
Israel fears two things the most, the big war is coming! The League of Arab States suddenly changed its mind

author:Peak Military Watch

The phrase "judging the situation" is apt to describe the current state of mind of the Israeli military. Listening to the Israeli military's rhetoric, it is extremely tough, even if external military aid is completely cut off, the Israeli army will go north to Allah forces in Lebanon. As an endorsement of war deterrence, the Israeli army is also moving troops and heavy weaponry to the country's northern border. However, the tough rhetorical deterrence corresponds to the timing of the Israeli military's repeated push-off of military operations. It has now been a week since the "June 24 deadline" revealed by the Israeli army, but the Israeli army is still making preparations.

Israel fears two things the most, the big war is coming! The League of Arab States suddenly changed its mind

In fact, since the outbreak of the conflict in Gaza, Israel has created a humanitarian crisis and is facing increasing international pressure. U.S. allies have had to suspend military aid to Israel in an attempt to force it to resolve the current crisis as the U.S. wants. However, the United States is wrong this time, and instead of stopping the attack on Gaza, the Israeli military and Netanyahu are also opening a second battlefield on the northern border and in southern Lebanon.

Israel fears two things the most, the big war is coming! The League of Arab States suddenly changed its mind

The United States still hears its strategic warnings. The United States has warned its allies that if a war is waged in southern Lebanon, it could lead to the military involvement of Iran and other related countries, the consequences would be unimaginable. From Israel's point of view, if it attacks southern Lebanon, there are only two things to worry about. The first is that the Arab countries are "united" and the guns are unanimous. The second is that Syria, which has the most geo-military and strategic value, if it enters the war, will link Iraq and Iran together and form a strategic channel to support a long-term war.

Israel fears two things the most, the big war is coming! The League of Arab States suddenly changed its mind
Israel fears two things the most, the big war is coming! The League of Arab States suddenly changed its mind

What Israel did not expect was that on the eve of the big war with Allah in Lebanon, the two worst fears became reality. First, the League of Arab States suddenly changed its attitude and "took off its hat" to Allah in Lebanon. The Deputy Secretary-General of the League of Arab States, Hussem Zaki, announced that the member States of the League had reached an agreement not to list the Lebanese "Allah" party as a "terrorist organization" recognized by the organization. This is tantamount to legally clearing the way for the Arab League to provide military assistance to Lebanon in the future.

Israel fears two things the most, the big war is coming! The League of Arab States suddenly changed its mind

Second, Syria, which has been trapped by the intervention of external forces for more than a decade since the outbreak of the civil war, has simply opened its diplomacy after the outbreak of the Gaza conflict. In addition to reinstating the membership of the Arab League, it has just shaken hands with Turkey. Erdogan, in his statement to Assad on the normalization of relations between Syria and Turkey, said that there is no reason not to establish diplomatic relations between the two countries. By stabilizing the security posture along the Turkish-Syrian border in northern Syria, the Syrian army will be able to cooperate with the Lebanese Allah forces in the Golan Heights.

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