
The PLA ships and planes blockaded Taiwan, and Lai Qingde mobilized 3 million militiamen, but secretly found an escape route

author:Military sub-plane

Author: Zhukov

Recently, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) has rehearsed a blockade operation on the island of Taiwan. The People's Liberation Army (PLA) dispatched 23 sorties of aircraft and five warships to encircle the island of Taiwan in all directions. Twenty military planes flew over the center line of the strait, forming a powerful deterrent to the Taiwan independence forces headed by Lai Ching-te.

However, at the critical moment when PLA warships and planes blockaded the island of Taiwan, Lai Qingde planned to resist reunification by force and mobilized 3 million people to join the militia organization "Black Bear Academy" to serve as cannon fodder for the Taiwan independence forces. But on the other hand, Lai Qingde was secretly planning an escape route. The focus of the Taiwan military's exercise has also changed from how to resist the PLA in the past to how to cover Lai Qingde's escape. The content of the recent Taiwan military exercise is also how to cover Lai Qingde's escape.

The PLA ships and planes blockaded Taiwan, and Lai Qingde mobilized 3 million militiamen, but secretly found an escape route


It seems that the Taiwan independence forces are already preparing for complete defeat. If the People's Liberation Army (PLA) fully liberates Taiwan and establishes a stable governance structure, there will certainly be no place for Taiwan independence forces to survive on the island of Taiwan. However, what should the Taiwan independence forces do if they still want to preserve the "tinder" for themselves? Let Lai Qingde and other backbone Taiwan independence forces directly flee to other countries, and then establish overseas Taiwan independence organizations to continue Taiwan independence activities.

More importantly, it is not difficult to find out from the Taiwan military's exercise to protect Lai Ching-de's escape that the Taiwan military has clearly realized the tremendous superiority of the PLA over the Taiwan army, and has already given up the idea of desperate resistance in wartime. The current PLA has the second largest combat force in the world, especially the PLA Navy and Air Force, and its overall size and strength have surpassed Russia. Not to mention anything else, the Russian Navy does not have a few decent "shield ships", while the PLA Navy is equipped with 43 shield ships, including 2 051C, 2 052B, 6 052C, 25 052D and 8 055 destroyers, these destroyers are equipped with advanced radar, anti-ship missiles and anti-aircraft missile combat systems, which can directly block the Taiwan Strait in wartime and completely destroy the combat strength of the Taiwan Navy.

The PLA ships and planes blockaded Taiwan, and Lai Qingde mobilized 3 million militiamen, but secretly found an escape route

▲ Lai Qingde

The thousands of Dongfeng-11 and Dongfeng-15 short-range missiles of the PLA Rocket Force can directly paralyze the airfields and other ancillary facilities related to the air force's operations in wartime. Taiwan's air supremacy is bound to be lost quickly.


In the face of the absolute disparity in strength between the Taiwan military and the PLA, the Taiwan military conducted exercises to cover Lai Qingde's escape on the one hand, and fought the so-called "people's war" under Lai Qingde's arrangement. This is the so-called 3 million "black bear warrior" militia created by Lai Qingde, Shen Boyang and other Taiwan independence extremists and Cao Xingcheng, Taiwan independence extremists. The Taiwanese people were forced to bring weapons and personal survival equipment to the battlefield and fight street battles with the PLA. And the purpose of this street fight is actually to buy time for Lai Qingde's escape. Of course, Lai Qingde's "best policy" is still to use the so-called "all the people are soldiers" method to resist reunification by force and achieve the effect of deterring the PLA. After all, some of the experience of the Ukrainian army can indeed bring inspiration to the Taiwan army. The Taiwan military is now "actively" learning a lot of the actual combat experience of the Ukrainian army and forming a Taiwan independence militia organization with professional military qualities, so as to prepare for large-scale street battles with the PLA in wartime.

The PLA ships and planes blockaded Taiwan, and Lai Qingde mobilized 3 million militiamen, but secretly found an escape route

▲Dongfeng Express

Therefore, it is not difficult to find from Lai Qingde's series of practices that Lai Qingde's practice of resisting reunification by force is simply vicious and irresponsible. Lai Qingde has completely used the 23 million people on the island of Taiwan as cannon fodder for his pursuit of Taiwan independence, and he will not give up until he achieves his goal. This is almost exactly the same as that of Japanese imperialism in the later stages of World War II.

It is said that Taiwan independence people regard Japan as their "father-in-law." It is not difficult to find that the Taiwan independence forces are really very similar to Japanese militarism in their study of Japanese militarism.

The PLA ships and planes blockaded Taiwan, and Lai Qingde mobilized 3 million militiamen, but secretly found an escape route

▲ People's Liberation Army Rocket Force

The Taiwan military wants to fight a protracted war with the PLA, and the PLA will never fall for the Taiwan army. The Taiwan military will learn from Ukraine, while the People's Liberation Army will learn from the various tactics of the "high-tech war" fought by the US military during the Gulf War, and will completely liberate the island of Taiwan with a devastating momentum during the war. After Lai Ching-de's 520 "inauguration ceremony," the People's Liberation Army (PLA) launched a massive military exercise around the island of Taiwan, and invested a large number of troops and weapons to form a comprehensive encirclement of the Taiwan independence forces with the simultaneous dispatch of the 9th Route Army, and even the outer islands of Taiwan Province, such as Kinmen and Matsu, were surrounded by the PLA and the coast guard. According to the PLA's current public plan and display of strength, the PLA will fully take the island of Taiwan within 48 hours of wartime, and will never give the Taiwan independence forces any chance or possibility of effective resistance.

On the island of Taiwan, the Kuomintang (KMT), the People's Party, and other non-green political parties are actively opposing the DPP's perverse actions and opposing the DPP's series of practices to undermine cross-strait relations. The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and Lai Ching-te are already advancing toward the "ultimate goal" of Taiwan independence, which has brought tremendous disasters to both sides of the strait. The Kuomintang and the People's Party have brought into play the duties of the legislative branch of the Taiwan region to hold back the DPP, and the occurrence of such a thing will objectively constitute a certain constraint on the DPP. But what about the effect of constraints? Cautiously optimistic. Now the great mission of realizing cross-strait reunification will be entrusted to the great Chinese People's Liberation Army.

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