
The 700-point Maybach young master's mansion in the college entrance examination was unveiled, and the garden courtyard in the south was estimated to be worth hundreds of millions

author:Hot air balloons
The 700-point Maybach young master's mansion in the college entrance examination was unveiled, and the garden courtyard in the south was estimated to be worth hundreds of millions

Text: Hot air balloons

Hot air balloon


Recently, a news about "the exposure of the mansion of the young master Maybach with a score of 700 in the college entrance examination" caused an uproar on the Internet. This young man named Zhu Yetian not only shocked everyone with a score of 700 points in the college entrance examination, but also became the focus of everyone because of his illustrious family background and love for traditional culture.

As a veteran news commentator, I can't help but say that this kid really taught us a vivid lesson in "tradition and innovation"! First of all, let's gossip about the family history of this "Young Master Maybach". Zhu Yetian's grandfather Zhu Bingren, who is the real "father of contemporary copper architecture" and the honorary chairman of the Hangzhou Federation of Literary and Art Circles, as soon as this title comes out, I know that it is not comparable to ordinary people.

His father Zhu Junmin is the fifth-generation successor of China's time-honored brand "Zhufu Copper Art", and the "Zhu Bingren Copper Shop" can be seen everywhere throughout the country. However, the cultural inheritance behind the "mansion" is not the master who relies on the golden spoon at home. With a score of 700 points in the college entrance examination, ranking 241 in the province, this score is hardcore enough, right? What's even more impressive is that this "rich second generation" has a strong interest in the copper art inherited by the family.

During the holidays, it is not clubbing or traveling, but drilling into the craftsmen's piles and making copperware by hand. This love and respect for tradition is really convincing! Some people may say, "The children of rich families are of course qualified to learn this and that."

The 700-point Maybach young master's mansion in the college entrance examination was unveiled, and the garden courtyard in the south was estimated to be worth hundreds of millions

"But what I want to say is that opportunities are for those who are prepared. Zhu Yetian can perform well in his studies and traditional skills, not only because of his family background, but also because of his own efforts and wisdom.

The perfect fusion of tradition and innovationZhu Yetian's story is not only because of his family background and achievements, but more importantly, because of his unique insights into traditional cultural inheritance and innovation. He proposed the idea of "copper art on campus", and planned to use VR technology to spread traditional crafts.

This idea can be said to be both trendy and culturally significant, and it is simply the perfect integration of traditional culture and modern technology! I think Zhu Yetian's approach has taught us a lesson: inheriting traditional culture is not simply copying, but keeping pace with the times and using new ways to rejuvenate ancient wisdom. This kid really has a bright brain! Responsibility and responsibility: On the other side of the rich second generation, in addition to excellent academic performance and unique insights into traditional culture, Zhu Yetian is also enthusiastic about public welfare and promotes the family to set up a public welfare fund.

I think that's particularly commendable. In today's society, many rich second generations give people the impression of spending all their time and spending extravagantly.

The 700-point Maybach young master's mansion in the college entrance examination was unveiled, and the garden courtyard in the south was estimated to be worth hundreds of millions

However, Zhu Yetian told us with practical actions that children from rich families can also have a sense of responsibility and responsibility. This reminds me of the old saying: "You can't be rich for three generations".

But the Zhu family has been passed down to the fifth generation, and judging by Zhu Yetian's performance, the family's foundation is likely to continue to prosper. Why? Because they know how to inherit, how to innovate, and how to give back to society.

This is the real "rich heirloom"! Opportunities and challenges coexistOf course, behind Zhu Yetian's success, a good family environment provides more resources and opportunities, which is undeniable. However, I would like to say that no matter how fertile the land is, the seeds will not sprout, and the towering trees will not grow.

Zhu Yetian's achievements today rely on his own efforts and wisdom. What does this teach us ordinary people? I think that no matter what our background is, as long as we have dreams and actions, everyone can write a legend in their own field.

The 700-point Maybach young master's mansion in the college entrance examination was unveiled, and the garden courtyard in the south was estimated to be worth hundreds of millions

The key is that we learn to seize opportunities and meet challenges. Zhu Yetian's story brings us not only after-dinner conversations, but also a kind of thinking: in this rapidly changing era, how can we not only maintain respect for and inheritance of traditional culture, but also not lag behind the pace of the times, and move forward innovatively? This is not only a topic for Zhu Yetian alone, but also a problem that each of us needs to think about.

Conclusion: The balance between tradition and innovationIn the final analysis, Zhu Yetian's success is the product of the perfect combination of tradition and innovation. He not only has a deep understanding of traditional culture, but also has an innovative spirit that keeps pace with the times.

This balance is exactly what our young people should learn from. We often say "don't forget the original, absorb the outside, and face the future".

Isn't Zhu Yetian's story a vivid interpretation of this sentence? He is deeply rooted in family tradition and has the courage to innovate; He excelled in his studies and was enthusiastic about public welfare. Such well-rounded young people are exactly what our society needs.

The 700-point Maybach young master's mansion in the college entrance examination was unveiled, and the garden courtyard in the south was estimated to be worth hundreds of millions

Finally, I would like to ask readers: What are your feelings in the face of Zhu Yetian's story? How do you balance tradition and innovation in your life? Have you had a similar experience or reflection? Let us think and act together to contribute to the inheritance and innovation of traditional culture. After all, the inheritance and innovation of culture should not only be the responsibility of a few, but should be the mission of each of us.


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