
The Hong Kong SAR Government awarded the award, Andy Lau was awarded the Silver Bauhinia Star for his "upgrade"!

author:Southern Metropolis Daily

According to reports, the Hong Kong SAR government announced a new list of honours and appointed Justices of the Peace, a total of 502 people have been awarded medals and awards by the Chief Executive this year, and there are many celebrities and athletes who have won the award, among which Andy Lau was awarded the Silver Bauhinia Star, which is his second honor after being awarded the Bronze Bauhinia Star in 2016; The 92-year-old artist Hu Jixiu (Hu Feng) was awarded the Bronze Bauhinia Star.

As early as 2004, Andy Lau was awarded the Medal of Honor, in 2008 he was appointed as an Unofficial Justice of the Peace, and in 2016 Andy Lau was awarded the Bronze Bauhinia Star. This time, he was upgraded again and was awarded the Silver Bauhinia Star.

The Hong Kong SAR Government awarded the award, Andy Lau was awarded the Silver Bauhinia Star for his "upgrade"!

Andy Lau has helped the Hong Kong SAR government shoot promotional videos many times.

The 62-year-old Andy Lau is not only an actor and singer, but also a lyricist, producer and producer, and has won many actor awards. The HKSAR Government's commendation speech reads, "Mr Lau has been engaged in acting for more than 40 years and is well-known in the entertainment industry. Known as one of the 'Four Kings' of Hong Kong music, he has appeared in more than 170 films and won numerous awards, and was elected Vice Chairman of the China Film Association in 2024. Over the years, Mr. Lau has been awarded the Silver Bauhinia Star for his devotion to public welfare, supporting the development of sports for people with disabilities, and establishing a charitable foundation to support the underprivileged. ”

The Hong Kong SAR Government awarded the award, Andy Lau was awarded the Silver Bauhinia Star for his "upgrade"!

In addition, 92-year-old veteran actor Hu Kaixiu (Hu Feng) was awarded the Bronze Bauhinia Star. The HKSAR Government has commended him for his dedication to promoting care for the elderly in the community, and he is one of the most popular actors in Hong Kong, having appeared in hundreds of films and TV dramas over the past 70 years.

The Hong Kong SAR Government awarded the award, Andy Lau was awarded the Silver Bauhinia Star for his "upgrade"!

Hu Feng was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award at the 41st Hong Kong Film Awards.

Hu Jixiu said in an interview with Hong Kong media: "Happy, really happy. He said that he had received a notice of the award from the SAR government two weeks ago and would immediately share the joy with his family, but did not celebrate in particular. He said he didn't expect to be awarded. In recent years, Hu has been awarded the "World Outstanding Chinese Artist" and the "Lifetime Achievement Award at the 41st Hong Kong Film Awards".

A Government spokesman said that the recipients of honours and awards come from different walks of life and backgrounds and have made significant contributions to Hong Kong in various sectors and sectors of the community, including public and social services, education, health and public health, finance, industry and commerce, innovation and technology, philanthropy, culture and arts, sports, housing, transport, construction and urban development, environment, religion, labour and welfare, women and youth affairs, and professional services. The Chief Executive expressed his heartfelt thanks and congratulations to all the awardees and hoped that they would continue to make the most of their talents and serve the community in their fields.

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