
The auto-renewal feature has changed from today! It's about your wallet

author:Inner Mongolia online rumor refutation platform

In recent years, there has been a rapid development of paid websites or apps, and many platforms only provide content and services to members for profit. As a result, a large number of users have to subscribe to membership services, but the auto-renewal mechanism has frequently become a trap that consumers can trigger if they are not careful.

If there is no reminder, the fee will be directly deducted, and the unsubscription entrance cannot be found...... These have become a "worry" for consumers

The auto-renewal feature has changed from today! It's about your wallet
The auto-renewal feature has changed from today! It's about your wallet

As early as 2019, a media survey showed that more than 70% of the 50 popular paid software had hidden the consumption trap of "automatic renewal" in the monthly and annual service packages of members. On a well-known complaint platform, the number of complaints with "automatic renewal" as the search item has skyrocketed from more than 30,000 in 2020 to 148,000 today.

In this regard, many consumers ask why the auto-renewal, which can be turned on with one click, cannot be turned off with one click?

Previously, the reporter found in the actual experience that some merchants have checked the "automatic deduction" function by default on the interface of opening paid services, and most of them are displayed in smaller words, and consumers may be "tricked" if they do not pay attention to them in daily use. Moreover, the unsubscribe entrance of this kind of service is generally hidden deeply, the reporter tossed and turned in the mobile phone for more than ten minutes without success, and had no choice but to call the customer service phone to unsubscribe, but the customer service phone needs to wait in line, and the process can be described as time-consuming and labor-intensive.

The auto-renewal feature has changed from today! It's about your wallet

The membership subscription page of a software shows that if consumers want to subscribe to members, there are only 3 payment options, and the automatic renewal is not available Source: "Xinhua Viewpoint" WeChat public account

However, the good news is finally here!

As the first supporting administrative regulation of the Consumer Rights Protection Law, the Regulations for the Implementation of the Consumer Rights and Interests Protection Law came into force on July 1.

It mentions that if a business operator provides services by means of automatic extension or automatic renewal, it shall draw the attention of consumers in a conspicuous manner before consumers accept the services and before the dates of automatic extension or automatic renewal.

This means that if a merchant provides services through automatic extension or automatic renewal, it must not only inform in advance, but also draw the attention of consumers to it in a conspicuous manner, so that consumers can authorize the deduction of fees on a fully informed basis each time.

How Do I Disable Auto-Renewal?

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The auto-renewal feature has changed from today! It's about your wallet
The auto-renewal feature has changed from today! It's about your wallet
The auto-renewal feature has changed from today! It's about your wallet
The auto-renewal feature has changed from today! It's about your wallet
The auto-renewal feature has changed from today! It's about your wallet

Source: "People's Daily Science Popularization" WeChat public account

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