
"Riding the Wind 2024" Chen Haoyu won the championship, and Qi Wei became a foil?


If you want to say who is the biggest dark horse of "Riding the Wind 2024" this year, it is Chen Haoyu and Chen Lijun, one won the championship of this season in the finals, and the other won the third place and was named Person of the Year. And Qi Wei, the most famous of all the sisters at the beginning, won the fourth place and became the X-Leader!

"Riding the Wind 2024" Chen Haoyu won the championship, and Qi Wei became a foil?

Why did Qi Wei go from being the loudest sister to becoming a foil in the end?

If you have been chasing "Riding the Wind 2024" from the beginning, then you probably know that when the third season of "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves" announced the news of Qi Wei's joining, it is certain that many of the initial fans of the show are going to Qi Wei. Looking at this season's sister group, you will know that as a multi-faceted artist in the entertainment industry, Qi Wei is particularly prominent among all the sisters, with her unique personality, solid singing skills and excellent acting skills, she is not only the acting school in the hearts of the audience, but also has the identity of a singer with her masterpieces "Bund 18", "If Love Forgots" and other songs.

"Riding the Wind 2024" Chen Haoyu won the championship, and Qi Wei became a foil?

The show is also because of this, Qi Wei always "focuses on the object" at the beginning of the show, far ahead on the camera, and the occasional sentence in the show can also rush to the hot search, which is enough to see that Qi Wei is the bet object at the beginning of the wind.

However, there is always a spell in Chengfeng: Mango Terrace can always suppress the wrong treasure.

Referring to Wang Xinling's season, the audience will find that with the later trend of other sisters, the further down the show, Qi Wei's shots will gradually decrease, and she is no longer the king of lenses, and even fans still need to find a star in the corner.

"Riding the Wind 2024" Chen Haoyu won the championship, and Qi Wei became a foil?

This reminds people of the phrase "unloading the mill and killing the donkey". But is that really the case? Looking back on Qi Wei's previous performances, you may be able to find the answer to this question.

At the beginning, the audience had expectations for Qi Wei, after all, the popularity and strength were there, but after the first stage performance, some audiences had questions: Is Qi Wei's level like this?

Qi Wei's original performance of the first stage "Seven", although she said that she wanted to express herself through this song, but the audience can only remember her extremely beautiful figure and the "seven" in the treble part of the whole stage, and the others can be said to be none, even if this stage won the second place in the audience, it also received the highest evaluation, but in the hearts of the audience, the first stage is still discounted.

After that, the first male individual, the second male individual, the third male individual, the fourth male individual, the fifth male second, and the fourth in the finals (the above data are all from the Internet query, if there is any discrepancy, please point out).

"Riding the Wind 2024" Chen Haoyu won the championship, and Qi Wei became a foil?

Just looking at the data, Qi Wei's previous performances have always been the top three, and the audience thought that it would be like this until the finals, and in the show, Qi Wei has been leading the team as the captain, and the team has achieved good results, but who would have thought that the final exam would be the worst result in the entire season of the show, it is difficult not to regret it.

It can be seen from the show that as the captain, Qi Wei is responsible to a certain extent, but from all the performance stages, Qi Wei seems to have triggered the reaction force so strongly.

"Riding the Wind 2024" Chen Haoyu won the championship, and Qi Wei became a foil?

Some netizens summarized Qi Wei's performance in the whole season:

From the first stage to Wugong, Qi Wei seems to be escorted by the program team, the original song of the first stage is unsatisfactory, and she also won the second place in the audience, and the wind evaluation is not good. From the first to the fifth public, he has been the captain and led the team, and his personal popularity ranking has never fallen out of the top three, but there was a mistake in the martial arts test. In addition, the program team took good care of her in the early stage, and the rebound in the hearts of the audience was strong, resulting in her not only not improving her coffee position after she became Sister Lang, but also her popularity became much worse.

The words are not rough, and the side shows how Qi Wei has become a "foil" step by step from the C position, although the existence of other sisters who are called dark horses is also questioned by netizens, but Qi Wei has both strength at the beginning and others have a bonus in the end, but she has become a situation of reducing her holdings, which is really embarrassing.

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