
Tangyin Baiying: Xuzhuang Village Children's Companion Home has a lot of fun in June

author:Tang Yin melts media

Since the Children's Companion Home settled in Xuzhuang Village, it has received and served nearly 200 underage children in the village, and has paid attention to the children's physical and mental health and needs while giving them companionship through the monthly visits of the children's mothers, the daily opening of the Children's Companion Home, and theme activities, and coordinated with various departments to help, accompany and care for them.

On a June day, the enthusiasm was like fire, just like the smiling faces of the children in the children's companion home in Xuzhuang Village, Baiying Town. The daily children's companion home is a paradise for children, playing games, playing ball, doing crafts, reading and ...... The children had a lot of fun.

Tangyin Baiying: Xuzhuang Village Children's Companion Home has a lot of fun in June
Tangyin Baiying: Xuzhuang Village Children's Companion Home has a lot of fun in June

Children's mothers, village officials, parents and children organized and participated in vivid and unique theme activities, making the children's holidays more meaningful and joyful.

Tangyin Baiying: Xuzhuang Village Children's Companion Home has a lot of fun in June
Tangyin Baiying: Xuzhuang Village Children's Companion Home has a lot of fun in June
Tangyin Baiying: Xuzhuang Village Children's Companion Home has a lot of fun in June

Give children love and companionship, we are always there! (Correspondent: Li Xianfen)