
Listen | Ambulance driver live drag racing, no matter how good his driving skills are, he will "overturn"

author:Elephant News Client

Commentator: Qiu Yanbo

The traffic is charming to the eye, and the live broadcast is confusing. Fans give courage and drag racing regardless of themselves.

Recently, it was rumored on the Internet that an ambulance driver in Shenzhen was racing while live streaming while driving. The video spread quickly on the Internet and appeared on the hot search on multiple platforms. In the video, a blogger suspected of being an ambulance driver overtook several times during the live broadcast, and forcibly changed lanes even at the double yellow solid line and the fishbone solid line. He said that "I surpassed it as if I was playing", and bluntly said that his overtaking behavior was "fans gave me courage".

Listen | Ambulance driver live drag racing, no matter how good his driving skills are, he will "overturn"

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On June 30, the official WeChat account of the Shenzhen traffic police announced that in response to the video of the ambulance driver's live drag racing on the Internet, the Shenzhen traffic police department attached great importance to it and quickly carried out investigation and processing. After investigation, at about 12 o'clock on June 29, the driver Wang Moumou (male, 38 years old) drove an ambulance (there was no patient in the car) on a highway in Shenzhen. At present, the driver Wang Moumou has been administratively detained by the traffic police department in accordance with the law for chasing normal vehicles and disrupting driving order.

Ambulances are life-saving. When you encounter an ambulance on the road, give it the right to give it priority passage, which is a respect for life, and now the ambulance has become a tool to attract traffic? Under the live broadcast of Wang Moumou, the ambulance has become a tool for him to show off and pursue traffic. He ignores traffic laws and disregards the safety of his life, regards every acceleration and overtaking as his own bragging capital, looking for false satisfaction in the world of traffic.

Listen | Ambulance driver live drag racing, no matter how good his driving skills are, he will "overturn"

Driving an ambulance to live drag racing on the highway is a blatant violation of professional ethics and an extreme disregard for the dignity of life. He forgot that every ambulance dispatch carried the hopes and expectations of each family; He forgets that every time he speeds, he can become an unbearable burden on other people's lives. He only has the empty traffic and likes in his eyes, ignoring the most basic responsibilities and missions as an ambulance driver. Wang's case is not isolated. In the wave of the Internet, some people sacrifice their hue to play a side game, some people make a fool of themselves and engage in vulgar performances, some people incite antagonistic emotions to engage in fake patriotism, and some people fabricate "scripts" to live broadcast and fight, these people do not hesitate to take risks and leave morality and law behind. They are either for temporary vanity, or for the interests behind them, and they are becoming slaves of traffic without knowing it.

"Fans give me courage" reflects the excessive pursuit of fame and fortune in today's society and the continuous challenge of the moral bottom line. In an era where traffic is king, people seem to be more willing to pursue things that bring short-term pleasure and satisfaction, while turning a blind eye to things that are truly valuable and meaningful. This distortion of values not only makes people lose their awe and respect for life, but also makes the bottom line of social morality constantly be broken.

Listen | Ambulance driver live drag racing, no matter how good his driving skills are, he will "overturn"

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Relevant platforms should strengthen the supervision of such live broadcasts, and do not allow such illegal videos that blatantly violate traffic rules to be widely disseminated, so as to avoid misleading the public and causing harm to society.

Relevant departments should also strengthen the management of practitioners in special industries, improve their quality, and prevent them from doing irrational things to please fans. The society should establish a more perfect supervision mechanism, and carry out stricter assessment and supervision of such special practitioners, so as to prevent them from abusing their special status to carry out all kinds of illegal acts, let alone causing serious consequences.

The flow is like a floating cloud, and life is as heavy as a mountain. Live broadcast is not child's play, safety is the bottom line. When anyone is pursuing fame and fortune, do not forget public order and good customs, do not forget the dignity of life, and do not forget the importance of safety. Otherwise, no matter how good the driving skills are, they will "roll over".

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