
Xiangyou Qianzhong · Liuzhi Special Economic Zone Huajiao Village丨Buyi Village, the fruity fragrance is full of countryside

author:Guizhou weekend home tour station

In the summer countryside

The natural fragrance of melons and fruits is lingering

A breeze blows

The fruity aroma is mouth-watering

Xiangyou Qianzhong · Liuzhi Special Economic Zone Huajiao Village丨Buyi Village, the fruity fragrance is full of countryside

Liuzhi Special Zone, Huajiao Village


Xiangyou Qianzhong · Liuzhi Special Economic Zone Huajiao Village丨Buyi Village, the fruity fragrance is full of countryside

Huajiao Village, Langdai Town, Liupanshui Special Economic Zone: Located in the east of Langdai Town, Liupanshui Special Economic Zone, 80 kilometers away from the urban area of Liupanshui City, 32 kilometers away from the People's Government of Liuzhi Special Economic Zone, 25 kilometers away from Huangguoshu, a national 5A-level scenic spot, and 31 kilometers away from the Qiqijiang Scenic Area. The transportation in the village is convenient, and the Shuihuang high-grade highway passes through. The culture of ethnic minorities is strong, the protection of ethnic culture is good, the traditional space is continued, and cultural excavation and inheritance are emphasized. There are traditional folk dance performances, paper-cutting, embroidery, batik, oil ball production and other Buyi ethnic customs and culture. In 2023, Huajiao Village will be selected as the "Fifth Batch of Provincial Rural Tourism Key Villages" in Guizhou.

Ethnic customs

Xiangyou Qianzhong · Liuzhi Special Economic Zone Huajiao Village丨Buyi Village, the fruity fragrance is full of countryside
Xiangyou Qianzhong · Liuzhi Special Economic Zone Huajiao Village丨Buyi Village, the fruity fragrance is full of countryside

Source: Liupanshui Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism

The sixth day of the sixth month of the lunar calendar is the annual festival of the Buyi people, which is very grand, and there is a saying that "the sixth day of June is a small year". Every year on the sixth day of June, every family in the Buyi village is busy killing chickens, cooking meat, making zongzi, and eating cups of rice, and the whole village presents a joyful festival scene.

Fruit picking

Xiangyou Qianzhong · Liuzhi Special Economic Zone Huajiao Village丨Buyi Village, the fruity fragrance is full of countryside

Source: Liuzhi Rong Media

Xiangyou Qianzhong · Liuzhi Special Economic Zone Huajiao Village丨Buyi Village, the fruity fragrance is full of countryside

Source: Liupan Shuilangdai Agricultural Industrial Park

Now is the grape ripening season, in the vineyard, between the dense branches and leaves, bunches of grapes like pearls hanging on the branches, fruity aroma, into the grape picking garden of Huajiao Village, many tourists come to pick and taste, take pictures and play, enjoy the idyllic scenery. You can also pick fruits such as kiwifruit.


Lang Dai Ancient Town

Xiangyou Qianzhong · Liuzhi Special Economic Zone Huajiao Village丨Buyi Village, the fruity fragrance is full of countryside
Xiangyou Qianzhong · Liuzhi Special Economic Zone Huajiao Village丨Buyi Village, the fruity fragrance is full of countryside

Source: Guizhou Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism

Since ancient times, Langdai has been the only place to pass through the ancient post road of Yunnan and Guizhou, and because of its superior location, convenient transportation and rich cultural heritage, it has also been the commercial service and cultural center of the surrounding towns. Lang Dai has long been "outside the control" of the imperial court. In ancient times, the six branches belonged to the core area of the Yelang Kingdom, and after the fall of the Yelang Kingdom, it was subordinated to the Muqi County. After the Northern and Southern Dynasties, it was subordinated to Shuixi Tusi (Luo Dianguo), and the Yuan and Ming dynasties implemented the Tusi system here. Before the Qing Dynasty, it was the Tusi land of the Long family, called the Lang Dai lawsuit. Today's Daishan Academy also restored and built the Tusi Temple, and erected the Longbang Tusi statue to commemorate.

