
Beware of myopia treatment "artifact" scams! Keep "little eyes" away from "small glasses"

author:Jiaxiang Fusions

The summer vacation is coming, and the related products labeled as "myopia prevention and control" have been crowned with many effects, attracting the attention of parents, and sales have also increased. What is the effect of these "miracle medicines" and "artifacts"? Let's look at the reporter's investigation.

"Myopia prevention and control" products are selling well, can myopia be cured?

Ms. Chai's daughter is highly myopic in order not to affect the child's learning. In recent years, Ms. Chai has tried various "home remedies" online and offline.

Citizen Ms. Chai: There are all kinds of things, I see that the advertising slogan says "one sticker is clear", "no money if you don't recover", and I am still very impressed. If you don't think it's expensive anyway, let your child try it.

The reporter found that on many e-commerce platforms and social platforms, all kinds of children's vision care products can be seen everywhere. Eye protection, telescope, reverse shooting...... The reporter randomly clicked on a store and found that its main product eye protection device advertised as "anti-myopia amblyopia astigmatism", etc., and there were many buyer comments in the comment area of the product, all of which said that "the child's power has completely decreased after use, and the vision has returned to normal". When the reporter asked the customer service whether the use of the product could restore vision, the merchant said that "according to the situation, it is possible to restore normal vision within more than four months to half a year after using it." Is this really the case?

A product called "Lutein Serum" advertised as "Designated Product of Ophthalmic Hospital and Pharmacy", and when the reporter asked about the relevant effects, the other party said that this essence can slowly retract the eye axis after daily use, and it can return to normal power after use. However, when the reporter inquired about its relevant business license, it was found that the registered company of the store was a clothing store in Wuhan.

So, can myopia be cured?

Song Hongxin, Deputy Director of the Ophthalmology Medical Optometry Center of Beijing Tongren Hospital: The main reason for myopia now is long-term close eye use. After a long time, when the degree of myopia increases, the eye axis is elongated. However, in the current state of science and technology, we do not yet have an effective means to shorten the eye axis and make myopia better, so any claim that it can cure myopia, cure myopia, and nemesis myopia is a lie.

Investigate and deal with false and illegal advertisements for myopia prevention and control products in accordance with law

In response to the false publicity and chaos of myopia prevention and control products on online platforms, the State Administration for Market Regulation recently announced that it will investigate and deal with false and illegal advertisements of myopia prevention and control products in accordance with the law, continue to rectify advertisements that confuse true and false myopia, and use expressions such as "rehabilitation", "recovery", "reduction of degree", "myopia cure", "myopia buster" and "prescription repair" to mislead consumers.

Prescription drugs to delay the progression of myopia in children are sold on the Internet

Low-concentration atropine sulfate is a prescription drug that delays the progression of myopia in children, and is known as the "miracle drug for myopia" in the circle of parents of myopic children. But recently, the reporter found on social platforms that this prescription drug was sold at will on the Internet.

On social platforms and online shopping platforms, the reporter found a lot of links to purchase low-concentration atropine sulfate eye drops, and in addition to clearly indicating the method of use, the instructions also indicated that they are limited to the prescription of doctors. But when the reporter asked if it was possible to place an order directly, the other party said that it was "sent back by direct mail, and you can place an order by adding WeChat". On another online shopping platform, some purchasing agents use the obscure "0.01% old customer exclusive" as the shopping link, when the reporter asked whether it was possible to place an order directly, the other party sent the relevant use requirements to remind the customer that he could directly place an order for delivery.

So, are low-concentration atropine sulfate eye drops suitable for all myopic children?

Fu Jing, Director of Strabismus and Pediatric Ophthalmology, Beijing Tongren Hospital: First of all, it is not suitable for all people, and secondly, it should be aimed at children with myopia. Parents don't check their child and don't know his status, so they give him atropine, so the use of atropine must be carefully examined by a doctor and purchased after a prescription.

Medical staff suggested that after the occurrence of myopia, eye drops alone cannot completely solve the problem, but only provide a means of control. Low-concentration atropine sulfate eye drops are not only not suitable for everyone, but can also cause harm to children if abused.

Fu Jing, Director of the Department of Strabismus and Pediatric Ophthalmology, Beijing Tongren Hospital: For example, if he has other diseases that affect regulation, not only is myopia not controlled, but other diseases may be aggravated, which will affect the discovery, diagnosis and treatment of other diseases.

Keep "little eyes" away from "small glasses"

How to protect the "bright" future of children? Here are the relevant questions that parents are most concerned about, and ask the medical staff to answer their questions.

In children and adolescents, the axial length is in the development stage, how often should vision be screened to effectively prevent and control myopia?

Song Hongxin, Deputy Director of the Optometry Center of Beijing Tongren Hospital: There are several indicators that need to be paid attention to, one is his vision, the second is the degree of his myopia, and the third is the patient's eye axis. We recommend that your child be screened for myopia, vision and eye axis every 3 to 6 months.

My child has myopia-related symptoms, how to correct them correctly?

Fu Jing, Director of Strabismus and Pediatric Ophthalmology, Beijing Tongren Hospital: After arriving at the hospital, you have to go through a visual examination, as well as an examination of eye parameters, mainly the eye axis, as well as the curvature of the corneal lens.

Since low-concentration atropine sulfate eye drops can delay the progression of myopia in children, does the child not need to wear glasses for correction?

Fu Jing, Director of the Department of Strabismus and Pediatric Ophthalmology, Beijing Tongren Hospital: The instillation of low-concentration atropine only delays the progression of myopia, and cannot correct the existing prescription. If he didn't wear glasses, he still couldn't see clearly. And for myopia to wear glasses, we know that undercorrection and foot correction, foot correction glasses are conducive to delaying the progression of myopia, if you say that you don't wear glasses, that is the biggest undercorrection.

If the child is short-sighted, there is no hurry, just have an operation when he grows up. Is it true?

Song Hongxin, Deputy Director of the Ophthalmology Medical Optometry Center of Beijing Tongren Hospital: For high myopia, one-third of people may have different degrees of fundus lesions, so once they develop into high myopia, it will cause irreversible lesions in the fundus, which will permanently affect vision. Even if surgery is done, the fundus is still these problems, and it cannot improve the fundus problem, so it does not mean that the child has myopia, do not worry, it is good to have surgery at the age of 18, it is not good, the fundus state of myopia is maintained for life.

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