
It's better not to eat meat in the summer than to eat more of it! Relieve heat and heat, appetize and eat, and the dumplings are too fragrant

author:Foodie Fengzi

Introduction: It's better not to eat meat in summer, but to eat more of it! Heat and heat, appetizing and eating, used to make dumplings, tender and juicy and non-greasy, one bite is really delicious!

In summer, my favorite place to visit is the vegetable market, which is the best embodiment of the fireworks in the world. Here, you can experience the world, noisy, quarrels are endless, the joys, sorrows and sorrows of life and the shortcomings of parents are vividly reflected here, some people wander slowly and logically, and some people come and go in a hurry, which and green vegetables, lively fish, and seasonal fruits form an encyclopedia of life.

It's better not to eat meat in the summer than to eat more of it! Relieve heat and heat, appetize and eat, and the dumplings are too fragrant

Among the many colors in the wet market, the only one I love is the color of tomatoes. Speaking of this tomato, in our daily life plays an important role, no matter how noble your status, is indispensable to the love of tomatoes, a plate of tomato scrambled eggs is almost the favorite of all Chinese people, it is not only a vegetable, it can also be eaten raw as a fruit, not only whitening and beauty, but also has the effect of slimming and losing weight.

It's better not to eat meat in the summer than to eat more of it! Relieve heat and heat, appetize and eat, and the dumplings are too fragrant

Tomatoes are known as "plant gold", which is rich in vitamins, mineral carbohydrates, organic acids and a small amount of protein, which has the effect of promoting digestion, diuresis and inhibiting a variety of bacteria; At the same time, it can also protect against the sun, it can effectively prevent the absorption of ultraviolet rays, it can be said that tomatoes are "natural sunscreen"; In addition, eating tomatoes often also has the effect of dissipating heat and relieving heat, appetizing and digesting, preventing aging, and increasing the body's resistance.

It's better not to eat meat in the summer than to eat more of it! Relieve heat and heat, appetize and eat, and the dumplings are too fragrant

Tomatoes are nutritious and delicious, and there are many ways to eat them, such as scrambled eggs with tomatoes, tomato egg soup, or cold tomatoes, no matter how you eat them, they are particularly nutritious and delicious. However, the most common way to eat in my family in summer is tomato dumplings, which are tender and juicy and not greasy, and they are really delicious in one bite!

【Tomato dumplings】Tomatoes, eggs, fungus, dried shrimp, enoki mushrooms, etc.

1. Many people like to peel tomatoes when they eat them, but there is no need, because a large part of the nutrients of tomatoes are in the skin, after washing, slice them first and then chop them finely, and then put them in gauze to squeeze out the tomato juice.

It's better not to eat meat in the summer than to eat more of it! Relieve heat and heat, appetize and eat, and the dumplings are too fragrant

2. And noodles: here you need to use tomato juice, tomato juice and noodles are not only beautiful in color, but also special nutrition, add a small amount many times, and then knead the dough when the dough is stirred to the flocculent and no dry flour, knead the dough to the basin light, face light, hand light and then cover the dough with plastic wrap and let it rise for 10 minutes, in order to make the dough more tough, it is best to add a little edible salt when the dough.

It's better not to eat meat in the summer than to eat more of it! Relieve heat and heat, appetize and eat, and the dumplings are too fragrant

3. Adjust the filling: Tomato stuffed dumplings are generally vegetarian filling, mainly with eggs and fungus. A handful of enoki mushrooms are finely chopped after the roots are removed; Soak a handful of fungus in warm water, then blanch, then control the moisture and chop finely; After beating 2 eggs, fry them into broken eggs, soak a small handful of dried shrimp in warm water to soften, then put all the filling ingredients together in a basin, add an appropriate amount of salt, pepper, sesame oil, and cooking oil and stir well, and the delicious tomato dumpling filling is ready.

It's better not to eat meat in the summer than to eat more of it! Relieve heat and heat, appetize and eat, and the dumplings are too fragrant
It's better not to eat meat in the summer than to eat more of it! Relieve heat and heat, appetize and eat, and the dumplings are too fragrant

4. Wrap dumplings according to your favorite size, put the dumplings after the water is boiled, order the water twice and roll three times, the dumplings will be cooked, and the water can be taken out and put on the plate.

It's better not to eat meat in the summer than to eat more of it! Relieve heat and heat, appetize and eat, and the dumplings are too fragrant

Although tomatoes are nutritious and delicious, it is taboo to eat them on an empty stomach, and do not eat unripe tomatoes, which contain tomatoes, which may cause poisoning and dizziness, nausea and vomiting after eating. I'm Xiaofeng, I like the food shared by Xiaofeng, don't forget to pay attention to the foodie Fengzi!

This article was originally written by Foodie Fengzi, welcome to pay attention to communicate with you, so that everyone can benefit, and there must be my teacher in the threesome~

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