
How to escape from a high-rise building fire?

author:Daqing Net

High-rise building fire

Fires tend to be within a short period of time

Quickly spread upwards

This stems from the formation of high-rise buildings

The "Chimney Effect"

The "chimney effect" refers to the phenomenon of indoor air rising or falling along a vertical slope of space, causing air convection.

How to escape from a high-rise building fire?

There is experimental proof

The dangers of the "chimney effect".

A 30-storey building of about 100 meters

In the case of unobstructed

Smoke runs from the ground floor to the top floor

It only takes 30 seconds!

It's hard to save

Fire fighting in high-rise buildings is mainly based on indoor fire water supply facilities. When fighting a fire, firefighters rush to the high-rise building "fully armed", which not only consumes a lot of physical strength, but also "collides" with the people evacuated from top to bottom, delaying the time to extinguish the fire.

Suffered a fire in a high-rise building

How do I get out of the way?

Should I run up or down?

How can I save myself when I am trapped in a room?

The answer is

Run fast on a small fire and dodge the smoke



If the fire extinguishing fails, the door must be closed if you escape in time

How to escape from a high-rise building fire?
How to escape from a high-rise building fire?

If there is a fire in your home, you should use the fire extinguishing equipment and water around you to extinguish it in time if you can. If the fire becomes bigger and you can't extinguish it, you must evacuate as soon as possible and call the fire alarm number 119 in time to call the police.

How to escape from a high-rise building fire?

When leaving, it is best to close the fire room and entrance door to prevent the smoke and fire from spreading quickly to other rooms and public areas, affecting the evacuation and escape of surrounding people.

How to escape from a high-rise building fire?


A fire broke out on the same floor

The corridor is smoke-free, so you can escape down the stairs in time

How to escape from a high-rise building fire?
How to escape from a high-rise building fire?

If there is a fire in the area of the same floor, and the smoke in the corridor and stairwell is small, if the breathing is not affected and the vision is clear, you should go down the stairs in time to evacuate and escape, and you must not wait and wait, and miss the earliest opportunity to escape.

How to escape from a high-rise building fire?

When leaving the room, it is best to find a towel or clothing, wet it with water and wring it out, fold it in half, cover your mouth and nose and evacuate in a low posture, bring a flashlight at home, or use your mobile phone to evacuate the lighting.

How to escape from a high-rise building fire?


A fire broke out on the same floor

The corridor is smoky, and the door is closed in time to save itself and wait for rescue

How to escape from a high-rise building fire?
How to escape from a high-rise building fire?

If there is a fire in the area of the same floor, and after opening the door, it is found that the smoke in the corridor or the stairwell of the escape is very large, and in the case of difficulty in breathing and unable to distinguish the vision, you must not rush through the smoke to escape, so it is very easy to inhale the smoke and suffocate to the ground.

How to escape from a high-rise building fire?

At this time, you should immediately return to the room and close the door, seal the crack of the door with a wet towel, dial 119 to call the police, and open the window to the smokeless side to call for help.

How to escape from a high-rise building fire?


Don't jump blindly

How to escape from a high-rise building fire?
How to escape from a high-rise building fire?

When you are trapped on a lower floor, there is a lot of smoke in the house, and you need to be forced to escape, you can use curtains and bed sheets to make your own ropes to escape while ensuring a firm leash, and at the same time use an outdoor air conditioning rack and other fastening objects that can be grasped to assist in escaping.

If you are forced to jump out of a window on a lower floor to escape, you can drop some thick sofa cushions or some thick quilts down before jumping.

How to escape from a high-rise building fire?

If there are onlookers on the ground, the onlookers should find a higher ladder nearby, hydraulic shears, and multiple people use bedding to open and pick up people, etc., to rescue the escapees and minimize casualties.

How to escape from a high-rise building fire?

When trapped on a high floor, you must not blindly jump off the building, find a room without smoke, close the door, call 119 for help, and open the window to call for help, waiting for the rescue of firefighters.

How to escape from a high-rise building fire?


Anti-theft window tips

How to escape from a high-rise building fire?
How to escape from a high-rise building fire?

In addition, it is recommended that the exterior windows of the home should not be installed with guardrails that affect the escape, and the existing guardrails should be changed to small windows that are convenient to open from the inside to prevent the escape and rescue of personnel, and after escaping from the fire, do not enter the fire again to get valuables to prevent casualties caused by being trapped in the fire.

High-rise residential complex

Fire safety is paramount

Please be vigilant

Prevention is better than "burning"!

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