
"Upgrading and Transformation of Village and Town Industrial Clusters" Series Report (9): Timian Town will revitalize the "industrial heritage", and the old factory will be transformed into a high-end hotel

author:Guangzhou Huadu released

Editor's note: At present, the whole district of Huadu is concentrating on fighting a "tough battle" for the upgrading and transformation of village and town industrial agglomeration areas, providing land element support for the development of new quality productivity.

In order to carry out in-depth publicity work, the District Financial Media Center planned a series of reports on the "Upgrading and Transformation of Village and Town Industrial Clusters", and conducted in-depth publicity on the great significance, policy measures, implementation paths, and progress results of the upgrading and transformation of village and town industrial clusters, so as to create a good atmosphere of public opinion.

"Upgrading and Transformation of Village and Town Industrial Clusters"

Series 9:

Terrace Town Revitalizes "Industrial Heritage"

The old factory will be transformed into a high-end hotel

At present, the preliminary design plan of the hotel has been completed in advance, and the planning adjustment, real estate confirmation and other related work are being stepped up. We are confident in the future development of the project. A few days ago, at the site of the 1108 factory in Hongshan Village, Timian Town, a cooperation agreement was reached with Hongshan Village to jointly promote the transformation and construction of the project, and Gu Weibiao, chairman of the Huadu District New Union and chairman of Guangdong Gugu Investment Group Co., Ltd., said the development layout and construction goals in an interview.

The core of the "Millions and Millions Project" is industry leadership

With the in-depth promotion of the "Millions of Projects".

Rural development has ushered in unprecedented opportunities

Hongshan Village, Timian Town

Known as "the most beautiful village in Guangzhou", Hongshan Village, Timian Town, is a small mountain village with strong Hakka style, with beautiful water and green mountains, beautiful environment, with a lot of attractions and retained the remains of Pangu King, the remains of Hongsheng Ancient Temple, the Japanese garrison trenches during the Anti-Japanese War, etc., in recent years, it has won the "National 3A-level Tourist Attraction" and "National Ecological Demonstration Village" and other awards, and its popularity has been rising, and it has become the first choice for outings and rural tours. Especially during the rape flower festival every year, a large number of tourists come to enjoy the flowers. However, due to the lack of high-end hotels and restaurants in the village, even if there is a certain amount of tourism popularity, it cannot retain tourists' accommodation and consumption, which restricts the further development and growth of the local rural economy, which is also a major pain point in realizing rural revitalization.

"Upgrading and Transformation of Village and Town Industrial Clusters" Series Report (9): Timian Town will revitalize the "industrial heritage", and the old factory will be transformed into a high-end hotel

In addition to the unique natural scenery and cultural heritage of Hongshan Village, there are 1108 factories in the village, which is in response to the call of the times of "preparing for war and preparing for the people" and "good people and good people are good at the third line" in the 60s of the last century, and the branch opened by the Guangzhou Electric Wire Factory, as early as 1980 due to policy adjustment, the whole factory personnel withdrew to the urban area of Guangzhou and stopped production, and the plant is owned by the Hongshan Village collective, which has a history of more than 60 years.

"Upgrading and Transformation of Village and Town Industrial Clusters" Series Report (9): Timian Town will revitalize the "industrial heritage", and the old factory will be transformed into a high-end hotel

Since the beginning of this year, Huadu has launched a "tough battle" for the upgrading and transformation of village and town industrial agglomeration areas, and the United Front Work Department of the District Party Committee has actively supported the new social strata to carry out the "Millions of Projects" in depth. In the process of docking with Timian Town to explore the project of "Strengthening the Town and Prospering the Village and Benefiting the People", after many investigations, the backbone of the District New Federation finally "matched" the old industrial plant of 1108 Factory in Hongshan Village, and decided to invest in transforming it into a high-end rural resort hotel, and implemented the cooperation framework agreement signed with the Hongshan Village Committee of Timian Town at the second general meeting of the District New Federation held in November 2023. Gu Weibiao introduced

