
once rejected Gong Li, and there has been no scandal since his debut! When he saw who his wife was! Everyone understands

author:Fun and entertainment
once rejected Gong Li, and there has been no scandal since his debut! When he saw who his wife was! Everyone understands

He Zhengjun, as a 61-year-old national first-class actor, has not only a brilliant acting career, but also is known for being low-key. He has never had a scandal, and with his superb acting skills and attitude of sticking to his original intention, he has become a banner in the entertainment industry.

When he was studying at the Central Academy of Drama, He Zhengjun had an ambiguous relationship with Gong Li, the school flower at the time, but due to the difference in personality, the two missed the opportunity to develop. Subsequently, Gong Li became an instant hit with "Red Sorghum", while He Zhengjun was known for being introverted and focused on acting.

Let's take a look at the character evaluation of Qin Hailu, the actor of Shuxian in "Red Sorghum".

In the entertainment industry, Qin Hailu is an early up-and-coming actor. At the age of 22, she won the Hong Kong Film Awards for her outstanding performance in the movie "Durian Piao". At a young age, she was able to perform the role to the fullest, so she was praised by industry insiders as "a rare talent who is very good at acting and knows how to act". The multiple "little people" characters she portrayed demonstrated her acting depth and dramatic understanding.

once rejected Gong Li, and there has been no scandal since his debut! When he saw who his wife was! Everyone understands

Netizens have different opinions and evaluations of Qin Hailu's acting skills and achievements. Some people believe that the reason why Qin Hailu was able to win such a high honor at a young age is entirely because of her in-depth understanding of the role and excellent acting skills. A netizen commented on social media: "Qin Hailu's performance can always move people's hearts, she is not only acting, but also interpreting the complexity and complexity of the character's heart." ”

When it comes to Qin Hailu's role in "Durian Piao", many fans are deeply affected by his performance. Some critics believe that she was able to portray an ordinary girl's mental journey so realistically and movingly, showing her unique talent for emotional expression and character portrayal. A fan wrote after watching the movie: "Qin Hailu's performance in "Durian Piao" is simply impeccable, and she interprets every detail of the role to the fullest. ”

once rejected Gong Li, and there has been no scandal since his debut! When he saw who his wife was! Everyone understands

In addition to her success in films, Qin Hailu also has outstanding performances in stage plays and TV series. She constantly challenges various types of characters, from comedy to tragedy, each of which makes the audience feel immersive. Some viewers believe that Qin Hailu's success is not only because of her talent and hard work, but also because of her dedication and love for her acting career. When discussing Qin Hailu's works, a fan said: "Qin Hailu's performance is impressive every time, she acts with her heart and moves the audience with her heart. ”

In private life, Qin Hailu's low-key and stable personality is also loved by fans. She is not keen on hype and exposure, and has more time to focus on her acting career and family life. This simplicity and authenticity make her rare in the entertainment industry, and she is praised by some netizens as "a talented idol who cultivates both inside and outside".

During filming in Yunnan, He Zhengjun's life underwent unexpected changes. He came to this beautiful land, not only to perform, but also to find spiritual resonance and balance in life.

once rejected Gong Li, and there has been no scandal since his debut! When he saw who his wife was! Everyone understands

Fan Yu, a woman completely different from He Zhengjun, quietly walked into his life. She is not the kind of flamboyant star, but a low-key and gentle woman. Fan Yu has a good family and always silently supports He Zhengjun behind his back. She doesn't need to put on a show, she just wants to give He Zhengjun the power to be speechless when he needs it most.

He Zhengjun is an introverted person, he doesn't like to show off and show off. His encounter with Fan Yu was like an unexpected adventure, which made him re-examine his life and career. In this rhythm of life that he had never had before, he began to feel a calm and steady happiness.

Fan Yu is not the kind of woman who is full of fantasies about the life of a star. She knows the nature of He Zhengjun's work and understands the hard work and pressure of this industry. Therefore, she chose to silently support him behind the scenes, rather than chasing her own light in the spotlight. Her understanding and tolerance made He Zhengjun feel that someone was silently supporting him on every difficult filming day.

once rejected Gong Li, and there has been no scandal since his debut! When he saw who his wife was! Everyone understands

Their relationship is not love at first sight, but slowly warms up in knowing each other. He Zhengjun gradually found that in Fan Yu, he found a spiritual reliance and sense of belonging. Their relationship is not as dramatic as the outside world imagined, but it has deep concern and sincere emotions.

Fan Yu is not only He Zhengjun's partner in life, but also an important backing in his career. She doesn't like to participate in the weirdness of the entertainment industry, and prefers to protect her small family at home. She understands that He Zhengjun needs not just a beautiful foil, but someone who truly understands him and shares the burden with him.

He Zhengjun's acting career did not start smoothly, but through his outstanding performance in "National Anthem", he won the Golden Rooster Award for Best Actor and became famous. However, with the advent of the traffic era, he chose to keep a low profile and not participate in variety show marketing, so he was gradually marginalized in the entertainment industry. Despite this, He Zhengjun still focuses on his acting career and puts his family first.

As a husband and father, He Zhengjun has a high sense of responsibility and love for his family. His insistence on not taking on dramas during the summer holidays and focusing on spending time with his wife and daughter shows his important role as the breadwinner of the family.

once rejected Gong Li, and there has been no scandal since his debut! When he saw who his wife was! Everyone understands

In the intertwined life between He Zhengjun and Gong Li and Fan Yu, he showed a skillful balance between acting career and family life. This life model is not only a role model for him in the entertainment industry, but also a vivid portrayal of true love and perseverance, which has deeply touched many people who pay attention to him.

Netizens have unique views and profound evaluations of He Zhengjun's emotional experience and attitude towards life. Some people believe that He Zhengjun's ability to maintain a low profile and stability in the entertainment industry is inseparable from the sincere relationship between him and Fan Yu. A netizen commented: "He Zhengjun is not like other celebrities, who frequently break out scandals or are exposed by the media, he is more like an artist with a rich heart and focusing on performance, this kind of stability and calmness is really rare." ”

Talking about the old relationship between He Zhengjun and Gong Li, netizens also expressed their opinions. Some people think that this former fate is a pity, but because of this, they can see He Zhengjun's single-mindedness and persistence in love. A fan left a message on social media: "The story between He Zhengjun and Gong Li is regrettable, but his choice and current life are the most gratifying and moving." ”

once rejected Gong Li, and there has been no scandal since his debut! When he saw who his wife was! Everyone understands

In his acting career, He Zhengjun's performance has also attracted much attention and praise. Although he has faced the competitive pressure of traffic stars, he has always focused on improving his acting skills and digging deeper into his role. Some fans are full of praise for his wonderful performance in "National Anthem", believing that each of his roles has deep connotations and emotional investment. One film critic commented: "He Zhengjun's performance has always been consistent, whether on screen or stage, he has shown the demeanor of a true artist. ”

In family life, He Zhengjun's care for his wife Fan Yu and daughter is even more moving. He often chooses to leave his work and spend important moments with his family, and this sense of responsibility and expression of love has made him a good husband and father in the eyes of many. A netizen sighed: "He Zhengjun is not only an excellent actor, but also a family role model worthy of respect and learning." ”

Through He Zhengjun's story, we see the perseverance on the road of acting and the warmth of family love, all of which make him an irreproducible existence, an artistic life model worthy of our respect and learning.

once rejected Gong Li, and there has been no scandal since his debut! When he saw who his wife was! Everyone understands

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