
2024 Consumption New Upgrade Industry Insight Report - Those tracks that are not deeply involved in the price war

author:Industry Report Think Tank

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Abstract: In this rapidly changing year of 2024, the changes in the consumer market once again verify the old saying: only change is the eternal theme. While many industries are struggling to survive in the red sea of price wars, some discerning tracks have quietly opened up a new channel for consumption upgrading, leading the vane of consumption trends.

The report shows that in the seemingly saturated battlefield of skin care, an upgrade of "exquisite life" is quietly staged. Brands have keenly captured consumers' desire for skin health, and have launched luxury skin care sets of more than 1,000 yuan, redefining the standard of high-end skin care with the perfect combination of technology and nature. These sets not only pursue naturalness and efficiency in terms of ingredients, but also make a big fuss about packaging and service, using strategies such as "one more get one free" and "customized service" to meet the dual expectations of modern consumers for personalized and distinguished experiences. Under the dual upgrade of quality and service, the facial skin care track is jumping out of the quagmire of price war with an elegant attitude, leading consumers to the "new luxury era" of skin care.

If there is anything that can dominate the fashion circle, it must be national style clothing. Inspired by a unique oriental aesthetic, it skillfully blends tradition and modernity to create a wearing experience that is both culturally rich and fashionable. In the price range of 500 to 1,000 yuan, Guofeng clothing has won a warm response from the market with its exquisite fabrics, exquisite craftsmanship and creative design. The young generation of consumers' sense of identity and pride in the national tide culture makes the national style clothing not only a piece of clothing, but also a display of cultural attitudes, leading the new trend of fashion.

In the traditional concept, middle-aged and elderly women's clothing always seems to be labeled as "practical more than beautiful", but this phenomenon is being quietly broken. Younger consumers are taking the initiative to choose clothing for their elders, and they are more inclined to buy clothing with a strong sense of design and aesthetic trends, such as delicate suits and comfortable sweaters. This change not only reflects the deep friendship of the younger generation for the family, but also gives new vitality to the middle-aged and elderly women's clothing market, proving that no matter how old you are, fashion and beauty cannot be disappointed.

In the fast-paced modern world, beverages are no longer simply a thirst quenching choice, but a symbol of health, personality and quality. Consumers are becoming more discerning about their beverage choices, prompting brands to launch mid-to-high-end products in the 10 to 50 yuan price range, attracting customers with natural ingredients, low sugar and health, unique tastes and exquisite packaging. The combination of this wave of "health trend" and "personalized customization" has allowed the beverage industry to ride the wind and waves in the tide of consumption upgrading, showing unlimited market potential.

In the wave of digital education, electronic education products, especially learning machines, are being iteratively upgraded at an unprecedented speed. From the high-definition large screen and eye-protection design of the hardware to the AI intelligent tutoring and personalized resource recommendation of the software, the learning machine accurately hits the urgent needs of parents and students for efficient learning tools with the dual improvement of "hardware + software". Behind the price upgrade is parents' firm belief in their children's future investment, as well as their deep expectation that technology will change education.

Excerpts from the report are set out below

2024 Consumption New Upgrade Industry Insight Report - Those tracks that are not deeply involved in the price war
2024 Consumption New Upgrade Industry Insight Report - Those tracks that are not deeply involved in the price war
2024 Consumption New Upgrade Industry Insight Report - Those tracks that are not deeply involved in the price war
2024 Consumption New Upgrade Industry Insight Report - Those tracks that are not deeply involved in the price war
2024 Consumption New Upgrade Industry Insight Report - Those tracks that are not deeply involved in the price war

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