Xiangyou Qianzhong · Liuzhi Special Economic Zone Huajiao Village丨Buyi Village, the fruity fragrance is full of countryside
Xiangyou Qianzhong · Liuzhi Special Economic Zone Huajiao Village丨Buyi Village, the fruity fragrance is full of countryside

Source: Guizhou Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism

Walking into the ancient town of Langdai, it is simple and elegant, giving people a quiet and peaceful feeling. Walking in the alley, the hustle and bustle of the city suddenly melted away, as if returning to ancient times, reproducing the life scenes of the Ming and Qing dynasties. Houying Village, where Langdai Ancient Town is located, was selected as the "Third Batch of Provincial Rural Tourism Key Villages" in Guizhou in 2021.

Qiqi River Scenic Area

Xiangyou Qianzhong · Liuzhi Special Economic Zone Huajiao Village丨Buyi Village, the fruity fragrance is full of countryside

Source: Liuzhi Special Economic Zone Bureau of Culture, Sports, Radio, Television and Tourism

Xiangyou Qianzhong · Liuzhi Special Economic Zone Huajiao Village丨Buyi Village, the fruity fragrance is full of countryside

Source: Colorful Guizhou Cultural Cloud

Located in the west of the Liuzhi Special Economic Zone, the Qiqi River Scenic Area is in the capital area of the ancient Yelang country, and is the birthplace of the ancient country of Qiqi and the ancient country of Yelang. Relying on the gorge, pastoral, water scenery and heavy Yelang culture, the scenic spot has built a tourist resort integrating landscape sightseeing, lake fishing, cultural experience, sports and leisure, and characteristic vacation.

Xiangyou Qianzhong · Liuzhi Special Economic Zone Huajiao Village丨Buyi Village, the fruity fragrance is full of countryside
Xiangyou Qianzhong · Liuzhi Special Economic Zone Huajiao Village丨Buyi Village, the fruity fragrance is full of countryside

Source: Picture Worm Creative

The unique topography of the Qiqi River provides a unique venue for paragliding. The take-off site is high and the vertical drop is suitable. The gently undulating slopes and the wide and flat lake allow paragliders to take a glimpse of the great rivers and mountains of the motherland while soaring into the blue sky.

# Accommodation recommendations

Cloud on the Clouds Hotel

Xiangyou Qianzhong · Liuzhi Special Economic Zone Huajiao Village丨Buyi Village, the fruity fragrance is full of countryside

Source: Guizhou Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism

Yunshang Qiqi Hotel is located in Liuzhi Qiqi River Scenic Area, surrounded by mountains, strange mountains and beautiful waters, with beautiful scenery. Open the curtains, it is the beautiful scenery of the Qiqi River, here, watching the sunrise and sunset, the clouds rolling up, it is definitely a wonderful enjoyment.

# Gourmet specialties

Lang Dai jelly

Xiangyou Qianzhong · Liuzhi Special Economic Zone Huajiao Village丨Buyi Village, the fruity fragrance is full of countryside

Source: Guizhou Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism

Lang Dai jelly is a common special food on the street of Liuzhi, the main ingredient is cold powder made of rice milk, with soybeans, Lang Dai sauce, rock foot vinegar and other condiments, sour and delicious.


Xiangyou Qianzhong · Liuzhi Special Economic Zone Huajiao Village丨Buyi Village, the fruity fragrance is full of countryside

Source: Guizhou Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism

In the land of Langdai, the process of making sauce has been passed down from generation to generation through the Langdai people. People use high-quality wheat, glutinous rice, well water, and salt as raw materials, and collect the sun of Futian, the cool dew of the autumn night, and the dew of the long sun to refine the Lang Dai sauce. Lang Dai sauce has a rich flavor and unique taste, and has become an important symbol of the local area.


By car:

1. From Guiyang City - Shanghai-Kunming Expressway - Shuihuang Highway - Huajiao Village, about 2 hours and 30 minutes by car.

2. From Liupanshui City - Shuihuang Highway - Huajiao Village, 1 hour and 55 minutes by car.

High-speed rail: Guiyang North Railway Station - Liuzhi South Railway Station.

Xiangyou Qianzhong · Liuzhi Special Economic Zone Huajiao Village丨Buyi Village, the fruity fragrance is full of countryside

The breeze is blowing, and the fresh taste of the mountains and wilderness is savored

In the summer heat, taste the sweetness of fruits

Content source: Guizhou Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism original debut

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