"It's beautiful here and around, with waterfalls, streams, mountains, farmland, just used as a warehouse, and we think it's too wasteful. It just so happens that there are a group of members engaged in high-end hotel catering in the new association, and after discussion, we decided to upgrade the 08 factory, positioning it as a high-end rural resort hotel, and we are full of confidence in the project. ”

"Upgrading and Transformation of Village and Town Industrial Clusters" Series Report (9): Timian Town will revitalize the "industrial heritage", and the old factory will be transformed into a high-end hotel

It is understood

The renovation area of the project is more than 100 acres


The building area of the hotel is about 16,000 square meters

There are 132 guest rooms and a high-end restaurant

"Upgrading and Transformation of Village and Town Industrial Clusters" Series Report (9): Timian Town will revitalize the "industrial heritage", and the old factory will be transformed into a high-end hotel


The mountains around the hotel project will be optimized

Large-scale replacement of miscellaneous trees from the original mountain

A variety of flower and fruit trees suitable for planting in the southern climate

Moreover, the "Tongxin Road" greenway was built to create a "new terraced forest" landscape

The entire investment scale is expected to exceed 200 million yuan

In order to promote the activation and reuse of inefficient old factories and achieve quality and efficiency improvement, Timian Town has set up a special work class to serve investment promotion, actively communicate and coordinate with higher-level functional departments, and provide the greatest guarantee in the preliminary work such as land rights confirmation, regulation adjustment, and handling of construction land use certificates.

"Upgrading and Transformation of Village and Town Industrial Clusters" Series Report (9): Timian Town will revitalize the "industrial heritage", and the old factory will be transformed into a high-end hotel

Gu Weibiao said

As the Timian Town Government and the local village community, as well as the District Planning and Resources and the United Front Work Department of the District Party Committee, they are very supportive of this project, and at present, the preliminary design plan of the hotel has been completed in advance, basically adopting the Han and Tang architectural styles, and the planning adjustment, real estate confirmation and other work is being accelerated. "The previous tenants will not move out until August 30, and they will be handed over to us in early September, and we will quickly start construction." Deng Weidong, Secretary of the Party Branch of Hongshan Village

The 1108 factory building was originally leased to an enterprise as a warehouse, and the annual rental income was only more than 10 yuan, and the efficiency was low.

"After the introduction of the project, it is expected to bring more than 1 million yuan of rental income to the village collective every year, and at the same time, it will drive local and nearby villagers to achieve employment and increase income at their doorsteps." Deng Weidong said that in addition to promoting the income of the collective and villagers, the implementation of this project will play a good role in improving the appearance and tourism environment of our entire village, and will attract more tourists to come for sightseeing and consumption. Li Weiquan, a villager from the four communities of Hongshan Village

"Enterprises come to us for development, give our village such a great support, as a villager must be vigorously supported, I believe that other villagers in Hongshan Village will also vigorously support enterprises to come to Hongshan Village to invest and develop, and there will be more good days in the future."

"Upgrading and Transformation of Village and Town Industrial Clusters" Series Report (9): Timian Town will revitalize the "industrial heritage", and the old factory will be transformed into a high-end hotel

With the implementation of the hotel project

It will inject new momentum into the accelerated development of cultural tourism in Terrace Village

In the future, Hongshan will also usher in a beautiful transformation

"Vision Map" of Rural Revitalization of "Village Beauty, Strong Industry, and People's Wealth"

It will become a happy and beautiful "real picture"

Source: Huadu District Rong Media Center

Photo: Yao Riwen, Chen Lin, Correspondents, Su Zhixue, Chen Yanmei

Edit: Dream Fulfillment

Reviewer: Xie Huiyu and Wu Minna

Proofreader: Jia Yu Peng Tianyang

Review: Deng Biyan

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