
Voice of the Masses丨Parking Difficulties in the Community: Going Home is a Matter - The Second in a Series of Social Discussions on the Problem of "Difficult Parking and Chaotic Parking".

author:Handan News Network

There are many pain points in urban public life, among which parking can be called the pain of the pain. Since June 28, Handan Daily has launched a series of reports on the social discussion of "parking difficulties and parking chaos". Recently, the reporter visited a number of communities in our city, visited the pain points of "parking difficulties and parking chaos" in the community, listened to the voices of the masses, and looked for solutions to the parking difficulties in the community.

Reasonable planning of parking spaces in the community and standardization of fees

Living in some communities where there are not enough parking spaces, parking seems to be a practice - it can take years to queue for a fixed parking space, and when there is no fixed parking space, parking can only rely on "grabbing". As a result, parking is not only the last step before driving home, but also has a serious impact on the living experience and neighborhood relationships.

"The most headache is the parking problem in the community, the cars in the community are next to each other, which is not only easy to have vehicle scratches, but also easy to have the problem of vehicles blocking the road." Speaking of the problem of difficult parking in the community, Ms. Liang Cuihua, who lives in Pearl Garden, is full of complaints.

"The community was built in 2004, when there were not many private cars, so the community built a garage on the first floor of each building, and there was no underground garage." Liang Cuihua told reporters that with the continuous increase in the number of private cars, the owner's demand for parking spaces has gradually increased, and the property has expanded the parking space by optimizing and adjusting the green space of the community.

"Although the parking spaces have been expanded, they still cannot meet the parking needs of the owners." Liang Cuihua said that at present, more than 200 parking spaces in the community have been rented, and owners who still need parking can only park their vehicles on the side of the road in the community, and even some car owners will park directly in the middle of the road.

"There are more and more cars in the community, and although I have a garage, I am still prone to being blocked by other vehicles." Ms. Liang believes that there are two main reasons for this problem: one is that there is still a shortage of parking spaces in the community, and the other is that the property management in the community is not strict in entering and exiting the vehicle.

"Vehicles entering the community only need to register the license plate number and other information at the gate, and the vehicle information can be entered into the system to enter and exit the community, and only 50 yuan a year vehicle entry and exit fees are charged." Ms. Liang suggested that the number of cars entering the community could be further reduced by appropriately raising the toll standard and verifying vehicle information. "Of course, it would be a better solution if parking lots could be built around the community to meet the parking needs of owners."

Revitalize the stock and improve the efficiency of parking spaces

"You move your car, delay me from opening the door." "Hello, can you come and get out of the car?" At 7:50 a.m. on June 29, Zhang Jun, who opened a shop near the Huadu community in Hancheng, began "preparations" before going to work — calling the owner of the vehicle parked in front of his store.

There is a sidewalk in front of Zhang Jun's shop, and there is no parking space, but there are still many vehicles that choose to park here.

"Most of the car owners parked in front of the store are the owners of the nearby community, and after the phone call, the car owners will generally move the vehicle within half an hour." Zhang Jun told reporters that most vehicles will have the owner's phone on the front windshield, but occasionally there will be no phone or the owner will not get down and move the car after the call.

In this case, Zhang Jun can only choose to wait, pay attention to the dynamics of the car owner at any time in the store, and when the car owner comes to drive, go out to remind the car owner not to park the vehicle in front of the store during the day next time.

"My shop is open from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. I don't mind if the owner parks the vehicle on the sidewalk in front of the door after the store closes, but if the vehicle is parked in front of the door during the day, it does affect business. Zhang Jun admits that he usually parks a few electric vehicles on the sidewalk in front of the store during the day to prevent other cars from parking in front of the door.

"Isn't there a parking space in the community?" Hearing the reporter's question, Zhang Jun said that the community was opened in 2014, and a large number of parking spaces were designed in the early stage of construction. ”

"Why do vehicles still park randomly in a parking lot?" In this regard, the reporter conducted another investigation, and many car owners who parked on the sidewalk said that they were only renting a house nearby, and did not know that the nearby garage provided parking space rental services. "If there's a parking space rental nearby, I'm willing to park in a paid parking lot, because it's relatively safe."

Another part of the public said that although they know that the garage in the community provides rental services, the minimum term of garage rental is one year. "I don't often park around here, so if there's a monthly rental, or a pay-per-use service, then I'll choose to park my car in the garage."

Let the parking spaces flow

I can't find a parking space for half an hour when I go home at night, and I have to move the car for half a day when I go out in the morning...... In many communities where parking spaces are tight, especially in some old communities, "it is difficult to return to home" and "it is difficult to get out of the door" are the problems that residents have to face.

"Every time I drive out, I am very anxious, and I hurry to my home after finishing my errands, for fear that I will not be able to find a parking space when I go home late, because parking is difficult, I have considered commuting by electric bicycle." Ms. Yue, a citizen who lives in No. 16 Xinchunchang Street, said frankly that because of the difficulty and chaos of parking near the community, she is ready to move.

"There are not many parking spaces in the community itself, and there are often tricycles and electric bicycles occupying car parking spaces, which makes it even more difficult for residents to park their cars." Ms. Yue told reporters that unlike the difficulty of parking in the community, there are still some free parking lots around.

The reporter learned that the idle parking lot mentioned by Ms. Yue is the internal parking lot of the surrounding enterprises and institutions, which prohibits foreign vehicles from entering, and the idle rate is very high after 6 o'clock every night and holidays.

"Can we make the parking spaces of surrounding enterprises and institutions flow, and use the existing parking lots to build 'staggered shared parking spaces'." Ms. Yue believes that most communities have a large demand for night parking, while the parking lots of some agencies, enterprises and institutions are idle at night, and staggered sharing can be described as "the right medicine".

"In addition to the construction of 'staggered sharing parking spaces', can the relevant departments strengthen the management of 'zombie cars'." Ms. Yue said that she found that some of the back streets and alleys or inside the community have more or less the problem of "zombie cars", these "zombie cars" are covered with dust, wipers and body are damaged to varying degrees, and even some vehicle tires are deflated.

"The 'zombie car' stays for months, even years, and not only occupies limited parking resources, but also has potential safety hazards." Ms. Yue believes that the management of "zombie cars" also needs more relevant mechanisms and policy support, such as improving the regulations and procedures for the scrapping of motor vehicles, and encouraging car owners to eliminate old cars through "trade-in".

Parking seems to be a "trivial matter", and the urban planning and human-vehicle relationship refracted behind it are all issues worthy of attention and consideration.

In the course of the interview, many interviewees believe that creating a civilized and orderly travel environment requires the cooperation and support of every citizen, and the general public should consciously develop good travel habits, abide by traffic order, standardize parking, and jointly maintain the image of a civilized city. After all, buying a car is to live a better life, and parking well is the first step to driving well.

Handan News Media Center reporter Wang Mengjie

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