
Electric bikes start fires! Punishment is coming!

author:Beautiful Red Bridge

At about 4 o'clock in the morning on May 21, an electric bicycle parked in an open space outside a residential building in Jianye District, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province caught fire and burned 3 electric bicycles and multiple bicycles parked in the open space. Due to the timely rescue, fortunately there were no casualties.

Electric bikes start fires! Punishment is coming!
Electric bikes start fires! Punishment is coming!

According to the responsibility of the fire and rescue department, resident Chen Moujing's illegal "flying wire charging" of electric bicycles caused the fire. The police gave Chen Moujing an administrative detention punishment in accordance with the law.

Electric bikes start fires! Punishment is coming!


The number of electric bicycles in mainland China is on the rise

While bringing convenience to our lives

Fire accidents are also often caused

"Flying wire charging" is one of the hidden dangers

Case Alerts

Electric bikes start fires! Punishment is coming!
Electric bikes start fires! Punishment is coming!

On May 4, 2023, a fire broke out in a residential building in Yicheng District, Zhumadian City, Henan Province. It was preliminarily determined that the cause of the fire was caused by the illegal "flying wire charging" in the corridor by the residents of the community, and 2 residents in the building were smoked and burned, and 9 electric bicycles were burned.

Electric bikes start fires! Punishment is coming!

On March 16, 2023, in Taizhou, Jiangsu, a citizen was "flying wire charging" at the door of the unit, and a fire was caused by a line failure. An e-bike caught fire and affected a neighboring vehicle, and the flames spread quickly with the help of the wind, and 17 vehicles were ignited within two minutes.

Electric bikes start fires! Punishment is coming!

At about 19 o'clock on August 21, 2021, Zou, a citizen of Changsha, parked his electric bicycle with a battery modified without permission in the corridor next to a dormitory in Tianxin District, where he rented, connected the power strip from the rental room, and pulled the charging cable to the corridor to charge the electric bicycle, and then returned to the rental house to rest. At about 23 o'clock on the same day, the electric bicycle caused a fire due to a charging failure, causing residents of the same building to die after being burned by Cheng, Zhang, and Wu. On March 25, 2022, the Changsha Intermediate People's Court made a second-instance ruling on this case of fire caused by illegal charging in accordance with the law, convicting Zou of the crime of arson and sentencing him to three years and six months in prison.

Electric bikes start fires! Punishment is coming!

What is "Flying Wire Charging"?

"Flying wire charging" means:

through tow strips, etc

Dangerous behavior of charging an e-bike

Electric bikes start fires! Punishment is coming!
Electric bikes start fires! Punishment is coming!

The dangers of "flying wire charging".

1. Ablation of the charging plug plate. The power of the power strip is not selected, and it is easy to ablate when used, and once it is overloaded, it may cause a fire, and even a vehicle fire.

2. Leakage. "Flying wire charging" is not like using a charging pile, and it is inevitable that some people will not pay attention to the situation of electric shock when touching. Secondly, it will also face the situation of short circuit of the socket when it rains and snows, which brings potential safety hazards to charging.

3. Harm to others. More than a dozen meters of wires were thrown down from the window of the upper floor to charge the electric bicycles parked downstairs, and once overloaded, it would cause burning and fire, and the residents who passed by the flying line would also suffer.

This is the correct charging

Electric bikes start fires! Punishment is coming!

1. The charging time is reasonable. The charging time should not be too long, and the electric bicycle is generally controlled within 8 hours. Charging is best carried out during the day, parked at the centralized charging pile in the community, and supervised by a special person. Electric scooters and balance bikes must read the instructions carefully and charge them according to their specified time.

2. Use the original charger, never mix chargers or buy inferior chargers.

3. Be sure to stay away from flammable materials when charging, and place the charger in a place where heat can easily be dissipated.

4. A special charging distribution box should be set up in the charging area, and the charging device should have the functions of timing power off, overload protection, short circuit protection, and leakage protection.

5. Do not pull the wire to charge privately, and charge at the regular electric bicycle charging place.

Electric bikes start fires! Punishment is coming!

A reminder from a blue friend

Electric bicycles are parked indiscriminately, "flying wire charging"

Harm others and yourself

For your safety and the safety of others

Here are a few things to keep in mind!

Electric bikes start fires! Punishment is coming!
Electric bikes start fires! Punishment is coming!

(Source: "Tianjin Fire Protection")

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