places misappropriated subsidies for nutritious meals for rural students! Netizens were heartbroken

Some netizens said: Check it, the supply chain, check the school supply point, the supplier is a second-class dealer, they make a lot of money, and some are subcontracted to others, the milk purchased is a ruthless work of science and technology, and there is no milk produced by cattle after drinking, and the country's money is swallowed up by criminal officials and businessmen.

As netizens said, it is indeed necessary to thoroughly investigate and strictly investigate, and the relevant responsible persons must also be severely punished. At the same time, now that the audit has been completed, it is also necessary to publish the names of these specific counties and schools, which is not only to support public scrutiny, but also to dispel the doubts of parents in other counties to a certain extent.

Comment falls! The audit revealed that many places misappropriated subsidies for nutritious meals for rural students! Netizens were heartbroken

Some netizens think: overtime pay on duty, weekly duty fee, invigilation fee, marking fee, entertainment fee, these should be checked carefully.

I would like to say that education is a 100-year project that has a direct impact on the training of future successors and is closely related to the prosperity of the country. The misappropriation and embezzlement of education funds will not only damage the professional image of education practitioners, but also may shake the public's trust in the education system.

Centennial plan, education-oriented! If the school's finances are not transparent, it is easy to breed the soil of corruption and undermine the purity of the educational environment, which will also be detrimental to the cultivation of students with high moral sentiments and social responsibility.

Comment falls! The audit revealed that many places misappropriated subsidies for nutritious meals for rural students! Netizens were heartbroken

To get back to the point, in the audit of the special funds for the nutrition improvement plan for rural compulsory education students, the audit focused on the audit of 23.137 billion yuan of subsidy funds in 159 counties in 13 provinces.

The rational use of education funds is not only about the rights and interests of students, but also about the reputation of the education industry. In view of the current situation, it is strongly recommended that the education department implement a stricter financial management system, make the financial management of schools transparent, publish the whereabouts of the national education grant funds in real time, and also let students and parents know how their tuition fees are used, which will ensure that educational resources are distributed fairly!

Financial disclosure is key to enhancing the credibility of educational institutions, and transparent financial records will reassure parents and students and increase their trust in the school. At the same time, financial disclosure will also allow educational institutions to gain social recognition and support, thereby attracting more investment and talent, and promoting the sustainable development of education.

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