
It's your wallet! From today, there is a change!

For the much-criticized auto-renewal issue

Regulations for the Implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Consumer Rights and Interests

Make clear norms

The regulations will come into force on July 1

Related topics quickly rushed to the hot search on Weibo

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It's your wallet! From today, there is a change!
It's your wallet! From today, there is a change!
It's your wallet! From today, there is a change!
It's your wallet! From today, there is a change!
It's your wallet! From today, there is a change!

In recent years, there has been a rapid development of paid websites or apps

Many platforms only offer content and services to members

Along with this, there is an auto-renewal mechanism

It often becomes a trap that consumers can trigger if they are not careful.

At the beginning of this year, some media reported that some consumers spent 0.1 yuan to open a VIP membership on a video platform for 7 days, and was later automatically renewed until June this year, and nearly 100 yuan was deducted before and after.

The consumer said that after the expiration of the 7-day membership, the platform automatically renewed 29 yuan, extending the membership rights for one quarter; On March 13 this year, the platform automatically renewed 68 yuan again. "After the 7-day membership service expired, I didn't open this video software again, and I accidentally checked the payment history and realized that I had been paying money."

As early as 2019, a media survey showed that more than 70% of the 50 popular paid software had hidden the consumption trap of "automatic renewal" in the monthly and annual service packages of members. On a well-known complaint platform, the number of complaints with "automatic renewal" as the search item has skyrocketed from more than 30,000 in 2020 to 148,000 today. In this regard, many consumers ask why the auto-renewal, which can be turned on with one click, cannot be turned off with one click?

In addition, many apps deliberately set up barriers to prevent users from canceling their subscription from auto-renewal, such as not providing a clear path to cancel, or requiring users to go through tedious steps to terminate the renewal.

It's your wallet! From today, there is a change!

Source: "Xinhua Viewpoint" WeChat public account

The membership subscription page of a software shows that consumers only have 3 payment options if they want to subscribe to a membership, and they can't choose auto-renewal

However, the good news is finally here!

As the first supporting administrative regulation of the Consumer Rights Protection Law, the Regulations for the Implementation of the Consumer Rights and Interests Protection Law will come into force on July 1. It mentions that if a business operator provides services by means of automatic extension or automatic renewal, it shall draw the attention of consumers in a conspicuous manner before consumers accept the services and before the dates of automatic extension or automatic renewal.

This means that if a merchant provides services through automatic extension or automatic renewal, it must not only inform in advance, but also draw the attention of consumers to it in a conspicuous manner, so that consumers can authorize the deduction of fees on a fully informed basis each time.

These steps will teach you to turn off auto-renewal completely

Please check for yourself

I'm sure you'll be able to use it


It's your wallet! From today, there is a change!

From today onwards, these new rules will affect your life

It's your wallet! From today, there is a change!
It's your wallet! From today, there is a change!

Source: Metropolis Express, People's Daily

Editor: Jin Yiming

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