
60.49% of ETF funds closed up today, and 70 of them rose more than 2%

author:Securities Times

The total turnover of ETF funds in the whole market today was 99.429 billion yuan, and among the non-currency ETF funds, 568 rose and 303 fell.

According to the statistics of Securities Times and Databao, as of the close of trading on July 1, there were 966 ETF funds in the whole market, with a total turnover of 99.429 billion yuan, and according to the statistics of different types, the total turnover of stock funds was 39.845 billion yuan, the total turnover of bond types was 24.261 billion yuan, the total turnover of currency types was 22.529 billion yuan, the total turnover of QDII was 11.053 billion yuan, and the total turnover of commodity types was 1.741 billion yuan.

Among the non-currency ETF funds, 568 closed up today, accounting for 60.49%, 70 rose by more than 2%, and the real estate ETF (159768) closed up 5.87%, leading today's gains, and the top gainers were Huabao CSI 800 Real Estate ETF (159707), ChinaAMC CSI All-Index Real Estate ETF (515060), and CSI All-Index Real Estate ETF (512200), up 5.86%, 5.03%, and 4.50% respectively. There were 303 stocks that fell today, accounting for 32.27%, and the top decliners were Harvest SSE Science and Technology Innovation Board Biomedical ETF (588700), Internet 50 (517050), Invesco Great Wall CNI New Energy Vehicle Battery ETF (159757), etc., down 1.36%, 1.36%, and 1.36% respectively.

According to the statistics of fund types, all ETF funds that rose by more than 2% today are equity. (Datatreasure)

Non-currency ETF fund gainers

code abbreviation Closing Price (RMB) Change (%)
159768 Real estate ETFs 0.505 5.87
159707 Huabao CSI 800 Real Estate ETF 0.560 5.86
515060 ChinaAMC CSI All-Index Real Estate ETF 0.585 5.03
512200 CSI All-Index Real Estate ETF 0.441 4.50
159616 CCB CSI Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Theme ETF 0.666 3.74
515220 Cathay CSI Coal ETF 1.278 3.40
159745 Cathay CSI All-Index Building Materials ETF 0.548 3.20
159652 CUAM CSI Subdivision Non-ferrous Metals Industry Theme ETF 0.884 2.91
516750 Wells Fargo CSI All-Index Building Materials ETF 0.604 2.90
516670 China Merchants CSI Animal Husbandry ETF 0.642 2.88
516760 Ping An CSI Animal Husbandry ETF 0.625 2.80
159880 Colored 50 1.035 2.78
159930 CUAM CSI Energy ETF 1.544 2.66
159865 Cathay CSI Livestock Farming ETF 0.589 2.61
516780 Rare earth ETFs 0.831 2.59
159715 E Fund CSI Rare Earth Industry ETF 0.555 2.59
159867 畜牧ETF 0.596 2.58
561330 Cathay CSI Nonferrous Metals Mining Theme ETF 0.954 2.58
159787 E Fund CSI All-Index Building Materials ETF 0.601 2.56
512190 The river phoenix 1.703 2.53
159713 Wells Fargo CSI Rare Earth Industry ETF 0.613 2.51
561510 Chinese medicine 1.033 2.48
159522 Invesco Great Wall CNI 2000 ETF 0.831 2.47
561700 Bosera CSI All-Index Power Utilities ETF 1.122 2.47
159698 Grain ETFs 0.790 2.46
159647 Traditional Chinese Medicine ETF 0.975 2.42
159945 GF CSI All Index Energy ETF 1.230 2.41
159625 Harvest CNI Green Power ETF 1.193 2.40
562550 ChinaAMC CSI Green Power ETF 1.157 2.39
560580 CSI All-Index Electric Utilities ETF 1.126 2.36

Non-currency ETF fund decliner ranking

code abbreviation Closing Price (RMB) Change (%)
588700 Harvest SSE STAR Market Biomedical ETF 0.796 -1.36
517050 Internet 50 0.507 -1.36
159757 Invesco Great Wall CNI New Energy Vehicle Battery ETF 0.436 -1.36
159736 Tianhong CSI Food & Beverage ETF 0.657 -1.35
588880 Science and Technology Innovation Index 0.695 -1.28
588120 Cathay SSE STAR Market 100 ETF 0.724 -1.23
159637 A leading ETF for new energy vehicles 0.483 -1.23
159840 Lithium battery ETF 0.423 -1.17
159806 Cathay CSI New Energy Vehicle ETF 0.425 -1.16
159755 GF CNI New Energy Vehicle Battery ETF 0.530 -1.12
515030 ChinaAMC CSI New Energy Vehicle ETF 0.982 -1.11
511090 Pengyang China Bond - 30-Year Treasury Bond ETF 113.481 -1.10
159852 Harvest CSI Software Services ETF 0.543 -1.09
588220 STAR 100 ETF Fund 0.725 -1.09
515230 Cathay CSI All-Index Software ETF 0.551 -1.08
511130 Bosera SSE 30-Year Treasury Bond ETF 101.601 -1.06
159966 ChinaAMC ChiNext Low Volatility Value ETF 0.386 -1.03
561010 Huaan CSI All-Index Software Development ETF 0.699 -0.99
516380 Huabao Smart Electric Vehicle ETF 0.612 -0.97
588190 Science and Technology 100 0.724 -0.96
159836 Tianhong ChiNext 300 ETF 0.624 -0.95
159899 China Merchants CSI All-Index Software ETF 0.538 -0.92
159767 IB CNI New Energy Vehicle Battery ETF 0.434 -0.91
560000 SPDB AXA CSI Smart Electric Vehicle ETF 0.543 -0.91
159529 景顺长城标普消费精选ETF(QDII) 1.093 -0.91
516590 E Fund CSI Smart Electric Vehicle ETF 0.767 -0.90
516980 Quam CSI Securities Company Vanguard Strategy ETF 0.770 -0.90
562930 E Fund CSI Software Services ETF 0.555 -0.89
159775 CCB CNI New Energy Vehicle Battery ETF 0.449 -0.88
588330 Huabao Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurship Leading ETF 0.452 -0.88

Note: This article is a news report and does not constitute investment advice, the stock market is risky, and investment should be cautious.