
Breakthrough! C919 international orders have zero sales, the cruel truth has been revealed, and there are still many improvements and perfections

author:A small flame of inspiration


"C919......" is very familiar with this word in China, but this large aircraft that everyone is looking forward to has failed to make any gains in the international market, why is this?

After all, as a commercial aircraft independently developed by the mainland, C919 is called "China's hope star" and "soaring dragon", how can it return in vain in the fierce international market?

C919 aircraft with independent intellectual property rights, has always been considered the hope of China's aviation industry, with the entry of the international market, C919 hopes to promote in the international market, but this year's Singapore Air Show, C919 once again in vain.

Is it true that the C919 is not for sale?

C919: Domestic success, international strike.

As a large domestic aircraft, C919 has naturally received widespread attention in China, and there are already international large aircraft such as 737 and A320 on mainland civil aviation routes.

After many years, the mainland's large aircraft has finally taken off, and the demand for domestic large aircraft is gradually increasing, and C919 will gradually be integrated into it.

Continental has finally taken its own share of the market share of "Airbus" and "Boeing".

C919 has achieved some success in the domestic market, so where does C919 encounter difficulties?

At this year's Singapore Airshow, C919 did not get any orders, but this is not to say that C919 did not sell a few aircraft, some people may firmly believe that C919 failed to get orders at this year's Singapore Airshow, but in the previous two air shows C919 successfully sold a few orders, that is according to this rate of development, C919's prospects will be infinite?

But that doesn't do that.

Breakthrough! C919 international orders have zero sales, the cruel truth has been revealed, and there are still many improvements and perfections

The C919 also gained the market share of the 737 MAX in the domestic market, but in the process of facing the international market, the C919 encountered difficulties that could not be broken.

In the international market, it is not easy for C919 to defeat the aircraft of foreign manufacturers such as Airbus and Boeing, there are many countries that are users of Airbus and Boeing, and after so many years of use, every new aircraft is improved on the basis of the original, especially in performance and safety.

In the C919 entering the international market, the first thing to face is the performance of foreign manufacturers' aircraft.

First of all, in terms of flight performance, the longest range of C919 is 5555 kilometers, which can fly to countries in Asia, Europe and Africa, such as Istanbul, Cairo, etc., but in fact, the distance of the aircraft is limited only by the direction of aerodynamic layout, that is to say, the flight distance of C919 can actually fly to countries on all continents.

The Airbus A320 series has a maximum range of 6050 kilometers, reaching the routes of Asia, Africa and Oceania, and can fly to Cairo, Tehran, Singapore, etc., basically all countries in the world except Antarctica, so in the longest range, the performance of the C919 is much inferior to the A320 series aircraft.

Breakthrough! C919 international orders have zero sales, the cruel truth has been revealed, and there are still many improvements and perfections

The second is in terms of fuel efficiency, the seat layout of the A320 series aircraft is very reasonable, and the A320 aircraft can have one more passenger seat than the C919 after the national certification.

The third is that in terms of passenger capacity, the A320 aircraft is more in line with international standards and the standards of international route companies, in terms of seat layout, the economy class seats of the A320 are inches, and the width of the aisle of the aviation flight attendant is 5 inches.

Breakthrough! C919 international orders have zero sales, the cruel truth has been revealed, and there are still many improvements and perfections

C919 is not as good as Airbus and Boeing and other old large aircraft in terms of performance, and the aircraft independently developed by C919 has not been fully completed in terms of independent technology, so in the face of advanced aircraft such as Airbus and Boeing in the international market, C919 has a certain gap in the aircraft independently developed.

At this year's Singapore Airshow, that's it, a Chinese COMAC company personnel who participated in the Singapore Airshow revealed that when the Singapore Airshow, the global sales volume of C919 was 0, and the depression of this sentiment is reasonable, C919 wants to sell, it must pass the aircraft safety certification of the United States and Europe, but this happens to be the most difficult level in the aircraft market.

Breakthrough! C919 international orders have zero sales, the cruel truth has been revealed, and there are still many improvements and perfections

International airlines have very strict requirements for aircraft safety standards, and in terms of safety, C919 is an aircraft independently developed by China, which has not received international certification, and it is difficult for foreign buyers to get a reassuring guarantee, and it is also impossible to guarantee the guarantee and after-sales of the aircraft.

In either case, the C919 has a big problem to solve for users in the international market.

Breakthrough! C919 international orders have zero sales, the cruel truth has been revealed, and there are still many improvements and perfections

Since C919 is an aircraft independently developed by China, foreign buyers do not believe in C919, a large Chinese aircraft, but C919 does have an excellent aspect, C919's biggest advantage is China's manpower advantage, and C919 won 15 orders at the Paris Air Show last year, but these 15 orders are mainly Chinese large aircraft dreamers, not buyers from other countries, but the captains are companies with their strength, so C919 is a little embarrassing.

