
Finally, someone has sorted out the 10 most embarrassing provincial capitals in China and collected them


Finally, someone has sorted out the 10 most embarrassing provincial capitals in China and collected them

Finally, someone has sorted out the 10 most embarrassing provincial capitals in China and collected them
Finally, someone has sorted out the 10 most embarrassing provincial capitals in China and collected them
Finally, someone has sorted out the 10 most embarrassing provincial capitals in China and collected them
Finally, someone has sorted out the 10 most embarrassing provincial capitals in China and collected them
Finally, someone has sorted out the 10 most embarrassing provincial capitals in China and collected them
Finally, someone has sorted out the 10 most embarrassing provincial capitals in China and collected them
Finally, someone has sorted out the 10 most embarrassing provincial capitals in China and collected them
Finally, someone has sorted out the 10 most embarrassing provincial capitals in China and collected them
Finally, someone has sorted out the 10 most embarrassing provincial capitals in China and collected them
Finally, someone has sorted out the 10 most embarrassing provincial capitals in China and collected them
Finally, someone has sorted out the 10 most embarrassing provincial capitals in China and collected them
Finally, someone has sorted out the 10 most embarrassing provincial capitals in China and collected them
Finally, someone has sorted out the 10 most embarrassing provincial capitals in China and collected them
Finally, someone has sorted out the 10 most embarrassing provincial capitals in China and collected them
Finally, someone has sorted out the 10 most embarrassing provincial capitals in China and collected them
Finally, someone has sorted out the 10 most embarrassing provincial capitals in China and collected them
Finally, someone has sorted out the 10 most embarrassing provincial capitals in China and collected them
Finally, someone has sorted out the 10 most embarrassing provincial capitals in China and collected them

"Finally, someone has sorted out the 10 most embarrassing provincial capitals in China and collected them for a look." This is a message I saw in my circle of friends, and it immediately piqued my interest. As a geography enthusiast, I can't wait to find out what these "awkward" provincial capitals are.

That night, I invited a few friends out to dinner and we all discussed the topic together.

As soon as Xiao Li met, he said excitedly: "Do you know? The 10 most embarrassing provincial capitals in China are really interesting! ”

Xiao Zhang asked curiously, "Which ones are there?" Tell us about it! ”

Xiao Li cleared his throat and began to speak: "First of all, Shijiazhuang, the provincial capital of Hebei. Although Shijiazhuang is the provincial capital, when people think of Hebei, they often think of economically developed cities such as Beijing and Tianjin, rather than Shijiazhuang. ”

I nodded: "Indeed, Shijiazhuang's position in Hebei is a bit awkward. ”

Xiao Li continued: "Then there is Shenyang, the provincial capital of Liaoning. Shenyang used to be the economic center of Northeast China, but in recent years, economic development has been relatively slow, and many people have flocked to Dalian, resulting in a somewhat embarrassing position for Shenyang. ”

Xiao Zhang said with a smile: "It seems that Big Brother in the Northeast has also encountered some problems. ”

"The third is Taiyuan, the provincial capital of Shanxi. Although Taiyuan is the political center of Shanxi, its economic and cultural influence is relatively weak, and many people do not have a deep impression of it. Xiao Li continued.

Xiao Wang added: "I have been to Taiyuan, and I feel that the city's development is still good, but the popularity is really not high. ”

"The fourth is Nanchang, the provincial capital of Jiangxi." Xiao Li continued, "Although Nanchang is the provincial capital of Jiangxi, when people mention Jiangxi, they often think of tourist resorts such as Lushan and Jinggangshan, and Nanchang's popularity is not high. ”

I nodded in agreement: "Nanchang is indeed a city with a history, but the publicity seems to be insufficient. ”

Xiao Li continued: "The fifth is Guiyang, the provincial capital of Guizhou. Guiyang has developed rapidly in recent years, but its economic strength is still relatively weak compared to other provincial capitals. ”

Xiao Zhang smiled: "Guiyang's tourism industry has developed well in recent years, and there should be more opportunities." ”

"The sixth is Nanning, the capital of Guangxi." Xiao Li said, "Nanning's position in Guangxi is a bit awkward, because Guilin's tourism resources are too rich, which has attracted more attention. ”

Xiao Wang agreed: "Every time I mention Guangxi, my first reaction is the landscape of Guilin. ”

Xiao Li continued: "The seventh is Fuzhou, the provincial capital of Fujian. Fuzhou's economic development is relatively good, but compared with Xiamen, it is still less well-known and attractive. ”

I smiled and said, "Fuzhou's status is indeed a bit overshadowed by Xiamen. ”

"The eighth is Hefei, the provincial capital of Anhui." Xiao Li said, "Although Hefei is the political center of Anhui, when people mention Anhui, they think more of Huangshan and ancient Huizhou. ”

Xiao Zhang nodded: "Hefei has developed very fast in recent years, and I hope there will be more improvements." ”

"The ninth is Urumqi, the provincial capital of Xinjiang." Xiao Li continued, "Urumqi's geographical location is relatively remote, and its economic development has been somewhat restricted. ”

Xiao Wang sighed: "Although Urumqi is remote, its scenery and humanity are very unique. ”

"The last one is Hohhot, the provincial capital of Inner Mongolia." Xiao Li said, "Although Hohhot is the provincial capital, when it comes to Inner Mongolia, many people's first reaction is the prairie, not the city. ”

I nodded in agreement: "Hohhot really needs more publicity and development. ”

After listening to Xiao Li's story, everyone felt that they had benefited a lot. It turns out that the provincial capital city also has so many unknown embarrassments.

"It seems that each city has its own development bottlenecks and challenges." I sighed, "I hope these provincial capitals can develop better in the future." ”

Xiao Li smiled and said: "Yes, every city has its own unique charm, and we should pay more attention to and support the development of these places." ”

This discussion gave me a deeper understanding of China's provincial capitals, and it also made me realize that each city has its own story and dilemma. It is hoped that through everyone's efforts, these provincial capitals can usher in better development and show their unique charm and value.

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