
Really convinced! Women's basketball 63:78 Belgium, 5 asked Zheng Wei Oh, fans and friends, have you heard? The women's basketball team's match with Belgium was a big surprise

author:Samurai Ogawa

Really convinced! Women's basketball 63:78 Belgium, 5 questions Zheng Wei

Oh, fans, have you heard? The battle between the women's basketball team and Belgium was a big surprise! 63:78, as soon as this score came out, I was really convinced! Our women's basketball girls, what's going on? A series of questions went directly to head coach Zheng Wei!

First of all, I have to talk about this Liu Yutong. This girl, young and energetic, is like a new star, shining. However, Coach Zheng Wei didn't use her, but chose the experienced old center Sun Mengran. At this moment, the fans stopped doing it, and questioned one after another: "Liu Yutong is such a good seedling, why don't you use it?" Does the coach have any special considerations? "Oops, as soon as this question comes out, it's like throwing a big stone into the hearts of the fans, heavy!

Let's talk about the warm-up performance of our women's basketball team. Oh, that's hard to put into words! Lose, lose, or lose! The fans were cold and worried: "In such a state, can you still enter the top four?" Our women's basketball girls, haven't you woken up yet? "Oh, this questioning voice is simply a piece of snowflakes, floating down one after another, making people's hearts tremble!

Also, some of our players' form has declined by a star! It's a cliff-like slide! The fans were distressed and discussed: "In such a state, can you still go to the Olympics?" Our women's basketball girls, do you have to adjust quickly? "Oops, as soon as this topic came out, it was like sprinkling a handful of salt into the hearts of the fans, and it hurt so much!

There are even more people who said directly: "The overall level of our Chinese women's basketball team has declined, and the peak period has passed!" "Oh, as soon as these words came out, it was like sticking a knife into the hearts of fans! Fans have raised questions about Coach Zheng Wei's coping strategy: "Coach, you have to think of a way quickly!" Our women's basketball girls, you can't just sink like this! ”

Finally, there are still people who worry about whether our women's basketball team has stepped into the footsteps of the women's volleyball team. Oh, that's a real taste for people! Fans said: "Our women's basketball girls, you can't play to the end with a lineup!" You have to have a fighting spirit! Technology has to keep up! "Oh, this worry is simply a dark cloud, shrouded in the hearts of fans!

Oh, having said so much, I'm also full of emotion! Our girls in the women's basketball team, what the hell is wrong with you? Why are there so many questions and worries? Coach Zheng Wei, you have to stand up and say something quickly! Fans are waiting for your response and solution!

Netizens also exploded! Some netizens said: "Coach Zheng Wei, you have to quickly adjust the lineup and tactics!" Our women's basketball girls can't just sink like this! "Oh, this netizen, you're so right! Our women's basketball girls, but our pride! You can't just give up so easily!

Some netizens said: "Our women's basketball girls, are you too nervous? Relax! Winning or losing is not the most important thing! The important thing is to play our spirit and fighting spirit! "Oh, this netizen, you said it so well! Our women's basketball girls, but our babies! Winning or losing is really not the most important thing! The important thing is that we see your hard work and hard work!

However, some netizens expressed concern: "Our women's basketball girls, is there too much pressure?" If you lose all the way in this warm-up game, your confidence is about to be lost! "Oh, this netizen, you're so right! Our women's basketball girls, but our hope! Confidence can't just be lost! Coach Zheng Wei, you have to cheer them up quickly!

Oh, having said so much, I'm also anxious for our women's basketball girls! What the hell happened to them? Why are there so many questions and worries? Coach Zheng Wei, you have to stand up and say something quickly! Give the fans a clear response and solution!

What I want to say is, our women's basketball girls, but our pride and hope! They are fighting the field, but they are the most beautiful scenery in our hearts! So, we need to give them more support and encouragement! Let them be able to sweat and passion on the field!

At the same time, I also have to talk about our head coach Zheng Wei. Oh, Coach Zheng Wei, you are the leader of our women's basketball team! Every decision and command you make directly affects the trend and results of our women's basketball team! So, you have to stand up! Give the fans a clear response and solution! Let our women's basketball girls regain their confidence and fighting spirit! Shine again on the field!

Oh, having said so much, I'm also full of emotion! Our women's basketball girls, you are our pride and hope! Although you lost to Belgium in this game, we can't deny your hard work and dedication because of this! At the same time, we also have to see your problems and challenges! So, let's work together! Give more support and encouragement to the girls of the women's basketball team! So that they can shine again in future competitions! At the same time, we are also looking forward to Coach Zheng Wei being able to give a clear response and solution! Let our women's basketball girls regain their confidence and fighting spirit! Create brilliance again on the field! Come on! Our girls basketball team! You guys are the best!

Really convinced! Women's basketball 63:78 Belgium, 5 asked Zheng Wei Oh, fans and friends, have you heard? The women's basketball team's match with Belgium was a big surprise
Really convinced! Women's basketball 63:78 Belgium, 5 asked Zheng Wei Oh, fans and friends, have you heard? The women's basketball team's match with Belgium was a big surprise
Really convinced! Women's basketball 63:78 Belgium, 5 asked Zheng Wei Oh, fans and friends, have you heard? The women's basketball team's match with Belgium was a big surprise

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