Breakthrough! C919 international orders have zero sales, the cruel truth has been revealed, and there are still many improvements and perfections

C919 improves and perfects.

Since foreign buyers do not like C919, C919 must return to the domestic market to improve and improve, improve its series of problems, and then take it out to face the foreign market, in order to gain a foothold in the larger market.

There is still a considerable gap between C919 and A320 to be filled, just like China's own brand cars and Rolls-Royce cars, this brand was founded more than 100 years ago, and now it has always been the advanced level of global luxury cars, and China's own brand cars are still very far behind, can not be completely with the United States and European brand cars, then in the C919 large aircraft is the same, is China's new large aircraft, Compared with the large planes of Airbus and Boeing, there is naturally a very big gap.

There are many things that need to be improved in the C919, and if the large aircraft of Airbus and Boeing are to be robbed of the market in the international market, then the C919 must be improved.

First of all, it is necessary to improve the technical performance of C919, which has a large gap with A320 in flight performance, but the C919 large aircraft itself has such flight performance, especially in the direction of aerodynamic layout, which greatly limits the range of the aircraft.

Breakthrough! C919 international orders have zero sales, the cruel truth has been revealed, and there are still many improvements and perfections

C919 has a limited range, which can be seen in the sales volume of large aircraft, so C919 can be optimized in this direction, and the range of C919 can be appropriately increased to meet the greater range needs of the international market.

The second is to improve the fuel efficiency of the C919 aircraft, the fuel price in the international market can be seen more intuitively, if the fuel efficiency of the C919 is too low, then the cost will be relatively high, and the fuel cost of the C919 will be lower on the contrary, with higher competitiveness.

Breakthrough! C919 international orders have zero sales, the cruel truth has been revealed, and there are still many improvements and perfections

The third is to improve the passenger capacity of the C919 aircraft, compared with the A320 aircraft in terms of passenger capacity, C919 has no advantage, so the C919 can be improved in this aspect, the cabin layout of the C919 aircraft is more reasonable, the number of seats is increased, and the needs of different spatial patterns in the market can be met.

The fourth is to improve the after-sales service of the C919 aircraft, and only by doing better after-sales service can we make more international markets trust and recognize the C919 aircraft, and more recognition can be obtained in the guarantee of the C919 aircraft.

If C919 wants to increase the sales volume in the international market, it is necessary to strengthen the after-sales service and brand to enhance the global visibility and reputation of China's large aircraft.

Breakthrough! C919 international orders have zero sales, the cruel truth has been revealed, and there are still many improvements and perfections

The international market is diversified, and the C919 needs to be improved.

There is a lot of gap between A320 and C919 aircraft, but our domestic large aircraft also have their own excellent side, in terms of manufacturing aircraft, China has a world-class manufacturing process, which can greatly reduce the cost of aircraft production and manufacturing.

In the case of continuous improvement and perfection of the C919 aircraft, the C919 is very good both externally and internally, and can meet the needs of the market.

In the international market, the demand is more diverse, and the C919 needs to be improved in more aspects.

C919 large aircraft in the international market, to adapt to different routes and air conditions, C919 large aircraft not only to meet the navigation requirements of these routes, but also to adapt to the climate conditions of the region, if C919 large aircraft can better adapt to the use of more countries, then C919 large aircraft in the international market will have more opportunities.

In the equipment of the emergency compartment, the C919 large aircraft still has a great advantage, which is the advantage of global route navigation, and for international route companies, the most important thing is safety and comfort.

In these two aspects, the C919 large aircraft has great plasticity and can give airlines a very good experience.

If the C919 large aircraft wants to have a better development in the international market, it is necessary to cooperate closely with the international market, and first of all, it is necessary to overcome these shortcomings of China's large aircraft.

Breakthrough! C919 international orders have zero sales, the cruel truth has been revealed, and there are still many improvements and perfections

The second is to grasp the advantages of China's large aircraft, globalize its advantages, and finally polish a diamond, and continue to work hard without fear of setbacks, and China's large aircraft will also go to the global market.

Breakthrough! C919 international orders have zero sales, the cruel truth has been revealed, and there are still many improvements and perfections


Gather the strength of the world, give full play to the advantages of international market resources, exchange and learn from the international advanced technology and management experience, learn from the success of the international market, polish in the details, and strive in the big picture, the C919 aircraft will be more and more easy to use on the road in the future, and it will be dazzling on the world's big stage.

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